Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 12

Mr. Trump does it again, you tell me what's happening.

Everybody in their comfort zone is starting to feel the heat. John McCain is feeling it,

Rance Priebus is feeling it and all the hob knobs in Congress are feeling it.

The clubhouse doors have been kicked in. and the crap is starting to flow.

An excerpt from an article in the Western Journel by Pastor Chuck Baldwin July 23, 2015 at 4:23pm Titled Trump was right about McCain:

My mind is far from made up in regards to supporting Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy. But, so far, Donald Trump has been willing to courageously confront the Washington establishment in an in-your-face, no-holds-barred manner that we have not seen in a long, long time. And if Trump accomplishes nothing else in his presidential bid except exposing establishment sycophants like John McCain, I, for one, am excited that he has entered the race.

Is this not what is needed today for more of us citizens like Donald Trump to engage the Washington establishment in an in-your-face, no-holds-barred manner. We don not have to contend on their level of finger pointing and verbal assault to make a point of fact, in fact those who use those tactics do so because their stand is indefensible and they know it.

We have the most powerful weapon available to us if we choose to use it and that is the Constitution. How can we use it, through an Article V Convention of States. Now I know that you have heard that there are way to many things going against such a move, but think about something, who is speaking these things, the Washington establishment, the John Birch Society, the National Association for Gun Rights and others of this ilk, yet when confronted with the truth about a Convention of States in accordance with the Constitution they scream bloody hell, stamp their feet and say it's UN-American and will lead to anarchy. Think about this, what is happening today in our country, is it not descriptive of anarchy? From the other side. The displacement of the Rights of the citizens in favor of the growth of the government?

Let's face it people we have let the government become what it is, a juggernaut with no other intention than to run your life from birth to death.

If you believe that is extreme, explain Planned Parenthood.

If you think what I am saying is totally out of whack with today's mindset explain how a court can take everything away from a family for exercising their constitutional rights of Freedom of religion?

If you think I am sounding the klaxon over nothing, why does our so-called President lie to the citizens of the United States on a regular basis.

If you think I am a conspiracy nut, tell me why our President and Secretary of State capitulate to an enemy that has sworn “Death to the United States and Israel” and then give them billions of dollars to support their agenda?

Those are but a few of the points against the sitting government. Are we going to continue to sit back and watch as these carrion eaters continue to decimate our country?


Like Mr. Trump do we confront the Washington establishment and reinstate the United States of America through an Article V Convention of States, the intelligent method of confrontation that serves to bring about the changes that serve the country and it's citizens.

If any of this makes sense to you, follow this link and see what can be done to heal the cancer of the present governmental hijacking of our freedoms.

We the People are the ones responsible for our government, now is the time to take up that responsibility and fix what's wrong, and we all know what that is.

Remember this, the method we use to fix our problems shows who we are, a calm, steady open approach to problem solving is far more needed that that of the consummate warrior who destroys everything in his path, we need to rebuild our country, not destroy it and start again from scratch. There is nothing worse for us than to waste our time trying to reinvent the wheel when we don't have to.

Go here and see what is being done now,

America needs us now more than ever, come on people America is our home, are we just going to give it up?

Old saying, “Either you stand for something (America) or you fall for anything (Islam West)

A believing American who still cares

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