Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 15

My Country Tis
Of Thee
A Sweet Land of Liberty.

Have you ever thought about those words, I know there are those who say they are just words in a patriotic song. Yep, words in a song, so what there are millions and millions of words in millions and millions of songs. Yep, that's true. But, how many of those millions of songs sing of something so radical that when you think about them it makes you pause and say what's so special bout that.

Well Pilgrim here's my take on that, America, my country and yours is because of others, who dreamed, and had the outrageous desire to bring to fruition something the had previously never, ever existed on this planet. A place, where instead of those who would be kings, each person could decide how to live their lives.

A place where each person became part of a community of like minded individuals who shared the hope of Liberty, of self-governance, of the ability to lead the life they chose instead of having one chosen for them by those again who would be king.

A place where people were free to worship in a manner that was particular to their needs and desires, not one that was chosen for them. A place where they could put forth whatever effort they chose and expect to recoup the results of that effort and do with it what they chose, instead of others telling them how their efforts would be controlled for the betterment of everyone so those who chose to do nothing would also profit through their dissemination of that return.

The 102 travelers aboard the Mayflower landed upon the shores of Plymouth in 1620. They had come to America, why, to fulfill a dream, that dream was one of FREEDOM. In any sense of the word, they were immigrants, they traveled across a body of water to get to a place to start a new life. They faced hardship in a new land, they had to decide on what their lives would consist. They choose to opt for the freedom that had only been a thought, an idea. There was nothing in their history nor that of any other that even came close to their dream. Like minded individuals who banded together to start something that never ever existed on this planet. A place where the citizen ruled his own destiny.

Can you imagine the stress that decision brought about in these PILGRIMS? These people who voluntarily separated themselves from everything they knew, from family, from resources, from support, and don't forget from the oppression of their religious ethic, from the oppression of having their reward for their effort taken and given to others who did nothing to receive that reward other than to take it. From the oppression of loosing their identity and being treated as nothing but a resource for those who chose to do nothing but rule.

Can you imagine the relief of tossing off the yoke of that oppression and donning the mantel of FREEDOM. Can you imagine the feeling of being able to choose what you will do, how you will do it, where you will do it, and to what extent you will do it, can you imagine that! Can you understand the worth of these words these simple words among the millions and millions of other words that were penned for millions and millions of other songs, that pervade our history? Can you understand why those who feel the oppression of the minority over the majority feel that the time has arrived for change back to that which made us exceptional in all this planet.

Can you feel the need to answer the “Call To Freedom” that our ancestors felt? That other PILGRIMS still today want to answer, can you feel that? Or, have you become so complacent with the status quo that the “Call” means nothing anymore, that you would rather submit yourself again to the bondage that our ancestors chose to leave so you could have “The Choice” of FREEDOM over captivity.

Would you choose to be “FREE” or “Fettered” you see America the choice is yours, it has always been yours. You CHOOSE how to live, you CHOOSE how to spend your reward for your efforts, you CHOOSE how to worship or not to worship at all. But always remember within that choice is a responsibility and that is to respect the choices of others and not try to override them.

If you can see that the struggles we face today within our boarders is is any way similar to those our ancestors faced, then do something about it. We know for a fact our government is out of control, we know for a fact that in order to remain in power this government has to subjugate the citizenry, we know for a fact that the efforts to bankrupt this country is part of that subjugation, we know for a fact that the so-called representation we have only represents themselves. So why do we let this continue? There is a method by which we can redeem our home and it is 100% totally legal, even though there are those who would say different, but they do so to maintain their position, not for the welfare of the citizen.

It is called an “Article V Convention of States” and it is found within the First Ten Amendments of the Constitution, that's right, within the framework of the Bill of Rights. And it is to be used when the government proves itself in contention with the people, which it has, and it has done so with extreme prejudice.

The question now becomes one of what you as a citizen will do. Will you remain so complacent with the status quo that you will opt to loose everything that has been fought for, sacrificed for, and earned with heart and blood, will you?

Or would you rather opt for following in the footsteps of other PILGRIMS who crossed the water to partake of FREEDOM and of LIBERTY. If so, join us, the ones who still believe in the “DREAM” join us and help other to achieve that same status of “Free Man and Free Woman” follow this link read what we are about and then exit that comfort zone and help get our “Country” back, so we can leave a “LEGACY” for those who come after us.

A believing American who still cares

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