Monday, February 9, 2015

Makes you kinda wanna go HMMMM!!!

Since our beloved president seems to give preference to anything that call itself Muslim, and of course turn away from anything identified as Jewish, do you think it's time to call a spade, a spade?

Seems our fearful leader is again bending at the waist to the Islam Caliphate. Besides the dust up with Congress over Netanyahu's visit in March, it doubles up on our fearless precursor to a lethal case of stupidity in ascribing Christianity and the US version of slavery as the same thing.

OH so incongruous” Berry you see as it clearly states in history(subject you have no use for) Your brotherhood has far outclasses any other nation in the ancient world, in the old world, and in our world.

It is roughly estimated that over the given time period since “The Perfect Man” exited that cave and began indoctrinating groups of people to his professed “Religion” that Islam has been credited with oh roughly about 1 billion + murders, an ongoing enterprise known as human slavers in the field of prostitution, even today!

So tell us OH KNOW IT ALL PRESIDENT do you have the guts to admit that, or is it just another repetition of well it their fault being directed at America ?
Don't you think your stupidity has gone far enough, I don't know about anyone else but you don't have to convince me that this fabled stupidity of yours has risen to the level of the incredible.

I did some checking there brother Berry, and it even seem Alfred E. Newman of Mad Magazine fame is far outclassed in being just flat out stupid by none other than you. Man, isn't that a Legacy “The President of the United States of America who was and remains stupider that Alfred E. Newman” Yes Siree Buddy, bet your kids will just cherish that as they put on their bourkhas.

Oh did I mention that by avoiding meeting with the Israel Prime Minister you just solidify everybody's suspicion of “More than meets the eye here” and then of course you Hush Hush meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House, OH YEA OH YEA, got you covered Berry.

Seems amazing to me, that this continues to happen within our purview and we continue to let it. This president as abdicated the duties of the Office of the President on quite a few more occasions than one. For him not to recognize Islam radicalism as terrorist in nature is the same as saying “Can't we all just be friends” Oh Lord America, how could we have been so wrong!

I am hoping that America wakes up with a resounding thud for those who would see her destroyed and then watch as we become part of the Islamic Caliphate, because you see, that is where it's going.

Now, there are some who are going to resent the following, but that's okay, you see it's my opinion, I'm stating what I believe is true, I have had my share of battles in South East Asia and other parts of the world, I am no hero, just at that time a scared kid doing what I had to to stay alive, nobody forced me into what I was doing, that was my choice, I felt I had a debt to pay to my country, by that I mean the people of this country, the ones who make it work. That debt encompassed my family going all the way back to the birth of this nation. This nation allowed us to build a life not only for ourselves but also those who came after us, my debt was then and is now to pass this country on to the next generation in better shape than it was when I got it, that's who I am, that's what I'm about. So if you don't like what comes next that's your decision.

I believe everything we are experiencing right now is to be found in the Bible, I believe in God Almighty, the Creator, I believe in Jesus Christ, my Savior, I believe as He said in the Book of Revelations, if you were to start reading chapter 6, you would see life as we know it now remember though Revelations is very figurative in it's writing but the situations are what I am alluding to, tell me if you do not see today being described. Also remember this is the portal to what follows, and I believe that that is going to be hard to take friend, very hard to take. Were this to take place today, half the United States would go insane in as little as three days, the other half, well we are already there waiting for you to catch up.

I believe that Obama has no interest in getting it right for America and will do everything in his power to make sure that never happens. If I am wrong I will be the first to say so, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

You know what I believe in, you know what I stand for, and I think you got an inkling of what I have done in my past to maintain that position, I am no hero, I am no leader, I am just a guy from the backwoods that is American through to the bone and back and I hate what I am seeing now from this country's leadership.

Writing this has helped, but it to me is still not enough, Paul Revere, not me, just an American and damned proud of it. I hope and pray that in some little way this will help to wake America up as to how we are being back stabbed. And come together to do what we can to prevent the “Decimation of America.” 

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