Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 10

Jolly time for all, the election cycle has again invaded our waking moments and the races appear to have been joined.

I have been wondering what this world would be like if as a consensus the public took the professional politician out of the equation of the leadership of this country, and gave it to a proven leader from another facet of the America.

Case in point, The Republican Party now has two such people in the race for the Presidency, a male, and a female. Both have a business acumen that is far above anything that any politician possess today, both have credentials to prove their positions in life. And both are in contention with the professional politicians who are at the top of the heap, so to speak. Now don't you think that is odd?

What is one supposed to think about that? Donald Trump, a billionaire, a Real Estate Tycoon who has more than made his mark in the media over the years. Brash, yes, determined, yes, gutsy, oh heck yes, unafraid, decidedly so. Does that equate to what is needed from leadership in today's world? WITHOUT QUESTION!!!

When you consider the outcomes of the sissified leadership we now have, you judge. Remember this though, to truly ascertain weather or not that would be good for the country, we must reflect on what has taken place over the past few (10) years, the steady decline of the status of the United States can in fact be traced to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. George Bush as much as I cared that he was President made some mistakes, but that is human nature. On the other hand Obama has openly defied the Constitution every chance he gets, vilified the United States through his actions and words, proven beyond any doubt that he is as unamerican as any president has ever been, lied on so many occasions that now no one in his cabinet, including him, knows what the truth is.

Granted, that politicians lie to gain power and cement their positions. The Speaker of the House is a good example of that, and don't forget Nancy P. and Harry R. and of course Dianne Feinstein. All such honest people. Now you are probably thinking that is also evident in the Republican Party and you would be correct, which is my point. How can you trust someone who you already know is a liar and cheat? So what do we do as a country in this election cycle that would benefit the people instead of the politician?

Well for one thing, fulfill your duty as a citizen and vote, and do not vote just to vote, vote as if your life depended on it, because guess what,


I am not trying to be theatrical here, let's just project into the future a bit say 6 months and Hillary Clinton is on the steps of the Capitol being sworn in as President with just one purpose in mind, to continue along the path that Obama laid out, where do you think that will put us, are you ready, into another war, and guess what, it will be waged between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. America will not fall to an outsider, it will crumble form within, point of fact!

So America what do we do to preclude that happenstance? What can we do to again let America be America,

it's simple

Quit being ostriches, band together as a people and say what needs to be said to the world,


Then get off our collective butts


To start with;

For those who think of us as a nation of targets, just shoot them, then go to their country and show them what American Muscle means, for those who would appease them by capitulation, go to them slap their ears back and replace them, for those who would see all religious ethics disposed of, slap them and tell them to go to the corner and stand there. For the ACLU close them down, for the butchers at Planned Parenthood lock them up and throw the key in the furnace and let it melt. For a President who in my opinion is a turncoat arrest him for treason and if found guilty execute him. Revamp all three branches of government to reflect their position of service to the general public instead of politicians and selected conglomerates. Get rid of toady's tax code and institute a fair flat tax for everyone, cut down the size of thee government and let them know that we are watching everything they do.
Even though these are my musings, at least to me they pack something that has been sorely missing for the last 10 years, truth and courage. Truth is truth no matter how you color it, lies are lies no matter who says different, Wrong doesn't become right because it is politically correct, and politically correct besides being an ox-moron is in itself a lie.

Back when I was a kid, when television first came out, there was a show on TV called Superman, starred George Reeves. At the end of the intro there was a bit with him standing in front of the American Flag with his cape and the Flag waving and a voice over saying at the end

For Truth, Justice, and the American Way.”

I wonder, are we still capable of that?

I think we are!

A believing American who still cares

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