Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 14

What if?

As you can see the latest poll standings for the Presidential Election are becoming more defined. Donald Trump still leads and his lead is in double digits. This by the way is a take out from the Real Clear Politics web site on all the Races, I only used this portion because I want to make a point. As you can see, Obama is a dismal failure, except of course for CNN, and that a very close call, but we already knew that! No, the point is, look at the standings as far as who and what these people are, Trump, a businessman, Bush, Walker, Rubio, and Paul professional politicians, Carson a retired MD, Christie, Kasich, Cruz, professional politicians,Fiorina a businesswoman, Huckabee, Pataki, Perry, Jindal, and Santorum professional politicians.

One fifth of those running are from other walks of life that the other 12 that amazes me, because it shows me something, to me it appears that the bastions of politics are crumbling, and that it is taking place at a far greater rate than expected. Might there be a possibility of a shift in the power structure of Washington D.C.

What say we carry this a bit further, in as much as I am only musing the possibilities. Let's see if we can possibly suggest a “Dream Team” for not only the new President, but also his cabinet.
Starting at the top, the newly elected President Donald Trump swears in to Office, result, massive rebound on the stock market reason his knowledge of business and effect, First line of business, negate all of Obama's Executive orders numbering I think 115. Second line of business choices for Cabinet members, for Vice-President, Ben Carson, because of his calm demeanor and ability to think on his feet. Secretary-of-State, Sara Palin, she has more sense and guts than anybody else that I think qualifies for the job. AG, that would go to Trey Goudy without a doubt, Secretary of Defense, without any hesitation I offer Mr. Walker, in his tenure as a governor, he has faced down more opposition than anyone else without flinching, he is a force to be reckoned with. For Secretary-of -the Treasury, I would suggest Ms. Fiofina, her acumen and decisions moved her company into top position in a very cut-throat field, it proves her ability to make good decisions and back them up. These are my options for a new President and Cabinet, even though these are my musings I back up those musings with the observation that each of these people has more than proven their worth in the area of leadership, and has made lasting impressions on our conciseness with what they say, and how they say it.

I, have felt something since this Election period came to life that I have not felt is going on 10 years and that is confidence that we are at a turning point for the United States as to how we do business on the world stage. The more I think about it, the more it resonates, the more it resonates, the more it becomes a reality to me. In order to guide the United States of America back on track, it is becoming extremely evident that there is a need for two very separate but equal actions that need to happen. Those actions are;

  1. The people of the United States have to become pro active in the governmental process of this country. It to my way of thinking is our fault that we are at the point in which we find ourselves, and this is because of our lack of initiative in maintaining our position as the ultimate authority in this country. And though less than desirable that is something we have to let go of in order to rebuild this country. We as citizens should look to the future, to citizens making contributions in raising the standards we have let go of. The standards that without question made us the greatest country on the planet, The place where people came to flee oppression of any kind and took their place beside those already engaged in the business of this country, not just to receive sustenance for the rest of their lives without giving back. This can be accomplished through participation in the Article V Convention of States Project, nothing and I mean nothing has any value unless we put a worth to it and that worth is our engagement. That could mean financially, or through talking to our neighbors and friends about it, it could be passing out fliers, it could be making phone calls, it could be a lot of things, go to this link, see what is being proposed, read the petition and sign on to help America needs you now more than ever, we as her citizens are the ones to make the difference, join us, rebuild our pride, our identity, our country.
  2. Elect officials to be subject to the wishes of the citizens instead to their masters. It has become clear over the past few years that the government is getting out of hand with what they want us as citizens to capitulate to. In the beginning it was designed to be of service to the people by being the spokespersons for each constituency, but, somehow, it has evolved into an elitist position of privilege and authority. It was never meant to be this way. We as citizens who chose not to be involved because of “more important things to do” have effectively given away our rights and responsibilities to those we just rubber stamp to guide our lives and progress. It is about time we take that back, now how is that to be accomplished? We as the partakers of the “American Dream” have to take up the responsibility we gave away while we played and garnered. The cost to us, stripping off the fat of “Doing Nothing” nothing to preserve our standings as a country, as a citizen, and as an individual. Please notice the order in which I stated those priorities. The individual came last, why, you ask. Because we were built on the premise of community, in that community everyone has a part, that part is in cooperation with the others around us, our strength, our ability, our generosity, and our power came from our unity, not our individuality. Together as a country, we were unstoppable, as a bunch of individuals, we fall for any line of crap that we are fed by those we have given the power, need proof, how about Jesse Jackson, how about Al Sharpton. How agout the main-stream media, how about some idiotic foreign head banging fanatic telling us how his people are going to kill all of us if we don't believe in his views, a fitting response comes from a movie that is appropriate to that situation called Invasion USA staring Chuck Norris,”I'm going to hit you with so many lefts, you're going to beg for a right!” Thanks Chuck.

What I am saying is not only do we have to participate in our country at election time, but all the time. This experiment called “Freedom” is perhaps the most important and electrifying to ever come from the human mind” There is no country on the face of the earth that has ever given it's citizens the amount of freedom that we have let go of. No place on earth has ever in such a short time become a focal point for the jealousy of the rest of the planet as has the United States, we need to keep our country open to legal newcomers, and strong to ward off those despots who would see us dead, we need strong citizens, and we need Faith. Faith in our country, faith in our fellow citizens, faith in our Constitution, and above all Faith in the One who gave it to us. God.

Come America let's unite again and get out country back on track

A believing American who still cares

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