Thursday, February 5, 2015

Another one bites the dust

In a nutshell, radical Islamist terrorist groups have virtually free rein across a majority of the Middle East. According to U.S. Military leaders,

The Islamic threat will continue to grow unless the world unites to form a team of nations who are ready to do whatever it takes to eradicate the cancerous Islamic State from the face of Earth.”

Although he says otherwise, it is becoming increasingly clear that:

US President Obama has no intention of being a leading part of that team.”

He was then asked,

When will he learn that diplomacy doesn’t work with savages!”

Although US President Obama assures the American people that all is well in his foreign policy world, U.S. Lt. Gen Vincent Stewart warns Capital Hill that that is simply not the case. Our Middle East strategies have been a failure and the threat to the U.S. from radical Islam continues to grow.

Kind of nice to have it out in the open finally, this General is probably now headed for involuntary retirement as were his predecessors who voiced opinions contrary to Obama's views. Kind of shows who's side the “O” chooses to defend right?

Again, I ask, how is it that the American people at large can tolerate this cowardly behavior from a President without doing something about it. Then on top of that, we have some liberal Democrats who response thus to a visiting head of State that is an ally of the United States;

Dozens of House Democrats are privately threatening to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s March 3 speech to Congress, in which he will address ongoing negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program.
Vice President Joe Biden, who usually sits next to House Speaker John Boehner during joint sessions of Congress, hasn’t committed to attending either, according to Politico.
President Obama, as well as Biden, have both said they will not meet with the prime minister during his trip to the U.S., citing the Israeli elections on March 17. Secretary of State John Kerry has not made plans to meet with Netanyahu either, a State Department official confirmed Tuesday.
Boehner extended the invite to Netanyahu without first consulting the White House, something that has rubbed many lawmakers the wrong way.

Typical childish behavior from supposed adult politicians, America it is time to hang our heads in shame over something we let continue through our apathy.
When are we as Americans finally going to grow a pair, stand up and and tell these idiots in Washington that this is the way things are done here, and if you don't like it go home, we will elect someone who can do the job you were sent to do.

This is really getting pathetic, a once proud country is nothing more than a bunch of simpering fools who other countries point the finger at and laugh.

Congratulations Obama, you have accomplished your “Fundamental Change.”

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