Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 16

Let's have a little fun today, let's pretend we have a President and Secretary of State who know what they are doing and will lead us to a safer place where we will all prosper and continue in life at a relaxed pace knowing, just knowing that we are safer, well respected, and supported by all the other countries of the world, we can pretend that can't we? We can say along this line of reasoning that out allies are also safe and comfortable in their situations.

There's only one problem with that, it's a lie! Like everything else that comes out of Washington D. C. these days.

WHAT !!!
You think I am being overly critical of our “Beloved President” You think I am being overly critical of our representatives in Washington D. C.

Well Pilgrim, I beg to differ, need evidence, how about “Good Ole Mitch McConnell does an abrupt about face on Planned Parenthood allowing funding for these butchers. Obama and Kerry tell us just how wonderful their treaty will be for everyone then their “Buddy” in Iran showes how he really means to abide by it, Need more proof This is the same guy who Ok'd the deal with our “Oh so trustworthy” Secretary of State His “Wonderfulness” John Kerry.

Here on the home front we have these major incidents happening, you know the ones, there's the Lion Killer, there's the raising of a statue to Satan in Detroit, there's the new $1.00 coin that someone forgot and left off the Motto “In God We Trust.” Yes friends, “Liberalism is so fraught with so many fun things that people are amazed as why everyone just does not jump on the “Freewheeling Band Wagon” and just enjoy the ride?

In response I say

Remember the Titanic”

they said it couldn't be sunk either.

Come Thursday, please tune into the Debate, listen to what is being said, but more importantly listen to how it is being said, then choose whom you will follow.

It is our responsibility to do what is necessary to protect our country, and those of our Allies, we need the “New” not a “Rehash” To see what I mean. Think Convention of States in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America

The version proposed by the Liberal Minded is “How to live life in LA-LA-Land” Does that sound abrupt, it is meant to be so, because that is what is coming if we do not do something now.

Read the petition and join with us to avoid participation in LA-LA-Land

A believing American who still cares

PS; Please watch the Debate our country depends on the outcome.

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