Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States #3

What was that I said about throwing our morals out the window?

Seems our beloved Supreme Court has twice in one week ignored the will of the people and went ahead with the demands of the Liberal Agenda. Shame isn't our nation has now taken another step towards it's death knell, “ain't that just peachy keen?”

So now, Obama and his henchmen including those on the Supreme Court tell you how to get Medical Insurance, even though it goes against free enterprise and your choice, and on top of that it is now legal in all 50 states for same sex marriage, also going against the Bill of Rights in the interference of the freedom to worship as you choose, How did that go no government shall pass laws that infringe of the freedom to practice religion? Just a minor thing ---RIGHT?

Here's a question, in the case of Obama Care, where are the subsidies going to come from, care to take a guess?


In the case of same sex marriage what happens to the moral code of churches, and what happens when one refuses to comply, will churches go to jail? Or in the venue of the IRS will they loose their status as a non-taxable entity?

Your guess is as good as mine.

An American who still cares

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