Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Kerry State Dept, strikes again

Here I thought after the French connect, “Pretty Boy Kerry” would heed the prevailing direction of the flow of information. But it appears I was wrong. Now this overdone
Peace-nick” decides it's time to disarm the Marine Corps in favor of the radical element who as a standard shout at the top of their lungs “Death to Israel, Death to America.”

From the James Taylor debacle in France, to the other idiot steps he has taken, does this fool ever learn????

Being a Marine, I know exactly what it means to surrender your weapon to the enemy, never, never has that ever happened, until today that is. When Washington is populated by a bunch of cowardly idiots that do not know the difference between their heads and asses, then there is no hope for America. They will do everything in their power to destroy everything that has been built since this country's inception.

It is totally sickening to watch this country be torn down from within because of a few jackassified individuals who think they are doing America a service. Well numb nuts, here's your wake up call, your actions will be the death warrant for millions of Americans, not only on the battlefields, but in their homes, on the streets, in the allies, everywhere people gather. And would you like to know why, because of you and your idiotic liberalism. Would you like proof, just look at history, OH SHUCKS, I forgot, you don't like history, because it shows your type of stupidity.

You say disarm, and we will have peace, are you willing to bet your life on that, because if we disarm, so do you, and your bodyguards, you ready for that!!! Come on Dianne Feinstein let us know if your ready for that. Yes, yes, yes, the Elitist mentality strike forever in the form of the Liberal Left, led by Barack Hussein Obama, and John Kerry, who else would disarm the Marines in the face of the enemy except those who do not care about their well being.

A proud group of America's best, the tip of the spear, the MEN's Dept. in the Dept. of the Navy, equal to anything on Earth. Publicly embarrassed by the JOHN KERRY led State Dept, under orders from the Oval Office, taught from Day 1 “You are a Marine, you never ever surrender your weapon to anyone,!”

Until of course you have to deal with the likes of Johnny “the peace-nick boy

Then to listen to the State Dept. Spokesperson Jen Psaki and her talking points, No we are not being run out of town, others have done it too, we fully expect that whatever we leave behind will be there when we return in the same shape as it was when we left.

The extent of the stupidity of this government is beyond comprehension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's do a little something here, let's say you have a brand new house, you just bought for a good price,your first brand new anything, and the mayor and city councilman come to your house and said you have to give it up and leave the city, and maybe if some day you retutn you will find you house in exactly the same shape it was when you left, yet right behind them you see drug dealers, criminals, and all sorts of flotsam and jetsam moving in and taking over the neighborhood, would you give up what you worked for so hard because a spinless idiot who wants to appease instead of defeat the criminal element said it would be better if everybody just joined in and sang “You've got a friend” would you just give it up. Something tells me that those who have something in their pants besides foul air and sticky stuff would say kiss off idiot.

Well in the case of the Marines in foreign countries they don't have a whole bunch that's theirs, their rucks, their boots, their uniforms, and their weapons, but most of all their SPIRIT.

Now think like this you become attached to your possessions, Why, because they are yours, and you will not allow others to tell you how to deal with them. Look at your possessions, you worked for them, they mean something to you, they identify you, they give you a sense of belonging., on a smaller scale, it's the same with a Marine, a Soldier, and Airman/Woman, and a Sailor, we become attached to our possessions, it's not the idea of I have a rifle, therefore I can kill, no that rifle stands for something, in the hands of a Marine it's what stands between the people at home and the current bad guy, if I fail in my job and they get by me then others are at risk, so therefore I will not fail, the rifle is an extension of the Marine, that extension is the tool A Marine works with to do his/her job, that job weather you like it or not is to protect and defend the United States of America, and we've been doing a damn good job of that for the past 240 years

Here's something from the Corps, don't know who wrote it, don't care, this is the mindset of a Marine

In 1775 The Corps was born at a place called Tun”s Tavern we didn't have much then except what we brought with us, through the years we have gathered what we needed to do the job and along the way a reputation from other countries throughout this world “Don't screw with the Marines, they don't quit.” When we describe out symbol the E.A.G. (Eagle, Anchor, and Globe) it becomes very specific.

We stole the Eagle from the Air Force
We stole the Anchor from the Navy
We stole the Rope from the Army
And on the seventh day
when God rested
we overran His perimeter
and have been defending our shores ever since

That ladies and Gentlemen is a United States Marine, when you take away the tools with which they do their job you slap them in the face and tell them that they don't matter. The Marine Corps has precious little to call theirs, the tools and their reputation are everything to us.

So to those pansy-waste scumbags at the State Department who thought this up, three words



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