Friday, February 20, 2015

I have a pen and a phone

Washington has continually overstepped it's boundries, this Administration is riddled with scandles, it's one lie on top of another and there's no end in sight. The President has usurped powers that are not legal in gaining his ends. He has invited his friends to take this country, he has denied the citizens of this country the rights they inherited from our predessors. He is in the act of dismanteling this country piece by piece, it needs to stop

For answers as to how to stop this decline
Follow this link
We owe it to our children as our parents owed it to us to leave something better than what we got for those who come after, if you want to continue this trend
Click here
This country is "Of the People" not of the government, we have the power to stop this decline in it's tracks as given by the Constitution. If you are willing to take part in the furthering of this country as the United States of America instead of Iraq 2, Iran 2, Syria 2. If you want to stop the slide into a Third World country.
Click here and learn how
The cost to us in time and support, if we don't, the cost to our children will be insurmountable, it your choice, do you want America, or do you want the Caliphate, you decide
Click here for America
If you care about this country as much as others do please click the links above and help us to reclaim the country we were given, help us to effect the repairs needed in keeping this country free, help us to fix what is wrong the right way, not through a dictatorship, nor a monarchy, nor a claiphate. We have the tools to do the job needed as given by the Constitution, we don't need to re-invent the wheel, we need to repair the flats we have. The3n when we turn it over to those who follow (our children) it will be something worthwhile for them.
Click here and let's get the job done

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