Sitting here this morning and thinking about what's taking place in our country and trying to decide what's more reprehensible, the ongoing stupidity emanating from Washington D. C., or the theatrical hodgepodge of garbage rising from the streets in reference to the various Police Departments across the United States and the attacks they are having to endure.
First of all, let's get something as clear as possible! I believe these attacks are an orchestrated attack on the stability of our nation, these are not random happenstances. There are forces that exist for but one purpose and that is to destroy this country from within, and there are but two sources of these attacks.
The most widely accepted perpetrator being, regardless of what Obama says, is called The Muslim Brotherhood who, even though shrouded in the theatrical dressing of a “Peaceful religion promoting love and kindness throughout the world, are nothing more than xenophobic fanatics willing to decimate the world if the world does not bend to their version of anything especially their religion. To those in the Muslim world that do not hold true to these fanatics, I apologize, but you will have to take the wrap for the behavior of the scum element of your faith. We in America have the same, though not as politically powerful as your version, ours is called “The Westboro Baptist Church, which no more represents the Baptist faith than does the Muslim Brotherhood represent the Muslim faith.
The second and most despicable in my estimation is the Liberalism (Socialistic, Communistic, Marxist [whichever you choose to call it]) which pervades the fabric of the United States. It is these I consider to be the more dangerous simply because they like their counterparts in the Muslim Brotherhood have devalued life to the point where everyone and everything that does not agree with their doctrine is “EXPENDABLE!”
Do I mean they are willing to sacrifice life for their diseased concepts, yes, that is exactly what I mean. And how is this purpose to be accomplished, it nothing new, in fact their methods have not changed in thousands of years. Do you want an example, read the unblemished history of two cities in the days of antiquity that remains faithful to it's origins that being Sodom and Gomorrah, now, mind you , not the Hollywood version of the story, the biblical version which has proven to be far, far more accurate.
What do we see in this story, the short version? A thumbnail of today, rampant social upheaval in respect of authority, sexuality, anarchy, and it goes on an on and on throughout all facets of society from the financially elite to the beggars in the streets.
Now, did this just happen? I don't hardly think so! Here's my take on this situation, and believe me it is repetitive throughout history. Sometimes for a period, it succeeds, but for the most part it fails, time after time it fails.
So, let's look at it under a microscope, remember these are my views, though again history has proven them without reservation.
The people who cause these circumstances to be have been called many things, from the Illuminati, to the Elite, they are in every nation within the framework of government, they also reside in the financial structure of any country on the face of the earth, these are the ones who believe themselves to be “Above the law.” They are nothing more than manipulators who want what they want and care less about what happens to anyone else. And they do exist make no mistake about that.
Now how do they do what they do, let's look at someone in the public eye that does this someone who according to his own mouth does it “Because it's fun” it's called “Social Manipulation” and it practitioner is named George Soros, a billionaire who just loves to screw things up while he profits from his machinations. The methods are always the same without equivocation, promote dependence through entitlements, remove the impasses to those entitlements, promote the malaise in reference to a sense of accomplishment “Just relax everything will be given to you, you don't have to do anything, we'll take care of you” increase the entitlement mindset, “You deserve this, you are worth it, you are the central figure, YOU, YOU, YOU. You can do what you want, Do it Your way, be the Individual, demand your wants. Then pull the rug out from under them by giving them the bill, when they realize they can't pay it step in to rescue them, at a price of course. And if you cant see that, you're blind as well as stupid, and that what they count on, you're greed, you're blindness, you're stupidity.
How does this play out on the stage of life.
The first thing to go is the identity of an individual, a family, neighborhood, a community, a city, a county, a state, a country. Without identity, we are nothing. Next comes our civic structure, the limits by which we have described how we live as a community, our mores, our morals, what is acceptable, what we believe, teach, and live. Take that away, half the battle is won.
Post identity destruction, they go after civic structure which is inclusive of dissatisfaction with appointed governing bodies through the extremities for example, attack the ability of a citizen to voice differences with appointed officials, cast the one's responsible for our safety, Police, fire, first responders in a light of storm troopers out for nothing other that enforcement of rules that supersede rights, and when there is a question shoot first and ask later, use a media to encourage social unrest, (He who controls the information controls all). When there is no order, there is anarchy, use firebrand rhetoric and demand a version of justice that is nothing more than vigilantism and vengeance oriented, nothing is more effective that stirring the emotional pot to frenzy mode to cause riot and disorder, and the ones who fall for it are the ones who have no idea of critical thinking, they just react like a heard of uneducated animals and the provocateurs like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and others of that ilk who again do nothing but stir the pot. We have white Supremacists, we have Gay Pride, we have Atheists, all who try to change the face of this country and we let them do it, for example there is a woman who is an attorney who allegedly suppresses evidence to gain status, There is a woman who is alleged to have run a terrorist action from her position in the IRS against citizens of this country who did not meet with the approval of some in government. Then let the disdain of the people elected to serve the general public cloud everything in order to gain the wants of those who have been elected. Here's a question to ponder, what would our lives be like without the police without firemen and women without first responders, what would we have,
the only alternative that would fit here is Martial Law, where you have no rights at all, you do as you are told or else!!! Remember Nazi Germany, how about the middle east today?
Next comes the infrastructure of a nation, letting it deteriorate to the point of ruin, Detroit for example, how many roads are in need of repair right now, how many bridges, how many cities, how many centers of industry have been abandoned and left to rot, how much of our infrastructure revenues from taxes have gone to surreal items rather than repairing what we already have. How do you view our financial status, our educational status, our economic status, how do you see the United States of America right now. America, it is only a matter of time until we become the next third world country.
The Liberalism that infects our country has succeeded in eroding the foundations of our freedom, our identity, our pride as a country using every trick in their handbag of destruction and they are succeeding in staying above the fray they cause. America it's time to get them in the limelight and make them responsible for their actions, we have the tools, we have the authority, but do we have the desire and courage. The courage of our convictions, of our identity. Do we have what is necessary to again be the light on the hill the example to the world of what citizens can accomplish, or do we fade into oblivion the choice is yours America Here are the tools, are you willing to use them?
A believing American who still cares
Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and business is a recipe for disaster.
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