Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States #2

How is it, and why is it , that our country has turned into a bunch of sniveling butt kissers? I can remember when no meant no and there was such a thing as the “American Way.”
We as Americans have allowed everything that we were to be trashed on the world stage, we as Americans have allowed our moral code to be marginalized, we as Americans have allowed those whose only interest is in the decimation of the United States to assume positions of responsibility by doing what's convenient instead of what's right.
The America I grew up in is a far cry from what we have today! It was far from perfect, we made mistakes, we kept trying to re-invent the wheel so our children could have something better than what we had, That was the first and possibly the biggest mistake we made, when we opted our kids out of responsibility, we created a very large and unmanageable sector of society that continued to grow and grow and a phenomenal rate and gave us today's newest class of citizen “The entitlement Society”
We as citizens abdicated our roles as parents, citizens, and functional members of society in lieu of the new god in town, ME.&.I. Originally, the United States was built on a cooperative premise of community not individualism. I can remember when I was a kid running around my neighborhood, if I fell and hurt myself a neighbor would help by cleaning out my mortal (self-imagined) wound, putting some Iodine on the scrapes and cuts, pulling the splinters and bee stingers, giving some cookies and milk and letting my parents know what had been done, it was just a thing they did back then and nobody threw a fit or started law suites, they just said thank you, talked a bit, smiled and went about their business.
Why have we let go so badly that this has happened to our country? Why do we put up with the stupidity that is so prevalent in today's society, have we surrendered our humanity that easily? If so then we deserve what we currently have, and I promise you , it will get worse, far worse than you have ever imagined!
'There is a lesson here to be learned, it's simple, it speaks to everyone in this country, in fact everyone in the world. History has proven this point over and over and over, yet we still have it to learn, and if you want to reverse our current situation, you best learn it very quickly. Our forefathers knew this and based their decisions on it, that resulted in the birth of the United States and something the world had not seen before, the right of the people to choose how they would be governed, the right of the people to choose how to worship, the right of the people to choose the type of life they wanted for themselves and the offspring, And guess what, it worked for 239 years, isn't that remarkable? Within that 239 years the United States grew to a world power in economics, education, health care, finances, and moral, we gave to others who were hurting, we supported those who would emulate us, we trounced those who would subjugate others for their gain, that was a nation to be proud of.
Our nation was found on a principal of freedom to worship as we choose, it was so important, it became part of the Bill of Rights. What is freedom to worship mean, here's one for the liberal agenda pushers, our forefathers were brilliant in what the brought to life, the knew to a man that not everyone in the Colonies had the same religious background and belief system. There was a mix-mosh of identities currently living in the”New Country” and, knowing the religious intolerance and persecution that they left behind they thought to give the right to worship God on their terms rather than prescribe a religious ethic for everyone, that worked out too, AMAZING!!!!! Here's the point, God was included not thrust aside! Here's a fact though there are those who will try to refute it. When God is part of our lives as individuals and as citizens there is a sense of peace that pervades everything. When we take ourselves out of the picture as the utmost and realize there is a “Higher Power” that we are responsible to things have a way of changing and all for the betterment of mankind.
When we as individuals grasp the idiocy that states we are indeed the top of the food chain we consider anything we do as correct no matter how wrong it is, this is the Second mistake, and without a doubt the most revealing as to the path we have chosen in the “Killing of America.” So you see from where I sit we are the crux of the matter, when we abdicated our American identity we became complicit in the “Death of America” no other way to say it.
Is there a way to redeem ourselves, is there a way to save “Our Country” yes, but those in charge won't let you do that, you see, they are addicts to power and notoriety and they won't let go without a major struggle. Something these politicians have in common with other despots of the past is a belief that what they say is right for all, except them of course. So how to enslave a nation becomes a prerequisite for them, the first step is to slowly at first convince the public that in order to be safe from those who would kill us, we must give up some of our rights so the government can protect us, REALLY!!! The next thing is to disarm everyone except the ones who protect them. The third thing is to make everyone dependent on the government for their survival, every dictator in history knew this and practiced it in order to rise to the top, here's a question for you, does any of this sound familiar?
How can it be fixed, first and foremost put God back where He belongs, put respect back where it belongs, put integrity back where it belongs, put honesty back where it belongs, and start with yourself first. I don't care what ethic you choose to recognize to form your baseline, accept the fact that Gog is God and we are His and watch attitudes start to change, accept truth as truth and watch attitudes change, accept wrong as wrong and watch attitudes change you have it within your power to effect the change needed, do you have the guts to effect that change or would you rather continue the march to oblivion we are currently on?

An American who still cares

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