Let's do something today, let's see if it's possible we are wrong about
Barak Obama. Do you think that we could all be wrong, and that what he
is doing to our country is in it's best interests? I mean wouldn't you
say fair is fair?
Let's start in 2008 when He was elected, the first black president of the United States, an awesome responsibility wouldn't you say? How did he respond, well he did promise change, if I remember, wasn't it called HOPE & CHANGE, “what happened with dat”
The hope was there, but the proposed change was not what was initially proposed, yes he said Washington would work on “The Affordable Care Act” and make it so everyone in the United States would be covered for health care. Then the start of the duplicity, selling a bill of goods to the people of the United States, while all the while working to strip the freedom of choice from the folks by making it into a law before it was even read, remember the high assness of Nancy the “Dingbat” Pelosi, and I quote, “Well we have to pass it so we can then understand what's in it”, remember?
Then starts the continuing saga of scandals that have racked this administration, one after the other,; Fannie-May, Solandra, the IRS, the VA, one after another, after another. The Wall Street failures and rescues that also turned into failures, the foreign policies that showed our exulted president bowing and scraping to Iranian leaders, remember that, here we begin to see an emerging pattern that shows his (Obama's) deference to anything Muslim including terrorists by means of his inactivity. Then cast your memory back to how during one crisis after another be they domestic or foreign that he somehow took up the sport of golf, and could not be disturbed while on the links, and how he choose to spend more time with sports teams recognizing them rather than paying attention to the job he was hired to do! Remember that?
Then here's one for the books, by his order National monuments were closed to the public, yet he open the White House to people like Mr. Trumka from the AFL_CIO, to home grown terrorists like Bill Aires, to charlatans like Al Sharpton, and others of that ilk, to Rev. Wright who preaches derision from the pulpit of his church (the one Barak and his family attended on a regular basis), denied access to our most loyal ally in the Mid-East Israel, then on top of that scolded the Prime Minister of that country, and politically snubbed him when he came to the country to talk to him about Israel's increasing need to defend itself from Muslim terrorists!
To which he said, “Israel will have to surrender these lands for the propagation of the Muslim Caliphate that was predicted by the Muslim Brotherhood, a cover organization for Muslim terrorists, whom of course Obama invited to the White House, again while rejecting the people of the United States! Remember that?
When first elected he proposed a “Fundamental Change” that was needed to keep America on track with the rest of the world. This change proved to be the decimation of the American way of life and the rise of Socialism, if you think I am kidding think about it, gun grabs in spite of the 2nd Amendment, NSA spying of citizen's phone calls, I understand the need for increased security during time of active threat, but I do not understand the active threat coming from our own government. The AG going after people because the trumped some erroneous charges, the Bureau of Land Management taking land from citizens who according to agreements signed by government officials giving them permission to raise stock on the lands and make improvements so they could eventually own the tracts, then flatly refusing to honor these agreements, opening the boarders of this country to any and all immigration of the illegal style to the determinant of the American citizen. Yes he did “Fundamentally Change” this country, but not to it's improvement. Need proof, withholding federal funding that had been set aside to infrastructure repair and maintenance, the dumbing down of our already in trouble educational system with meaningless dictates from the federal Education system of pure and simple stupidity. ie Common Core, the rewriting of American History to favor input from sources that did not exist, constant attacks on the Constitution of the United States, constant attacks on religious freedom in favor of no religion significance for anyone other than of course Muslim and Atheistic versions,
Though these are but a few things, I think you begin to get the idea. How about his penchant for allowing Muslims to run wild over the face of the globe relentlessly murdering people of all faiths and nationalities while he continually exhorts the peacefulness of the Muslim faith, how about only grudgingly doing something in reference to Muslim terrorists when confronted with the worst of the terrorists and his demise, namely Usama Bin Laden, remember that, then later claiming it was him who orchestrated the whole thing. Then the administrations blatant refusal to send aid to beleaguered embassy employees, resulting in the death of four American citizens and one of them an Ambassador? And the absolute refusal to do anything for an Armed Service Member held in captivity in Mexico, remember, and what of those four hostages, one of them a Christian Preacher in Iran prison and him refusing to do anything to secure their release, yet he touts his administration as being the one that made the world a safer place, and America more profitable, yet he throws our taxes out the window every chance he gets. Has his intent and purpose shown to be for the betterment of the American citizen or America itself.
If , if you were to say yes, then here is just one more nail in his coffin What is the National Debt right now under his leadership, then find out the Credit rating of the United States, the country that used to lead the world in solidity financially. Then see if that yes still comes through as strong. Explain how it is that the number of people on welfare under him has doubled, unemployment has also doubled to tripled with him at the helm. Explain to me whay government is now at it's largest since the inception of this country, while it's citizens are being taxed beyond their means, while the government spends beyond it's means. Does that to you sound like good business practices?
And here is the kicker, how many of the people of the United States are willing to go to the Wall in favor of getting rid of Obama and his extremely aggressive behavior towards the people he is supposed to be working for, how many? The government under his tutledge has gone from bad to worse, not that it was all that good before, but come on, talk about a nose dive! Never in the time I have been on this planet has the perception of government vs. the citizenry been at such a high level. My question, is my perception wrong, or is it as I see it.
One more thin g,why is it that now that Muslim Law *(Sharia) become the law by which they are to follow, are not the laws of the United States the ones that supersede any laws of any foreign country and why does not our leadership take a position on this question?
In conclusion, I offer the opportunity for you to look at what has been presented and judge for yourself, is Barak Obama the person whom he represents himself to be or
“Are there other forces afoot, Watkins?”
A believing American who still cares
PS if you desire to get our country back to where it is supposed to be, Follow this link. It explains the process given us by our fore fathers because they perceived that this would someday happen. The tool needed is also described within the framework of the Constitution under Article V.
Go to;
Let's start in 2008 when He was elected, the first black president of the United States, an awesome responsibility wouldn't you say? How did he respond, well he did promise change, if I remember, wasn't it called HOPE & CHANGE, “what happened with dat”
The hope was there, but the proposed change was not what was initially proposed, yes he said Washington would work on “The Affordable Care Act” and make it so everyone in the United States would be covered for health care. Then the start of the duplicity, selling a bill of goods to the people of the United States, while all the while working to strip the freedom of choice from the folks by making it into a law before it was even read, remember the high assness of Nancy the “Dingbat” Pelosi, and I quote, “Well we have to pass it so we can then understand what's in it”, remember?
Then starts the continuing saga of scandals that have racked this administration, one after the other,; Fannie-May, Solandra, the IRS, the VA, one after another, after another. The Wall Street failures and rescues that also turned into failures, the foreign policies that showed our exulted president bowing and scraping to Iranian leaders, remember that, here we begin to see an emerging pattern that shows his (Obama's) deference to anything Muslim including terrorists by means of his inactivity. Then cast your memory back to how during one crisis after another be they domestic or foreign that he somehow took up the sport of golf, and could not be disturbed while on the links, and how he choose to spend more time with sports teams recognizing them rather than paying attention to the job he was hired to do! Remember that?
Then here's one for the books, by his order National monuments were closed to the public, yet he open the White House to people like Mr. Trumka from the AFL_CIO, to home grown terrorists like Bill Aires, to charlatans like Al Sharpton, and others of that ilk, to Rev. Wright who preaches derision from the pulpit of his church (the one Barak and his family attended on a regular basis), denied access to our most loyal ally in the Mid-East Israel, then on top of that scolded the Prime Minister of that country, and politically snubbed him when he came to the country to talk to him about Israel's increasing need to defend itself from Muslim terrorists!
To which he said, “Israel will have to surrender these lands for the propagation of the Muslim Caliphate that was predicted by the Muslim Brotherhood, a cover organization for Muslim terrorists, whom of course Obama invited to the White House, again while rejecting the people of the United States! Remember that?
When first elected he proposed a “Fundamental Change” that was needed to keep America on track with the rest of the world. This change proved to be the decimation of the American way of life and the rise of Socialism, if you think I am kidding think about it, gun grabs in spite of the 2nd Amendment, NSA spying of citizen's phone calls, I understand the need for increased security during time of active threat, but I do not understand the active threat coming from our own government. The AG going after people because the trumped some erroneous charges, the Bureau of Land Management taking land from citizens who according to agreements signed by government officials giving them permission to raise stock on the lands and make improvements so they could eventually own the tracts, then flatly refusing to honor these agreements, opening the boarders of this country to any and all immigration of the illegal style to the determinant of the American citizen. Yes he did “Fundamentally Change” this country, but not to it's improvement. Need proof, withholding federal funding that had been set aside to infrastructure repair and maintenance, the dumbing down of our already in trouble educational system with meaningless dictates from the federal Education system of pure and simple stupidity. ie Common Core, the rewriting of American History to favor input from sources that did not exist, constant attacks on the Constitution of the United States, constant attacks on religious freedom in favor of no religion significance for anyone other than of course Muslim and Atheistic versions,
Though these are but a few things, I think you begin to get the idea. How about his penchant for allowing Muslims to run wild over the face of the globe relentlessly murdering people of all faiths and nationalities while he continually exhorts the peacefulness of the Muslim faith, how about only grudgingly doing something in reference to Muslim terrorists when confronted with the worst of the terrorists and his demise, namely Usama Bin Laden, remember that, then later claiming it was him who orchestrated the whole thing. Then the administrations blatant refusal to send aid to beleaguered embassy employees, resulting in the death of four American citizens and one of them an Ambassador? And the absolute refusal to do anything for an Armed Service Member held in captivity in Mexico, remember, and what of those four hostages, one of them a Christian Preacher in Iran prison and him refusing to do anything to secure their release, yet he touts his administration as being the one that made the world a safer place, and America more profitable, yet he throws our taxes out the window every chance he gets. Has his intent and purpose shown to be for the betterment of the American citizen or America itself.
If , if you were to say yes, then here is just one more nail in his coffin What is the National Debt right now under his leadership, then find out the Credit rating of the United States, the country that used to lead the world in solidity financially. Then see if that yes still comes through as strong. Explain how it is that the number of people on welfare under him has doubled, unemployment has also doubled to tripled with him at the helm. Explain to me whay government is now at it's largest since the inception of this country, while it's citizens are being taxed beyond their means, while the government spends beyond it's means. Does that to you sound like good business practices?
And here is the kicker, how many of the people of the United States are willing to go to the Wall in favor of getting rid of Obama and his extremely aggressive behavior towards the people he is supposed to be working for, how many? The government under his tutledge has gone from bad to worse, not that it was all that good before, but come on, talk about a nose dive! Never in the time I have been on this planet has the perception of government vs. the citizenry been at such a high level. My question, is my perception wrong, or is it as I see it.
One more thin g,why is it that now that Muslim Law *(Sharia) become the law by which they are to follow, are not the laws of the United States the ones that supersede any laws of any foreign country and why does not our leadership take a position on this question?
In conclusion, I offer the opportunity for you to look at what has been presented and judge for yourself, is Barak Obama the person whom he represents himself to be or
“Are there other forces afoot, Watkins?”
A believing American who still cares
PS if you desire to get our country back to where it is supposed to be, Follow this link. It explains the process given us by our fore fathers because they perceived that this would someday happen. The tool needed is also described within the framework of the Constitution under Article V.
Go to;
everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course.
The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and
business is a recipe for disaster.
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