Does anyone
besides me ever get tired of hearing this fool who resides in our
White House run his mouth about how wonderful the things he does are,
when in reality they are designed to throw us under the bus?
In his latest
chest thumping display (he best be careful with that, ain't much of a
chest there) he again says how wonderful of a deal broker he is. And
how HE has all but insured Iran will never have nuclear weaponry,
therefore he will up the anti by giving them the monies they need to
emblazon the trail to nuclear capability, (imagine a bunch of
genocidal psychopaths with that as a weapon) , then on top of that he
releases more of their terrorists back to them while leaving American
in their prisons and saying “He's concerned”
But the what do you expect, he
professes that he's an American, yet he capitulates to our sworn
enemies every chance he gets, he abandons Americans in harms way
every timer he turns around, he flouts that his position is beyond
the reach of the law, and makes sure to rub it in the face of America
every chance he gets, either through his actions, or words, and those
of his ever loving wife.
I as an American am so glad that I
lived in a country that used to lead the way in a lot of things that
moved this planet forward, but now, that is only a memory. Today
under this leadership we have fallen from where we stood to now being
forced to go to the “Back of the bus, to sit and be quiet and feel
lucky that we aer not being forced to walk.
Yes folks, Obama has succeeded in
forcing his “Fundamental Change” on the United States, and we let
Oh, excuse me, I forgot anyone who says
anything against “His Royal Jackassness” is a traitor. Well I
guess I'm the main individual at that right?
We talk about his capitulation to his
Muslim (Anti-American) Brothers, yet we fail to see our own
capitulation to him and his maneuvers that set up the downfall of
America, how do we explain that!
Well here's a thought;
What if there was a method
by which things could be reversed, that within our lifetime we could
reset the situation to something akin to what was right with America,
what if?
Would we as Americans do the
right thing?
Would we as Americans
correct the mistakes that have been made?
Would we as Americans chart
a course for this country that would set everything on an even keel?
Would we as Americans be
willing to admit we have flaws?
Would we as Americans put
aside our petty differences for the greater good?
The flip side to those
questions is equally as thought provoking, replace would with could.
If you think that it's
possible to accomplish these lofty goals, then I offer a pathway
through which it could be done.
If you feel like the other
“Ankle Bitters” in this country who are blind in one eye and
can't see out the other, two words, “Step Aside” the “Doers”
of this country have a way of life to save!
So ladies and gents how do
we go about accomplishing this monumental task, it's a whole lot
easier than you think!
Our Forefathers founded a
country on a hope and a prayer, that hope and prayer turned into the
greatest country on the planet, not just because they were American,
but because the proved to the world that man could live in a country
where, religion was a personal choice, where freedom was a result,
not just an expectation, where self worth was a guideline, not a
goal. Our ancestors proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that man could
indeed govern himself, and through cooperative effort correct the
fallacies that were taught over the years of living under despotic
And guess what, they did it
with only determination and persistence. Yes, there were those who
chose the way of individualism for the purpose of self-gratification,
they are always around lurking about for easy targets. But in the
end, they always come up short. For the most part though our
forefathers were good people who followed a dream and created a
monument to the “Spirit of Freedom” never before equaled on this
planet. They did this as one people not many individuals and that's
why they succeeded. They were one people united for one cause not a
bunch of individuals chasing their own wants.
Their dream, even with it's
flaws lasted 239 years, we, it's people became the strongest nation
on the earth, the most financially secure, and the epitome of
everything that was right, we had plenty of woes, but when they were
taken care of properly they added to our identity, not took away
from. Our exceptional qualities are in the people, not the
government, as it should be, after all are we not a nation”Of the
People, By the People, and For the People” which “Shall not
perish from this Earth.”
So how do we go about
bringing the changes necessary to again be the America we are
supposed to be? That part is easy, you see, those same guys who
worked together to put our country together were not only very, very
smart, but also very , very canny about what could happen down the
They kind of foresaw
something like what's happening right now back then. So when they
wrote the Constitution of the United States of America they included
Article V, a method of redress by which the people could band
together and curtail a runaway government, you know what I mean, we
see it every day on the news, we suffer through it because we didn't
move to stop it, (Obama care for example). Day after day we see our
Constitutional rights curtailed in favor of a stronger, bigger, more
central government, yet nothing is being done by our representatives
other than talking and thumping their chests, but in the end, they
capitulate too. Now where does that leave us, the citizens.
Do you want America to mean
something or would you rather “Go to the back of the Bus”
Take a look at the Article V
Convention of States and see if it's not the tool of choice we can
use to get things right so we again are Americans.
Follow this link learn about
the tools we have.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy said
it correctly “Ask not what you're country can do for you, ask what
you can do for you're country.” How do you choose to respond?
believing American who still cares
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