listening to Donald Trump, a very polarizing figure to say the least.
Even though I have questions about his ability to lead this country
out of the slump it is in, I still appreciate his candor and the
vigorous way which he defends himself, He had an interview with
Anderson Cooper in which he actually threw a well known fact in his
face to which Cooper had some difficulty dealing with. He stated that
the mainstream media only focuses on the negative, and nothing
positive ever emanates from them, then he hit him with a short
sentence that set Cooper back a few paces 'The people don't
trust you” Cooper appeared at
first set back by that , then he got testy, by the time the interview
ended, the apparent plan of the media was completely blown asunder,
and they were left gasping with no place to go.
Now here's an
observation of mine, Donald Trump might not make it as a candidate
for the presidency, but look at what he has accomplished so far, he
has both Republicans and Democrats focusing on him, he has the media
in his hand, he has world leaders thinking that this does not appear
to be good.
Now why is
this, let's face it folks, we as a nation under the guise of the
leadership have become a nation of pansies, no doubt about it. The
downgrading of our ability to defend ourselves Militarily is beyond
obvious, the attempts to disarm the general public, also very
obvious, the ignoring of the infrastructure work that needs to be
done, the decimation of our economic system, the downgrade of health
care, education, social services, the increase in welfare recipients,
the downgrading of the workforce needed to keep America solvent, the
increase of the national debt, the increase in the size of the
government, the consistent attacks on the Constitution by all three
branches of government. The increase of outside influences on the
policy decisions made by this so-called government.
Is the presence
of someone like Donald Trump something to send those in the position
of authority reeling in fear that he could come to be elected and all
their efforts to remain within the Status quo would be blown out of
the water? Something to think about folks, something to think about.
would Donald Trump be good for the country, in part yes, in another
part no. His business acumen is beyond question, his negotiating
skills are beyond any doubt, his ability to sway opinion has been
raised to a pinnacle that leaves him untouched, (his bank account
proves that), but as President no, my reasoning is this what is now
needed after all the rhetoric, finger pointing, chest thumping, and
butt kissing one thing hass become exceedingly clear, this country
needs someone who can be dominating, (as can be Mr. Trump) but on the
flip side rather than dominate by intimidation, dominate through
inner strength and pure resolve.
Anyone, and I
mean anyone can intimidate, but very few can own a situation through
just their presence.
Abraham Lincoln
could dominate a situation simply through presence, He lead a nation
out of the aftermath of a Civil War and just about everybody conceded
to him and his methods, why, because they knew that what he was after
was good for everyone in the country. Yet he is always described as a
quiet thoughtful person. Dwight Eisenhower was the same type of
person, as Commander of the European Theater, he shut down George
Patton. Now who is going to be our Lincoln or Eisenhower.
But besides the
excitability of an upcoming election where the stakes are so high,
there has to be something in place to give this new President
something to work with. There comes the Convention of States.
Has anyone
noticed the correlation between Donald Trump and the Convention of
Both entities
have within them the threat of upsetting the DC Apple Cart and both
are under continual fire from both sides of the aisle. Kind of
strange isn't it?
But, back to
the point, everyone knows what Donald Trump Stands for, and what he
would do given the job, but how many understand the COS and it's
purpose and method, If you would like to find out, follow this link
and get familiar with what is contained therein.
view the whole
site if you have questions yo can contact me @
or @
I will be happy
to try and assist you in understanding what COS is about, at this
location, you can read the petition we are putting forth to all State
Legislatures in hopes that they will support and push for the COS.
There are a bunch of people who would be happy to assist you in any
way they could.
This perhaps is
the most important part of the equation, us, the people of the United
States. You see this country is about us, not the government. It is
about our rights and freedoms that are slowly being negated by the
government while they increase their power over us. That is not what
the United States of America is all about, we are about individual
freedoms, not just given freedoms, but freedoms with
responsibilities. That is why it is so important to not only call for
a Convention of States, but also to amend the loopholes that have
been added to the Constitution that entitle a certain class of people
in spite of the degradation of other classes. With election four
months away, lets band together through an Article V Convention of
States and give the new elects something to work with that has clear
and defined boundries that favor the people and the United States of
Go there ,
Please America needs each one of you now more than ever.
believing American who still cares
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