Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States #7

Hello America, couple of questions, how safe do you feel today? Do you think that our government is doing enough to keep our needs for security uppermost in their daily planning sessions or do you think that they are just humming along saying the words they think we want to here?

I know, I know the pundits are saying we are safer now than we ever have been, been doing some research on that using government stats for that research and guess what, remember when Obama said we are safer and better able to contend on the world playing field now and more productive. False, yep, he lied again. You have heard of cyber security right, you know that stuff that's supposed to keep our intel safe and secure, well guess what, Obama''s crew that is supposed to be keeping our stuff safe isn't. What was it that was in the news the past couple of days 20 million hacked SSN's, and the head of the department finally resigns, what happens when the bad guys decide to strike our financial records, or better yet when they hack into the airlines systems, how about the NATO systems.

Are you aware that over the past three to four years, Obama has decimated the upper level structure of National Defense by firing the people who know how to run the system and putting in second stringers as our decision makers for our National Defense, did you know that?

Here's another something to think about, our children' s education has been dumbed down to where only 36% of the kids in Public Schools in grade level 12 are receiving a proficient or better rating in reading and only 12% reach the same level in math, and we are spending $13,500 per student per year! Is that getting our money's worth?

Our Infrastructure in the United States used to lead the world, now we are sixteenth, most of the world now has switched to upgraded methods of shipping using the newer super tankers, yet on the East Coast there are only two places these ships can land and off load their cargos, how about that America.

America, want to know something, there are about 110 million people on welfare of one kind or another as opposed to 106 million full time active workers in the workplace, so that's 106 million supporting 110 million recipients of welfare, yo do the math.

Micromanagement by the Federal Government has tripled since the bush era,back then I cost 22 Billion to run the governmental regulations concerning business, under Obama's lead, it has risen to 73 Billion to implement his new rules and regulations, how does business survive that onslaught?

As far as our personal security as a country, this president has been responsible for weakening the Military across the board, even in the face of increased violence from terrorist attacks, but what the heck, we don't have to worry about terrorists, just give them jobs and everything will be Hunky Dory right? Just ask the State Department.

Then comes the kicker, Immigration, everyone agrees that it needs work, but they can't agree on how. The answer is simple, probably why they can't see it. Close the Boarder, stem the flow of illegal aliens, then fix the system infrastructure, take care of the illegals here already, then open the border to new comers under newer more effective processes. Not hard, I mean it's not rocket science.

Now if that's the kicker, don't quite know how to describe this one, TAXES, our current system contains 7000 pages, it is filled with loopholes and get arounds designed to aid a particular few.,since both Bush and Obama have been in office taxes have risen to the point where now it takes approximately 32-35% of everyone's earnings to pay for the privilege of being screwed by the government. Is there a more equitable method available that could be implemented that would allow for the worker to keep more of what he or she earns and still allow the government to function at a level where what they get in taxes is sufficient for their purpose, yep, and it's called flat tax, each person pays a stipulated amount, each business pays a stipulated amount, no loopholes, no get arounds, just pay your fair share according to a set standard and continue to march, no problem, you get yours, the government gets theirs simple and effective, course the government will have been reduced to the size of tasks needed.

What would this accomplish, that is the best part, if America were to realize that in order to regain the stature we had, we must work together and resolve these issues, how do we do that, as citizens not as leeches, in order to get, we have to give, but within reason. Step one, take back the control due the people, that means grow a pair and tell the government to shut the hell up and listen or hunt another job. Rebuild our infrastructure and becom competative on the world market again.

If terrorists want to try to intimidate the United States, slap their ears back and say come on, got something for you Bubba, if Russia and China want to play hardball. Get out the Ole Louisville Slugger and step to the plate, Get back in step with our allies on the world stage, especially Israel and let the world know here and no further or else, if they continue to come, shoot them. Negotiate when you can, shoot when you can't, and tell the United Nations, you do not run America. We will work with you , but not be subservient to you. And Above all, thank God for His help in the past, and please keep helping us now and in the future. You know, I spent 24 years in the Military, in all that time and through all the conflicts, one thing has always impressed the hell out of me, that's our GI's, THE USAF, USA, USMC, USN. And the USCG. Never, never in 239 years have they failed us, never. Tell them thanks when you have an opportunity, they deserve it, as do our other first responders police, firefighters, EMT's all who selflessly serve us, I know what some of you are thinking, concerning racism and bloodshed, Think on this, there's bad in all of us not just cops, all of us, need proof, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson. Obama, Westboro Baptist Church, Jim Jones, the list goes on and on. But for the length of that list there is another list, look at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence, look at the history of the Alamo, Bunker Hill, Fort Ticonderoga, Look at the response to Katrina, and other calamities from nature. We as humans have the ability to rise above pettyness, and abhorrent behavior displayed by those who only think of themselves, America was built on family and community , lets return to our roots and get it right again. Come on and join the ones who still care,

Click here and help get our country back.

A believing American who still cares

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