Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Open Letter to the People of the United States of America # 20

We hear it all the time, day after day, week after week, month after month;

Black Lives Matter

My question is “To whom do they matter?”

Apparently not to the Blacks making the most noise! If it did, why isn't it changing? The answer lies in the ideology of Liberalism. Now you probably ask yourself “what in the heck is this fool talking about?” Well everybody knows that Liberal ideology has nothing to do with the persecution of the Black community right? Well let's take a look at that.

For the first example, let's look at the Department of State, seems like a good place to start. This department of our government has been in the hands of the Liberal faction of this country's population now for almost 8 years correct? Under their so-called leadership, (Hillary Clinton, and now John Kerry what have we seen. The degradation of the United States on the world stage in many more ways than one. The affluence of the people in charge increase over the years while others do without, and of course the stupidity of the excuses and attempts to deflect responsibility onto other who had just minor parts in the actions taken by the department. Remember Ms. Harf and her statement about ISIS and just giving them jobs to end their miserable lives and make them productive citizens, Really Ms. Harf Really? That's the way of Liberalism, give a little token that dosen't mean much and they will be happy and will serve us without question. Remember this example, it sets the stage for “Black Lives Matter.” and it's inherent fallacy.

Let's look at a case in point, Michael Brown, a proven ( by video) thug who beat up old men and stole what they had, why, because he wanted it, who was later shot by a white policeman and then raised to the pinnacle of human kindness and scholastic achievement and turned into a martyr by liberal pundits such as Al Sharpton and his ilk, with how justice must be served in the life and death of this fine young man.

Another is the Ferguson incident in which another black man was killed by a police officer,. According to the professional agitators this was another example of how black lives mean next to nothing to people who are not black. This raises a question in my mind, if a comparison is made according to reports from agencies outside of police departments and criminal justice venues there seems to be a glaring fact that is overlooked by the liberal controlled media on every occasion where a death involves a black person, especially by law enforcement.
That fact is that if you compile all the deaths in the black community, including gang related drive-by's and collateral damage inflicted for no reason then there are some numbers that shout outrageously high numbers that these agitators simply choose to ignore, my question is why, even given that it does not fit their agenda for their rise to power.

Now how are the facts interpreted among those who would rule, they are twisted and pushed into a former that in the end points to conservatism as the gross initiator of the problems in the black communities, what is their method of solving the problem, simple, ( and it is called knee jerk response) give them something else to redirect their emotional content and then lead them to think we are doing this for your benefit. In other words, make them more dependent on the system, once the dependence is locked in they no longer control their outcomes, they are told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.. Remember in Ferguson how half the people involved were not from Ferguson, but imported to the scene by the Liberal machine, do you remember that? And who was in charge of that, good ole Al Sharpton.

Now enough of the downside of the troubles of the Black Community, how can it be turned around so the community is on equal footing with other communities, there it gets a little harder, but with the right patronage and forbearance it can be accomplished.

The secret is to inculcate a sense of being in the community that has been stripped from them by the entitlements received for doing nothing. Starting with the most recent step of stupidity the raising of the minimum wage, which in the end result is the closure of the business that prosper the communities they are in, I mean really $15/hr for flipping burgers? Where is the smarts in that? And don't say that's what is required for people just starting out in life to have everything they want right now because that is nothing more than a crock.

Step two is to re institute the family structure with two parents instead of one. Come on folks everyone, meaning everyone knows that single parenthood is a blight on the basic element of this country and that is the family, When that is destroyed by invasive policies from the government, well you can see the result with your own eyes, it's not rocket science folks.

Third and perhaps most importantly is the one that Liberals hate with a vengeance and that is a religious ethic. In Liberalism a basic tenant is the individual. Everything stems from the individual as he or she is the fount of all things of importance. There is nothing more stupid in all of man's history than those ideologues who profess that. Every time that profession of supremacy has presented itself, it has led to war, murder, rape, pillage, slavery and man's inhumanity towards man. Check the history books ( before the liberals ban them and replace them with their versions) it has never failed the higher that man attempts to rise, the more destructive the fall. Religious ethics have served to moderate the ill advised aggrandizing visions some hold of themselves, and their penchant to hold themselves above all others. The basic morals of the family not the state are what is needed to reshape the current stance of the black community not more government handouts that create dependence.
It is the job of the government to serve the people who elect it, not to rule those same people. The second job of the government is to ensure that those same people have the opportunity to rise to the level they choose rather than sit around and beg for handouts.

When a citizen looses his or her identity as an acceptable part of a community, both anger and resentment set it and the penchant then becomes the destruction of that community through chosen acts of violence and intolerance. The answer is not more handouts, or jobs that the people effected are not qualified for, the answer is re-unification of the individual into the family of the community. There are those who would say that an influx of money would reignite the economy and they also are stupid no economy can survive if not for the people who make up the community, no family, no community, no community no economy, no religious ethic, nothing but anarchy. Check it and see if I am wrong.

A believing American who still cares

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Open Letter to the People of the United States of America. # 19

Sitting here this morning and thinking about what's taking place in our country and trying to decide what's more reprehensible, the ongoing stupidity emanating from Washington D. C., or the theatrical hodgepodge of garbage rising from the streets in reference to the various Police Departments across the United States and the attacks they are having to endure.
First of all, let's get something as clear as possible! I believe these attacks are an orchestrated attack on the stability of our nation, these are not random happenstances. There are forces that exist for but one purpose and that is to destroy this country from within, and there are but two sources of these attacks.
The most widely accepted perpetrator being, regardless of what Obama says, is called The Muslim Brotherhood who, even though shrouded in the theatrical dressing of a “Peaceful religion promoting love and kindness throughout the world, are nothing more than xenophobic fanatics willing to decimate the world if the world does not bend to their version of anything especially their religion. To those in the Muslim world that do not hold true to these fanatics, I apologize, but you will have to take the wrap for the behavior of the scum element of your faith. We in America have the same, though not as politically powerful as your version, ours is called “The Westboro Baptist Church, which no more represents the Baptist faith than does the Muslim Brotherhood represent the Muslim faith.
The second and most despicable in my estimation is the Liberalism (Socialistic, Communistic, Marxist [whichever you choose to call it]) which pervades the fabric of the United States. It is these I consider to be the more dangerous simply because they like their counterparts in the Muslim Brotherhood have devalued life to the point where everyone and everything that does not agree with their doctrine is “EXPENDABLE!”
Do I mean they are willing to sacrifice life for their diseased concepts, yes, that is exactly what I mean. And how is this purpose to be accomplished, it nothing new, in fact their methods have not changed in thousands of years. Do you want an example, read the unblemished history of two cities in the days of antiquity that remains faithful to it's origins that being Sodom and Gomorrah, now, mind you , not the Hollywood version of the story, the biblical version which has proven to be far, far more accurate.
What do we see in this story, the short version? A thumbnail of today, rampant social upheaval in respect of authority, sexuality, anarchy, and it goes on an on and on throughout all facets of society from the financially elite to the beggars in the streets.
Now, did this just happen? I don't hardly think so! Here's my take on this situation, and believe me it is repetitive throughout history. Sometimes for a period, it succeeds, but for the most part it fails, time after time it fails.
So, let's look at it under a microscope, remember these are my views, though again history has proven them without reservation.
The people who cause these circumstances to be have been called many things, from the Illuminati, to the Elite, they are in every nation within the framework of government, they also reside in the financial structure of any country on the face of the earth, these are the ones who believe themselves to be “Above the law.” They are nothing more than manipulators who want what they want and care less about what happens to anyone else. And they do exist make no mistake about that.
Now how do they do what they do, let's look at someone in the public eye that does this someone who according to his own mouth does it “Because it's fun” it's called “Social Manipulation” and it practitioner is named George Soros, a billionaire who just loves to screw things up while he profits from his machinations. The methods are always the same without equivocation, promote dependence through entitlements, remove the impasses to those entitlements, promote the malaise in reference to a sense of accomplishment “Just relax everything will be given to you, you don't have to do anything, we'll take care of you” increase the entitlement mindset, “You deserve this, you are worth it, you are the central figure, YOU, YOU, YOU. You can do what you want, Do it Your way, be the Individual, demand your wants. Then pull the rug out from under them by giving them the bill, when they realize they can't pay it step in to rescue them, at a price of course. And if you cant see that, you're blind as well as stupid, and that what they count on, you're greed, you're blindness, you're stupidity.
How does this play out on the stage of life.
The first thing to go is the identity of an individual, a family, neighborhood, a community, a city, a county, a state, a country. Without identity, we are nothing. Next comes our civic structure, the limits by which we have described how we live as a community, our mores, our morals, what is acceptable, what we believe, teach, and live. Take that away, half the battle is won.
Post identity destruction, they go after civic structure which is inclusive of dissatisfaction with appointed governing bodies through the extremities for example, attack the ability of a citizen to voice differences with appointed officials, cast the one's responsible for our safety, Police, fire, first responders in a light of storm troopers out for nothing other that enforcement of rules that supersede rights, and when there is a question shoot first and ask later, use a media to encourage social unrest, (He who controls the information controls all). When there is no order, there is anarchy, use firebrand rhetoric and demand a version of justice that is nothing more than vigilantism and vengeance oriented, nothing is more effective that stirring the emotional pot to frenzy mode to cause riot and disorder, and the ones who fall for it are the ones who have no idea of critical thinking, they just react like a heard of uneducated animals and the provocateurs like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and others of that ilk who again do nothing but stir the pot. We have white Supremacists, we have Gay Pride, we have Atheists, all who try to change the face of this country and we let them do it, for example there is a woman who is an attorney who allegedly suppresses evidence to gain status, There is a woman who is alleged to have run a terrorist action from her position in the IRS against citizens of this country who did not meet with the approval of some in government. Then let the disdain of the people elected to serve the general public cloud everything in order to gain the wants of those who have been elected. Here's a question to ponder, what would our lives be like without the police without firemen and women without first responders, what would we have,
the only alternative that would fit here is Martial Law, where you have no rights at all, you do as you are told or else!!! Remember Nazi Germany, how about the middle east today?
Next comes the infrastructure of a nation, letting it deteriorate to the point of ruin, Detroit for example, how many roads are in need of repair right now, how many bridges, how many cities, how many centers of industry have been abandoned and left to rot, how much of our infrastructure revenues from taxes have gone to surreal items rather than repairing what we already have. How do you view our financial status, our educational status, our economic status, how do you see the United States of America right now. America, it is only a matter of time until we become the next third world country.
The Liberalism that infects our country has succeeded in eroding the foundations of our freedom, our identity, our pride as a country using every trick in their handbag of destruction and they are succeeding in staying above the fray they cause. America it's time to get them in the limelight and make them responsible for their actions, we have the tools, we have the authority, but do we have the desire and courage. The courage of our convictions, of our identity. Do we have what is necessary to again be the light on the hill the example to the world of what citizens can accomplish, or do we fade into oblivion the choice is yours America Here are the tools, are you willing to use them?
A believing American who still cares
Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and business is a recipe for disaster.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Open Letter to the People of the United States of America # 18

Let's do something today, let's see if it's possible we are wrong about Barak Obama. Do you think that we could all be wrong, and that what he is doing to our country is in it's best interests? I mean wouldn't you say fair is fair?
Let's start in 2008 when He was elected, the first black president of the United States, an awesome responsibility wouldn't you say? How did he respond, well he did promise change, if I remember, wasn't it called HOPE & CHANGE, “what happened with dat”
The hope was there, but the proposed change was not what was initially proposed, yes he said Washington would work on “The Affordable Care Act” and make it so everyone in the United States would be covered for health care. Then the start of the duplicity, selling a bill of goods to the people of the United States, while all the while working to strip the freedom of choice from the folks by making it into a law before it was even read, remember the high assness of Nancy the “Dingbat” Pelosi, and I quote, “Well we have to pass it so we can then understand what's in it”, remember?
Then starts the continuing saga of scandals that have racked this administration, one after the other,; Fannie-May, Solandra, the IRS, the VA, one after another, after another. The Wall Street failures and rescues that also turned into failures, the foreign policies that showed our exulted president bowing and scraping to Iranian leaders, remember that, here we begin to see an emerging pattern that shows his (Obama's) deference to anything Muslim including terrorists by means of his inactivity. Then cast your memory back to how during one crisis after another be they domestic or foreign that he somehow took up the sport of golf, and could not be disturbed while on the links, and how he choose to spend more time with sports teams recognizing them rather than paying attention to the job he was hired to do! Remember that?
Then here's one for the books, by his order National monuments were closed to the public, yet he open the White House to people like Mr. Trumka from the AFL_CIO, to home grown terrorists like Bill Aires, to charlatans like Al Sharpton, and others of that ilk, to Rev. Wright who preaches derision from the pulpit of his church (the one Barak and his family attended on a regular basis), denied access to our most loyal ally in the Mid-East Israel, then on top of that scolded the Prime Minister of that country, and politically snubbed him when he came to the country to talk to him about Israel's increasing need to defend itself from Muslim terrorists!
To which he said, “Israel will have to surrender these lands for the propagation of the Muslim Caliphate that was predicted by the Muslim Brotherhood, a cover organization for Muslim terrorists, whom of course Obama invited to the White House, again while rejecting the people of the United States! Remember that?
When first elected he proposed a “Fundamental Change” that was needed to keep America on track with the rest of the world. This change proved to be the decimation of the American way of life and the rise of Socialism, if you think I am kidding think about it, gun grabs in spite of the 2nd Amendment, NSA spying of citizen's phone calls, I understand the need for increased security during time of active threat, but I do not understand the active threat coming from our own government. The AG going after people because the trumped some erroneous charges, the Bureau of Land Management taking land from citizens who according to agreements signed by government officials giving them permission to raise stock on the lands and make improvements so they could eventually own the tracts, then flatly refusing to honor these agreements, opening the boarders of this country to any and all immigration of the illegal style to the determinant of the American citizen. Yes he did “Fundamentally Change” this country, but not to it's improvement. Need proof, withholding federal funding that had been set aside to infrastructure repair and maintenance, the dumbing down of our already in trouble educational system with meaningless dictates from the federal Education system of pure and simple stupidity. ie Common Core, the rewriting of American History to favor input from sources that did not exist, constant attacks on the Constitution of the United States, constant attacks on religious freedom in favor of no religion significance for anyone other than of course Muslim and Atheistic versions,
Though these are but a few things, I think you begin to get the idea. How about his penchant for allowing Muslims to run wild over the face of the globe relentlessly murdering people of all faiths and nationalities while he continually exhorts the peacefulness of the Muslim faith, how about only grudgingly doing something in reference to Muslim terrorists when confronted with the worst of the terrorists and his demise, namely Usama Bin Laden, remember that, then later claiming it was him who orchestrated the whole thing. Then the administrations blatant refusal to send aid to beleaguered embassy employees, resulting in the death of four American citizens and one of them an Ambassador? And the absolute refusal to do anything for an Armed Service Member held in captivity in Mexico, remember, and what of those four hostages, one of them a Christian Preacher in Iran prison and him refusing to do anything to secure their release, yet he touts his administration as being the one that made the world a safer place, and America more profitable, yet he throws our taxes out the window every chance he gets. Has his intent and purpose shown to be for the betterment of the American citizen or America itself.
If , if you were to say yes, then here is just one more nail in his coffin What is the National Debt right now under his leadership, then find out the Credit rating of the United States, the country that used to lead the world in solidity financially. Then see if that yes still comes through as strong. Explain how it is that the number of people on welfare under him has doubled, unemployment has also doubled to tripled with him at the helm. Explain to me whay government is now at it's largest since the inception of this country, while it's citizens are being taxed beyond their means, while the government spends beyond it's means. Does that to you sound like good business practices?
And here is the kicker, how many of the people of the United States are willing to go to the Wall in favor of getting rid of Obama and his extremely aggressive behavior towards the people he is supposed to be working for, how many? The government under his tutledge has gone from bad to worse, not that it was all that good before, but come on, talk about a nose dive! Never in the time I have been on this planet has the perception of government vs. the citizenry been at such a high level. My question, is my perception wrong, or is it as I see it.
One more thin g,why is it that now that Muslim Law *(Sharia) become the law by which they are to follow, are not the laws of the United States the ones that supersede any laws of any foreign country and why does not our leadership take a position on this question?
In conclusion, I offer the opportunity for you to look at what has been presented and judge for yourself, is Barak Obama the person whom he represents himself to be or
“Are there other forces afoot, Watkins?”
A believing American who still cares
PS if you desire to get our country back to where it is supposed to be, Follow this link. It explains the process given us by our fore fathers because they perceived that this would someday happen. The tool needed is also described within the framework of the Constitution under Article V.
Go to;
Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and business is a recipe for disaster.

Monday, August 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 17

his excuse for a President has done something incredible, something beyond reason, something so beneath the Office of the President that it is unbelievable even for him!

Just watch this;

How incredible is this, he liken terrorist hardliners to GOP'ers who oppose his dictates. Who does this guy think he is.

He has failed in so many ways that there is nothing to show for his 8 years at the helm but the scorn of America and the world at large. On every possible occasion he directly insults everyone's intelligence with his juvenile rhetoric, and his penchant for the dramatic (a hangover from the community organizer days.) I consider this to be the ultimate slap in the face to the black community, I know that there are exceedingly good people who are black that have broached the subject of being ashamed to have him represent them, as would I if we had the likes of say a Deblasio as my representative. Come to think about it they do appear to be two sides of the same coin.

Tonight sets the stage for whomever gets the nod from the Democrats during this election season, which is going to be something the likes of which we as citizens have never seen. Two people representing the business community, one retired Nero-Surgeon and the rest professional politicians, going to be very interesting.

Tonight's debate promises to be very very interesting. What I hope emerges is the Tiger we need to lead this country back to prosperity and and strength, the rest of the world needs that too, it is awesome how the rest of the world hinges on the balance of power for their sustenance, and well being.

Our allies also need to know that when push comes to shove the United States stands against the wrong doers, in such a way that everyone knows we are not just a paper tiger as we are now perceived on the world's stage. A legacy that Obama leaves behind him.

You might ask why he is doing the things he's doing, well now haven't you seen the petulant child who does not get his way throw a “hissyfit” well that's what he's doing, to put it into words “Do what I say or I'll make you regret it.” then he stamps his little bitty feet and sticks his nose in the air and ends with a “So there” ( a perfect description of our President.

But you see, he's only part of the equation that is ruining this country the other part lies in the hallowed halls of both houses of the Congress, (By the way, if you didn't know, a congress is what they call a bunch of baboons who gather together, for real) also an apt description if you ask me. Obama is toast within the next few months and he know it. So our problem lies with the congress and whipping them into shape, We do have the authority to do so, in fact as citizens it is our obligation to do so as outlined in the Constitution as per Article V, which is called the Convention of States. You see the governing body holding the ultimate power is the citizenry, not the politicians. The first three words of the constitution read, and I quote “WE THE PEOPLE' it is from there we derive the authority to dictate to the President and both Houses of Congress as well as to the Supreme Court. That is something they do not want you to understand, but there it is in Black and White, check it for yourself and see if I am wrong.

If we have the authority to tell the government what to do, why are we not using it? If we were, I feel that over half the problems we are experiencing right now would be negated in less time than it would take to hunt for a new source of income because of the one's that have been lost to this excuse for a government.

The right person leading the way for the United States would describe the pathway to our recovery in a short amount of time. But for that we need a “Pit Bull” not the pansy we have now.

Here is a pathway that will start that change of direction that this country needs click the following link and read what can be accomplished in the resurrection of our country. This is but the first step in that journey. Join us in our desire to save this country and leave a clean legacy to those who come after us.

And please watch the Debate tonight our future will depend on the outcome.

America needs you like never before.

A believing American who still cares

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 16

Let's have a little fun today, let's pretend we have a President and Secretary of State who know what they are doing and will lead us to a safer place where we will all prosper and continue in life at a relaxed pace knowing, just knowing that we are safer, well respected, and supported by all the other countries of the world, we can pretend that can't we? We can say along this line of reasoning that out allies are also safe and comfortable in their situations.

There's only one problem with that, it's a lie! Like everything else that comes out of Washington D. C. these days.

WHAT !!!
You think I am being overly critical of our “Beloved President” You think I am being overly critical of our representatives in Washington D. C.

Well Pilgrim, I beg to differ, need evidence, how about “Good Ole Mitch McConnell does an abrupt about face on Planned Parenthood allowing funding for these butchers. Obama and Kerry tell us just how wonderful their treaty will be for everyone then their “Buddy” in Iran showes how he really means to abide by it, Need more proof http://www.westernjournalism.com/ayatollah-khamenei-publishes-book-about-his-strategy-to-annihilate-israel/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=WesternJournalism&utm_content=2015-08-05. This is the same guy who Ok'd the deal with our “Oh so trustworthy” Secretary of State His “Wonderfulness” John Kerry.

Here on the home front we have these major incidents happening, you know the ones, there's the Lion Killer, there's the raising of a statue to Satan in Detroit, there's the new $1.00 coin that someone forgot and left off the Motto “In God We Trust.” Yes friends, “Liberalism is so fraught with so many fun things that people are amazed as why everyone just does not jump on the “Freewheeling Band Wagon” and just enjoy the ride?

In response I say

Remember the Titanic”

they said it couldn't be sunk either.

Come Thursday, please tune into the Debate, listen to what is being said, but more importantly listen to how it is being said, then choose whom you will follow.

It is our responsibility to do what is necessary to protect our country, and those of our Allies, we need the “New” not a “Rehash” To see what I mean. Think Convention of States in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America

The version proposed by the Liberal Minded is “How to live life in LA-LA-Land” Does that sound abrupt, it is meant to be so, because that is what is coming if we do not do something now.

Read the petition and join with us to avoid participation in LA-LA-Land

A believing American who still cares

PS; Please watch the Debate our country depends on the outcome.

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 15

My Country Tis
Of Thee
A Sweet Land of Liberty.

Have you ever thought about those words, I know there are those who say they are just words in a patriotic song. Yep, words in a song, so what there are millions and millions of words in millions and millions of songs. Yep, that's true. But, how many of those millions of songs sing of something so radical that when you think about them it makes you pause and say what's so special bout that.

Well Pilgrim here's my take on that, America, my country and yours is because of others, who dreamed, and had the outrageous desire to bring to fruition something the had previously never, ever existed on this planet. A place, where instead of those who would be kings, each person could decide how to live their lives.

A place where each person became part of a community of like minded individuals who shared the hope of Liberty, of self-governance, of the ability to lead the life they chose instead of having one chosen for them by those again who would be king.

A place where people were free to worship in a manner that was particular to their needs and desires, not one that was chosen for them. A place where they could put forth whatever effort they chose and expect to recoup the results of that effort and do with it what they chose, instead of others telling them how their efforts would be controlled for the betterment of everyone so those who chose to do nothing would also profit through their dissemination of that return.

The 102 travelers aboard the Mayflower landed upon the shores of Plymouth in 1620. They had come to America, why, to fulfill a dream, that dream was one of FREEDOM. In any sense of the word, they were immigrants, they traveled across a body of water to get to a place to start a new life. They faced hardship in a new land, they had to decide on what their lives would consist. They choose to opt for the freedom that had only been a thought, an idea. There was nothing in their history nor that of any other that even came close to their dream. Like minded individuals who banded together to start something that never ever existed on this planet. A place where the citizen ruled his own destiny.

Can you imagine the stress that decision brought about in these PILGRIMS? These people who voluntarily separated themselves from everything they knew, from family, from resources, from support, and don't forget from the oppression of their religious ethic, from the oppression of having their reward for their effort taken and given to others who did nothing to receive that reward other than to take it. From the oppression of loosing their identity and being treated as nothing but a resource for those who chose to do nothing but rule.

Can you imagine the relief of tossing off the yoke of that oppression and donning the mantel of FREEDOM. Can you imagine the feeling of being able to choose what you will do, how you will do it, where you will do it, and to what extent you will do it, can you imagine that! Can you understand the worth of these words these simple words among the millions and millions of other words that were penned for millions and millions of other songs, that pervade our history? Can you understand why those who feel the oppression of the minority over the majority feel that the time has arrived for change back to that which made us exceptional in all this planet.

Can you feel the need to answer the “Call To Freedom” that our ancestors felt? That other PILGRIMS still today want to answer, can you feel that? Or, have you become so complacent with the status quo that the “Call” means nothing anymore, that you would rather submit yourself again to the bondage that our ancestors chose to leave so you could have “The Choice” of FREEDOM over captivity.

Would you choose to be “FREE” or “Fettered” you see America the choice is yours, it has always been yours. You CHOOSE how to live, you CHOOSE how to spend your reward for your efforts, you CHOOSE how to worship or not to worship at all. But always remember within that choice is a responsibility and that is to respect the choices of others and not try to override them.

If you can see that the struggles we face today within our boarders is is any way similar to those our ancestors faced, then do something about it. We know for a fact our government is out of control, we know for a fact that in order to remain in power this government has to subjugate the citizenry, we know for a fact that the efforts to bankrupt this country is part of that subjugation, we know for a fact that the so-called representation we have only represents themselves. So why do we let this continue? There is a method by which we can redeem our home and it is 100% totally legal, even though there are those who would say different, but they do so to maintain their position, not for the welfare of the citizen.

It is called an “Article V Convention of States” and it is found within the First Ten Amendments of the Constitution, that's right, within the framework of the Bill of Rights. And it is to be used when the government proves itself in contention with the people, which it has, and it has done so with extreme prejudice.

The question now becomes one of what you as a citizen will do. Will you remain so complacent with the status quo that you will opt to loose everything that has been fought for, sacrificed for, and earned with heart and blood, will you?

Or would you rather opt for following in the footsteps of other PILGRIMS who crossed the water to partake of FREEDOM and of LIBERTY. If so, join us, the ones who still believe in the “DREAM” join us and help other to achieve that same status of “Free Man and Free Woman” follow this link read what we are about and then exit that comfort zone and help get our “Country” back, so we can leave a “LEGACY” for those who come after us.


A believing American who still cares

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 14

What if?

As you can see the latest poll standings for the Presidential Election are becoming more defined. Donald Trump still leads and his lead is in double digits. This by the way is a take out from the Real Clear Politics web site on all the Races, I only used this portion because I want to make a point. As you can see, Obama is a dismal failure, except of course for CNN, and that a very close call, but we already knew that! No, the point is, look at the standings as far as who and what these people are, Trump, a businessman, Bush, Walker, Rubio, and Paul professional politicians, Carson a retired MD, Christie, Kasich, Cruz, professional politicians,Fiorina a businesswoman, Huckabee, Pataki, Perry, Jindal, and Santorum professional politicians.

One fifth of those running are from other walks of life that the other 12 that amazes me, because it shows me something, to me it appears that the bastions of politics are crumbling, and that it is taking place at a far greater rate than expected. Might there be a possibility of a shift in the power structure of Washington D.C.

What say we carry this a bit further, in as much as I am only musing the possibilities. Let's see if we can possibly suggest a “Dream Team” for not only the new President, but also his cabinet.
Starting at the top, the newly elected President Donald Trump swears in to Office, result, massive rebound on the stock market reason his knowledge of business and effect, First line of business, negate all of Obama's Executive orders numbering I think 115. Second line of business choices for Cabinet members, for Vice-President, Ben Carson, because of his calm demeanor and ability to think on his feet. Secretary-of-State, Sara Palin, she has more sense and guts than anybody else that I think qualifies for the job. AG, that would go to Trey Goudy without a doubt, Secretary of Defense, without any hesitation I offer Mr. Walker, in his tenure as a governor, he has faced down more opposition than anyone else without flinching, he is a force to be reckoned with. For Secretary-of -the Treasury, I would suggest Ms. Fiofina, her acumen and decisions moved her company into top position in a very cut-throat field, it proves her ability to make good decisions and back them up. These are my options for a new President and Cabinet, even though these are my musings I back up those musings with the observation that each of these people has more than proven their worth in the area of leadership, and has made lasting impressions on our conciseness with what they say, and how they say it.

I, have felt something since this Election period came to life that I have not felt is going on 10 years and that is confidence that we are at a turning point for the United States as to how we do business on the world stage. The more I think about it, the more it resonates, the more it resonates, the more it becomes a reality to me. In order to guide the United States of America back on track, it is becoming extremely evident that there is a need for two very separate but equal actions that need to happen. Those actions are;

  1. The people of the United States have to become pro active in the governmental process of this country. It to my way of thinking is our fault that we are at the point in which we find ourselves, and this is because of our lack of initiative in maintaining our position as the ultimate authority in this country. And though less than desirable that is something we have to let go of in order to rebuild this country. We as citizens should look to the future, to citizens making contributions in raising the standards we have let go of. The standards that without question made us the greatest country on the planet, The place where people came to flee oppression of any kind and took their place beside those already engaged in the business of this country, not just to receive sustenance for the rest of their lives without giving back. This can be accomplished through participation in the Article V Convention of States Project, nothing and I mean nothing has any value unless we put a worth to it and that worth is our engagement. That could mean financially, or through talking to our neighbors and friends about it, it could be passing out fliers, it could be making phone calls, it could be a lot of things, go to this link, see what is being proposed, read the petition and sign on to help America needs you now more than ever, we as her citizens are the ones to make the difference, join us, rebuild our pride, our identity, our country.
  2. Elect officials to be subject to the wishes of the citizens instead to their masters. It has become clear over the past few years that the government is getting out of hand with what they want us as citizens to capitulate to. In the beginning it was designed to be of service to the people by being the spokespersons for each constituency, but, somehow, it has evolved into an elitist position of privilege and authority. It was never meant to be this way. We as citizens who chose not to be involved because of “more important things to do” have effectively given away our rights and responsibilities to those we just rubber stamp to guide our lives and progress. It is about time we take that back, now how is that to be accomplished? We as the partakers of the “American Dream” have to take up the responsibility we gave away while we played and garnered. The cost to us, stripping off the fat of “Doing Nothing” nothing to preserve our standings as a country, as a citizen, and as an individual. Please notice the order in which I stated those priorities. The individual came last, why, you ask. Because we were built on the premise of community, in that community everyone has a part, that part is in cooperation with the others around us, our strength, our ability, our generosity, and our power came from our unity, not our individuality. Together as a country, we were unstoppable, as a bunch of individuals, we fall for any line of crap that we are fed by those we have given the power, need proof, how about Jesse Jackson, how about Al Sharpton. How agout the main-stream media, how about some idiotic foreign head banging fanatic telling us how his people are going to kill all of us if we don't believe in his views, a fitting response comes from a movie that is appropriate to that situation called Invasion USA staring Chuck Norris,”I'm going to hit you with so many lefts, you're going to beg for a right!” Thanks Chuck.

What I am saying is not only do we have to participate in our country at election time, but all the time. This experiment called “Freedom” is perhaps the most important and electrifying to ever come from the human mind” There is no country on the face of the earth that has ever given it's citizens the amount of freedom that we have let go of. No place on earth has ever in such a short time become a focal point for the jealousy of the rest of the planet as has the United States, we need to keep our country open to legal newcomers, and strong to ward off those despots who would see us dead, we need strong citizens, and we need Faith. Faith in our country, faith in our fellow citizens, faith in our Constitution, and above all Faith in the One who gave it to us. God.

Come America let's unite again and get out country back on track


A believing American who still cares

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 13

Why are we seeing this, why is Donald Trump 11 points up on the closest member of the GOP running for President. Ask the media and they will say “It's a good show, it sells” ask the GOP and they will say ”It's a joke.” Ask the people and they will say ”Because he says what we feel”
Ask the pollsters and the pundits, and they will say “Oh my God”

The real reason he is doing so well is as easy to figure out as it is to avoid cutting yourself while shaving. It's called paying attention to something other than what their pea brains are telling them, it's called listening to the voices of the people.
How does this play out? God only knows. What what I surmise is the start of something so big, that both parties are going to pay a phenomenal price both in who is going to control the White House and the Senate, and the House, and the Court.

There is a smack down coming and the professional politicians and going to pay the price, as are the liberals and as the “Go with the flow” coattailers. The ones who are going to control the White House, the senate, and House as well as the court are going to be the people of the United States, and it's going to shake the world.

This will happen on two front
s simultaneously, let me explain my reasoning.

Point #1
The people of the United States no longer trust the mainstream media to carry the news as news. There have been far to many blatant attempts to shade the news in the favor
of those whom the news supports because of the liberal views and the attempts to destroy this country. How many times have you noticed that the mainstream media
attempts to manufacture news to alter reality to their wants instead of what' happening?
Shall I list the most preposterous, how about every time Al Sharpton opens his mouth?
How about the Travon Martin case, how about the Mike Brown case, how about anything they can sensationalize in order to attract readers, even though it may be completely wrong as most of it has been?

Point #2
Over the course of the past 6-7 years how is it a President can ignore the laws of this country and get away with it, while Congress says it is wrong but does nothing to stem the flow of this illegal activity? In legal terms, does that not make them complicit in the illegal activity? Could this be the cause of the Congress having a reliability and trust
factor of 17-18% of public opinion, again look at the point spread above 11 points above
the nearest professional politician, what does that say?

Point #3
Perhaps the most telling of any of the above mentioned items, when we as citizens look
around at what we have, the squalor, the look of hopelessness in the eyes of our friends and neighbors, the dwindling of what we get for our work, while those in government grow fatter, and the worst of all, being treated like mushrooms (fed a load of crap and being kept in the dark).

Do you think this is reason enough for change?

Now remember, I said on two fronts, the first one is in November 2016 in the National Elections, a new broom will be used, and the people will sweep out the dirt starting at the White House and working through the Senate, the House, and the Courts, this will be a truly historic Election Season, a lot of people are going to loose their jobs in one fell swoop.

The other front is also going to be historic, in that it has never been done, yet it is totally legal and in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, a Convention of States will take place and when ratified it will amend the Constitution in the areas of ; Imposing term limits, fiscal restraints, and jurisdictional limitations on Washington, can you imagine the repercussions in and around Washington, let alone the world. Can you imagine the United States rejecting such things as the UN gun restrictions treaty, the nullification of the Iran Nuclear Treaty, the United States going after ISIS, the securing of our boarders, the deportation of criminal immigrants back to their country. Can you fathom a fair tax code where everyone pays their dues no exceptions, can you foresee an economic upsurge in the United States unlike anything seen before. Can you imagine terrorists being taken from their safe zones, tried and executed under statutes that punish such behavior.

The end result if a shake up like this would take place, the rest of the world again in awe of the United States financial solidity, economic stability, and above all the citizens again holding their heads high saying they are “Proud to be American” can you believe our allies again saying thank you America.

It's called making America great again, it's called controlling OUR destiny OURSELVES.
If this is what you want for America, then come and join us and let your representatives know exactly what you want, and any rep that objects, replace them.

Join us and fight for America, the one we want, not the one they will let us have.

Follow this link and read the Petition then sign and volunteer to get back the America we as citizens want.

It's our country, let's keep it.


A believing American who still cares

An Open Letter to the People of the United States # 12

Mr. Trump does it again, you tell me what's happening.

Everybody in their comfort zone is starting to feel the heat. John McCain is feeling it,


Rance Priebus is feeling it and all the hob knobs in Congress are feeling it.

The clubhouse doors have been kicked in. and the crap is starting to flow.

An excerpt from an article in the Western Journel by Pastor Chuck Baldwin July 23, 2015 at 4:23pm Titled Trump was right about McCain:

My mind is far from made up in regards to supporting Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy. But, so far, Donald Trump has been willing to courageously confront the Washington establishment in an in-your-face, no-holds-barred manner that we have not seen in a long, long time. And if Trump accomplishes nothing else in his presidential bid except exposing establishment sycophants like John McCain, I, for one, am excited that he has entered the race.

Is this not what is needed today for more of us citizens like Donald Trump to engage the Washington establishment in an in-your-face, no-holds-barred manner. We don not have to contend on their level of finger pointing and verbal assault to make a point of fact, in fact those who use those tactics do so because their stand is indefensible and they know it.

We have the most powerful weapon available to us if we choose to use it and that is the Constitution. How can we use it, through an Article V Convention of States. Now I know that you have heard that there are way to many things going against such a move, but think about something, who is speaking these things, the Washington establishment, the John Birch Society, the National Association for Gun Rights and others of this ilk, yet when confronted with the truth about a Convention of States in accordance with the Constitution they scream bloody hell, stamp their feet and say it's UN-American and will lead to anarchy. Think about this, what is happening today in our country, is it not descriptive of anarchy? From the other side. The displacement of the Rights of the citizens in favor of the growth of the government?

Let's face it people we have let the government become what it is, a juggernaut with no other intention than to run your life from birth to death.

If you believe that is extreme, explain Planned Parenthood.

If you think what I am saying is totally out of whack with today's mindset explain how a court can take everything away from a family for exercising their constitutional rights of Freedom of religion?

If you think I am sounding the klaxon over nothing, why does our so-called President lie to the citizens of the United States on a regular basis.

If you think I am a conspiracy nut, tell me why our President and Secretary of State capitulate to an enemy that has sworn “Death to the United States and Israel” and then give them billions of dollars to support their agenda?

Those are but a few of the points against the sitting government. Are we going to continue to sit back and watch as these carrion eaters continue to decimate our country?


Like Mr. Trump do we confront the Washington establishment and reinstate the United States of America through an Article V Convention of States, the intelligent method of confrontation that serves to bring about the changes that serve the country and it's citizens.

If any of this makes sense to you, follow this link and see what can be done to heal the cancer of the present governmental hijacking of our freedoms.

We the People are the ones responsible for our government, now is the time to take up that responsibility and fix what's wrong, and we all know what that is.

Remember this, the method we use to fix our problems shows who we are, a calm, steady open approach to problem solving is far more needed that that of the consummate warrior who destroys everything in his path, we need to rebuild our country, not destroy it and start again from scratch. There is nothing worse for us than to waste our time trying to reinvent the wheel when we don't have to.

Go here and see what is being done now,

America needs us now more than ever, come on people America is our home, are we just going to give it up?

Old saying, “Either you stand for something (America) or you fall for anything (Islam West)

A believing American who still cares