Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 13

Why are we seeing this, why is Donald Trump 11 points up on the closest member of the GOP running for President. Ask the media and they will say “It's a good show, it sells” ask the GOP and they will say ”It's a joke.” Ask the people and they will say ”Because he says what we feel”
Ask the pollsters and the pundits, and they will say “Oh my God”

The real reason he is doing so well is as easy to figure out as it is to avoid cutting yourself while shaving. It's called paying attention to something other than what their pea brains are telling them, it's called listening to the voices of the people.
How does this play out? God only knows. What what I surmise is the start of something so big, that both parties are going to pay a phenomenal price both in who is going to control the White House and the Senate, and the House, and the Court.

There is a smack down coming and the professional politicians and going to pay the price, as are the liberals and as the “Go with the flow” coattailers. The ones who are going to control the White House, the senate, and House as well as the court are going to be the people of the United States, and it's going to shake the world.

This will happen on two front
s simultaneously, let me explain my reasoning.

Point #1
The people of the United States no longer trust the mainstream media to carry the news as news. There have been far to many blatant attempts to shade the news in the favor
of those whom the news supports because of the liberal views and the attempts to destroy this country. How many times have you noticed that the mainstream media
attempts to manufacture news to alter reality to their wants instead of what' happening?
Shall I list the most preposterous, how about every time Al Sharpton opens his mouth?
How about the Travon Martin case, how about the Mike Brown case, how about anything they can sensationalize in order to attract readers, even though it may be completely wrong as most of it has been?

Point #2
Over the course of the past 6-7 years how is it a President can ignore the laws of this country and get away with it, while Congress says it is wrong but does nothing to stem the flow of this illegal activity? In legal terms, does that not make them complicit in the illegal activity? Could this be the cause of the Congress having a reliability and trust
factor of 17-18% of public opinion, again look at the point spread above 11 points above
the nearest professional politician, what does that say?

Point #3
Perhaps the most telling of any of the above mentioned items, when we as citizens look
around at what we have, the squalor, the look of hopelessness in the eyes of our friends and neighbors, the dwindling of what we get for our work, while those in government grow fatter, and the worst of all, being treated like mushrooms (fed a load of crap and being kept in the dark).

Do you think this is reason enough for change?

Now remember, I said on two fronts, the first one is in November 2016 in the National Elections, a new broom will be used, and the people will sweep out the dirt starting at the White House and working through the Senate, the House, and the Courts, this will be a truly historic Election Season, a lot of people are going to loose their jobs in one fell swoop.

The other front is also going to be historic, in that it has never been done, yet it is totally legal and in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, a Convention of States will take place and when ratified it will amend the Constitution in the areas of ; Imposing term limits, fiscal restraints, and jurisdictional limitations on Washington, can you imagine the repercussions in and around Washington, let alone the world. Can you imagine the United States rejecting such things as the UN gun restrictions treaty, the nullification of the Iran Nuclear Treaty, the United States going after ISIS, the securing of our boarders, the deportation of criminal immigrants back to their country. Can you fathom a fair tax code where everyone pays their dues no exceptions, can you foresee an economic upsurge in the United States unlike anything seen before. Can you imagine terrorists being taken from their safe zones, tried and executed under statutes that punish such behavior.

The end result if a shake up like this would take place, the rest of the world again in awe of the United States financial solidity, economic stability, and above all the citizens again holding their heads high saying they are “Proud to be American” can you believe our allies again saying thank you America.

It's called making America great again, it's called controlling OUR destiny OURSELVES.
If this is what you want for America, then come and join us and let your representatives know exactly what you want, and any rep that objects, replace them.

Join us and fight for America, the one we want, not the one they will let us have.

Follow this link and read the Petition then sign and volunteer to get back the America we as citizens want.

It's our country, let's keep it.

A believing American who still cares

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