hear it all the time, day after day, week after week, month after
Lives Matter
question is “To whom do they matter?”
not to the Blacks making the most noise! If it did, why isn't it
changing? The answer lies in the ideology of Liberalism. Now you
probably ask yourself “what in the heck is this fool talking
about?” Well everybody knows that Liberal ideology has nothing to
do with the persecution of the Black community right? Well let's take
a look at that.
the first example, let's look at the Department of State, seems like
a good place to start. This department of our government has been in
the hands of the Liberal faction of this country's population now for
almost 8 years correct? Under their so-called leadership, (Hillary
Clinton, and now John Kerry what have we seen. The degradation of the
United States on the world stage in many more ways than one. The
affluence of the people in charge increase over the years while
others do without, and of course the stupidity of the excuses and
attempts to deflect responsibility onto other who had just minor
parts in the actions taken by the department. Remember Ms. Harf and
her statement about ISIS and just giving them jobs to end their
miserable lives and make them productive citizens, Really Ms. Harf
Really? That's the way of Liberalism, give a little token that
dosen't mean much and they will be happy and will serve us without
question. Remember this example, it sets the stage for “Black
Lives Matter.” and it's inherent fallacy.
look at a case in point, Michael Brown, a proven ( by video) thug
who beat up old men and stole what they had, why, because he wanted
it, who was later shot by a white policeman and then raised to the
pinnacle of human kindness and scholastic achievement and turned into
a martyr by liberal pundits such as Al Sharpton and his ilk, with how
justice must be served in the life and death of this fine young man.
is the Ferguson incident in which another black man was killed by a
police officer,. According to the professional agitators this was
another example of how black lives mean next to nothing to people who
are not black. This raises a question in my mind, if a comparison is
made according to reports from agencies outside of police departments
and criminal justice venues there seems to be a glaring fact that is
overlooked by the liberal controlled media on every occasion where a
death involves a black person, especially by law enforcement.
fact is that if you compile all the deaths in the black community,
including gang related drive-by's and collateral damage inflicted for
no reason then there are some numbers that shout outrageously high
numbers that these agitators simply choose to ignore, my question is
why, even given that it does not fit their agenda for their rise to
how are the facts interpreted among those who would rule, they are
twisted and pushed into a former that in the end points to
conservatism as the gross initiator of the problems in the black
communities, what is their method of solving the problem, simple, (
and it is called knee jerk response) give them something else to
redirect their emotional content and then lead them to think we are
doing this for your benefit. In other words, make them more dependent
on the system, once the dependence is locked in they no longer
control their outcomes, they are told what to do, how to do it, and
when to do it.. Remember in Ferguson how half the people involved
were not from Ferguson, but imported to the scene by the Liberal
machine, do you remember that? And who was in charge of that, good
ole Al Sharpton.
enough of the downside of the troubles of the Black Community, how
can it be turned around so the community is on equal footing with
other communities, there it gets a little harder, but with the right
patronage and forbearance it can be accomplished.
secret is to inculcate a sense of being in the community that has
been stripped from them by the entitlements received for doing
nothing. Starting with the most recent step of stupidity the raising
of the minimum wage, which in the end result is the closure of the
business that prosper the communities they are in, I mean really
$15/hr for flipping burgers? Where is the smarts in that? And don't
say that's what is required for people just starting out in life to
have everything they want right now because that is nothing more than
a crock.
two is to re institute the family structure with two parents instead
of one. Come on folks everyone, meaning everyone knows that single
parenthood is a blight on the basic element of this country and that
is the family, When that is destroyed by invasive policies from the
government, well you can see the result with your own eyes, it's not
rocket science folks.
and perhaps most importantly is the one that Liberals hate with a
vengeance and that is a religious ethic. In Liberalism a basic tenant
is the individual. Everything stems from the individual as he or she
is the fount of all things of importance. There is nothing more
stupid in all of man's history than those ideologues who profess
that. Every time that profession of supremacy has presented itself,
it has led to war, murder, rape, pillage, slavery and man's
inhumanity towards man. Check the history books ( before the liberals
ban them and replace them with their versions) it has never failed
the higher that man attempts to rise, the more destructive the fall.
Religious ethics have served to moderate the ill advised aggrandizing
visions some hold of themselves, and their penchant to hold
themselves above all others. The basic morals of the family not the
state are what is needed to reshape the current stance of the black
community not more government handouts that create dependence.
is the job of the government to serve the people who elect it, not to
rule those same people. The second job of the government is to ensure
that those same people have the opportunity to rise to the level they
choose rather than sit around and beg for handouts.
a citizen looses his or her identity as an acceptable part of a
community, both anger and resentment set it and the penchant then
becomes the destruction of that community through chosen acts of
violence and intolerance. The answer is not more handouts, or jobs
that the people effected are not qualified for, the answer is
re-unification of the individual into the family of the community.
There are those who would say that an influx of money would reignite
the economy and they also are stupid no economy can survive if not
for the people who make up the community, no family, no community, no
community no economy, no religious ethic, nothing but anarchy. Check
it and see if I am wrong.
believing American who still cares