Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Is there a move towards-----SANITY?

The Senate has passed the Keystone XL Bill, now it goes to the White House.
The President has sent a budget to Capital Hill requesting $2 Trillion in tax hikes. The house is preparing a bill to get rid of Obamacare. Obama wants to strip Vets of the Vet's choice program and give 70.2 billion in discretionary spending plus let the VA raid another 10 Billion that is set aside for the Vet's Choice program.

Does this sound like there are any grownups in Washington?

To me, it sounds like business as usual. The more they talk about changing the system, the less they do about it. So again, we are left in the position of “coming in third in a two man race.” With the amount of fertalizer being spread around in Washington, seem to me like it should be the greenest place in the country, yet it still appears to be brown, and “Lord does it stink!”

As far as answering the original question Is there a move towards sanity, does not appear to be so

What are we to expect from our gracious leadership? Just more of the same, the “Mushroom Treatment” aka “Keep them in the dark and feed them a bunch of crap.” Nothing new.

Was thinking the other day, in my life, I spent a lot of time working in the field of “Substance Abuse.” while doing this thinking I started to draw some conclusions, though I might be wrong, but, I don't think that is the case. For instance a definition of addiction is “Doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results each time!” Within the framework of the senior Congressmen/women, there is a definite similarity with the characters in the addiction lifestyle for instance there is our Exulted President, better known as “King Baby” which equals “My way, my way, my way” there is the Speaker of the House, P.L.O.M. (Poor Little Ole Me) “I'm so picked on, nobody likes me” Then there is the enabler, that of course is us, you see we are the ones who allow this to happen! We are the ones that through our apathy in engaging in the welfare of our country allow these characters to not only exist, but thrive in an environment that suites their desire for power grabs while defecating on everyone whom they feel is beneath them on a social scale. It is not such a drastic set of events that allow this to continue, it is just out and out complacency on our parts.

And that brings us to the question of asking ourselves what is it we really want. Do we want America, or would we rather have “Big Brother, or perhaps we would opt for the “Islamic Caliphate” you know that the so called religion that says you agree with me, or I'll cut your head off.

You know what really needs to happen, one of these imbecilic terrorist groups to put some boots on the ground in the United States and start a rampage and take some of these know it all college stupids and like they do in Syria, Iraq, Iran and other countries like Africa make them kill their own families for Allah or for the prophet brother MOMO, then let's see what these idiots have to say.

Yes, come on now let's keep radicals, killers, and terrorists teaching in the colleges we pay for and let our kids be radicalized while we watch and say “OH MY GOODNESS” that's the proper thing to do isn't it?

Yep, apathy is a great thing, that is until you have to say “What happened” then you look for someone to blame, just like our idiot Obama does.

Like I said, I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

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