Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I promised to show you what we could do, here's another method.

If any of you have been reading my blog at you have probably ascertained the extent of my feelings towards these governmental intrusion into sectors of our lives that they have no business being in. You have also probably been able to decipher the extern that I feel we have been led down the “Yellow Brick Road” into the poppy fields and become sluggish in the response needed to maintain the United States of America as just that, not The United States of America as a suburb of Islam.

It is with this in mind, I have decided to join and volunteer at the Convention Of States Project. I have often in my blogs stated that it is “We the People” who must band together and assist in the “Resurrection” of our country. Also in the blogs you will note that I have suggested an ongoing campaign of contacting your representatives at the local level, the State level , and the Federal level to stand against the onslaughts we are witnessing from Washington D. C.

Now, there are others who choose to stand against the pro-government factor and rein it back to what it is supposed to be. A government so aptly described by a lanky farm boy from Illinois as a “Government of the People, for the people, and by the People.” This has been the model of governance that we have chosen to follow for 239 years, and it has not failed us yet.

We came into existence as 13 colonies, and in our lifetime we have fought an Empire to a standstill, by which we became a nation, we have fought in a series of wars over the globe and tow World Wars, we as a nation have extended a helping hand to other countries when they faced natural disasters and other calamities that they could not overcome on their own, we have offered solace to immigrants from all over the world and just asked them to follow our laws regarding immigration.

We have risen to the most powerful nation on the planet, socially, economically, and spiritually. The United States has become home to billions of people who fled their home countries because of persecution, for reasons of race, creed, or religious ethic. That is the America I know and love, this America today is now hurting because of little people in big places who cannot but alter that which has worked for this country to rise to it's position on the world stage in just a little over 200 years. These little people who can do nothing but make more rules designed for nothing else than to keep them in power, these little people who spout grand ideas but have nothing on which to base them.

America is not perfect, never claimed to be, but at least we try our best to get things right, no matter what the little people say, or try to spin. There is more we can do to improve, but you don't improve something by ripping it apart, you build on what you have and then the improvement is verifiable.

To this end, I have aligned myself with the Convention of States in order to improve what we have always had as opposed to tearing it apart with strife and lies. And I think any rational person can tell another lie from the mouths of those little people.
And if there is concern that this is a wildcat response to today's unrest, let me suggest that you get a copy of the Constitution we live by and read Article 5. This is evidence that our forefathers were brilliant in their assumption that the situation we now face would arise, and the little people would do this, isn't it amazing how we grow into the realization of exactly how smart our forefathers really were?

If you are considering how things are changing, and would like to do something about it, but don't know what to do, join us in the quest to rein in the government, stop the abusive spending of monies we don't have, and return the United States of America to the American people, then join us, become active, stand for the country that gave you the opportunity to live as you choose, worship as you choose, and participate as you choose.

John F. Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Martin Luther King said “I say to you, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I STILL HAVE A DREAM!”

My dream is a free country where I can live as I choose, worship as I choose an reach as high as I choose, my dream is to live in a country that offers these opportunities. I ask those who agree to join me and do for our country, as she has done for us. Join the movement to give America back to it's owners, to it's supporters, to it's defenders, join the “Convention of States.”

Follow the link, take a stand.

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