Friday, February 27, 2015

Getting Big Time Back-up

The man who single-handedly takes down . . . everything, calls on the 50 United States to get together and take down Obama. If anyone can do it Chuck Norris can. Remember, he’s the one who has his own legendary jokes:
“Did you hear about Chuck Norris? He threw a hand grenade into a den of Islamic Terrorists. Killed 50 of them. Then the grenade blew up!”
Chuck is speaking out in support of a new constitutional convention which would stop the federal spendthrift once and for all – and stop Obama in his tracks. Norris spoke out for the plan in an article he wrote for WND, where the legendary super-hero said his plan meant there was:
“Finally hope on the horizon to control the federal fiscal insanity by the states’ initiative to force a balanced budget amendment via an Article V constitutional convention.”
“Washington’s out-of-control outlays remind me of the words of President Ronald Reagan, who said, ‘We could say they spend money like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors. It would be unfair, because the sailors are spending their own money,’” Norris wrote.”
“A constitutional balanced budget amendment, or BBA, is not a new idea, and neither is the states’ push for such legislation,” he continued.
“However, what could be new to many Americans is just how close its enactment is to becoming reality. Unknown to many, 25 states have already called for the convention to add the BBA, and only nine more states (34 in total, or two-thirds) are required to force the convention.”
“Many state legislators are fearful of a BBA because they fear that it would put the U.S. economy in further jeopardy during recessions or years with lower federal revenue by forcing policymakers to cut spending, raise taxes or both; hence, ultimately leading to higher deficits and a weaker economy, or so they say.”
“The Congressional Budget Office projects that under current law over the next 25 years federal spending will increase to 36 percent of national income.” Norris quotes University of Colorado economist Barry Poulson:
“The increased deficits and debt that accompany this spending will result in retardation and stagnation in economic growth that will make it virtually impossible to balance the budget.”
“If we wait another decade to constrain spending the task of balancing the federal budget becomes insurmountable. By then the economy will be stagnating; and eliminating deficits will require that federal spending be cut in half, something that will never happen.”
“The window to stop and correct the economic chaos perpetuated by Washington is narrow and passing. Without intervention, Washington will spiral our economy to its point of no return. All other solutions for economic federal restraint or solvency have proven fruitless, despite the best of intentions of some. The only way to save our posterity from inevitable economic peril is to enact this BBA as soon as possible. There is no reasonable alternative.”
Go Chuck Norris! It’s time for the states to use Article V to take back our country from a corrupt President and a federal government that cannot live within its means.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do I hear a "Whats Going on here?"

I know the blog is beginning to sound very political, there is a reason.

Let me do some explaining.

I am an American born to this land 69 years ago.

My family has been part of this country since it's inception. I have had relatives in the Revolutionary War, and every other war that the United States of America has been in. 

My roots go back to 1655 when Jean Trudel landed on this continent. He chose to stay in Canada in the area of Three Rivers on the St. Lawrence River between Quebec and Montreal. Later our family gravitated to what now is the continental United States, part of us settled in the area of Boston and another part continued further south towards the Delta Region of the Mississippi. In one way or another my family has been part of the United States since before it was the United States.

My family has participated in the birth process, and the growth process of this country. I have had relatives fighting for this country prior to 1775 on down through to today, In the south there were relatives at the “Battle of New Orleans” with that pirate that came out of the bayous named Jean Lafitte who participated in the Blockade of New Orleans Harbor against the British Navy.

I am told, though I can't verify that relatives participated at Bunker Hill, at Fort Ticonderoga, at British Evacuation of Boston, at Invasion of Quebec, Canada. My folks also participated in the Civil War, and the Spanish/American war on, and on down through WW1, WW2, Korea (my Dad), Viet Nam (me) Kosovo (my eldest son) Iraq #1 (my middle son) Afghanistan (my youngest son).

We have always stood for this country as we did going back through the years to the beginning of our history. My family consists of people of the earth, and soldiers.

This is not to brag, nor is it to raise my family above others, because you see we are but only a part of what took place in the birth of this country other families participated, some at a higher cost, but so you would understand why I have chosen to put these facts in my blog about the Convention of States. I honestly believe that this is the way to get our country back on an even keel. 

Notice I did not say we are perfect, far from it, there is a lot that needs to be cleaned up and put right, but the only way for that to happen is to first get the government under control. Financially we cannot continue to let them (the representatives) spend us into oblivion, and at the rate they are going, that takes place in the next five to six years! We cannot afford the taxes they want to run their ever burgeoning footprint.

As I see it, there are two ways to preclude the catastrophic events that will take place if we as citizens do not do something. 

One is the legally authorized way, by means of a Convention of States where citizens participate through State Legislatures to restrict the unrelenting growth of government, reduce the financial burdens placed on the people, and nullify the over regulation of the government, through the process of debate and amendments to the Constitution, not to detract from what is already there, but to reaffirm what is there.

The other alternative is hard to even comprehend and that is insurrection. Being a soldier from soldiers, I can testify you really don't want it to go that far. 

If it were to, that would mean the end to the United States of America.

I don't accept that so I opt for the first choice, and I will do everything I can to ensure that it happens the way it is supposed to.

Monday, February 23, 2015

What is a Convention of States?

In Article V of the Constitution, it is my understanding that a Convention of States is a process that our Founding Fathers gave within that framework. It is the vehicle used by the people when the sitting government oversteps it's limits, thus setting up a form of government not described in the Constitution. They (The Founding Fathers) envisioned the possibility of such a thing happening and took steps to preclude it, thus leaving the final authority to the people of the United States as to how the government would run. It was long thought that the government should be able to tax it's citizens for the functionality in doing it's everyday jobs to fulfill it's mission of service to it's people. When the government goes outside of the restrictions placed on it by the Constitution, it then becomes incumbant on the people to do what is necessary to restructure that government until it meets it's responsibilities.

A Convention of States can be called by the Congress when 2/3 of both houses deem it appropriate, or upon application of the Legislatures of 2/3rds of the States. The application for the Convention is initiated at the behest of citizens requesting it, then the application advances to the Legislature which is passed by a simple majority of that body, it is then forwarded to Congress who upon receipt of the applications of 34 State Legislatures is required to call a Convention of States, and that is the extent of the Congress' interaction in the process. Once called, the states through debate in caucus arrive at suggested topics that could be discussed at the convention, The requirement for State Delegates states no maximum amount of delegates that might go, but only allows one vote per state for ratification of any proposed amendments prior to them becoming part of the Constitution.

As I understand the process of the proposed amendments, they are agreed to state by state then at the convention, they are again debated and the final result is set for ratification which requires a full ¾ agreement of the State Legislatures meaning 38 separate states must agreein totality, prior to the ratification process.

The convention itself is one of two types that being a particular subject as in limiting the power of the Federal Government through a series of proposals and that of a single subject such as in a balanced budget.

What is being suggested is a series of amendments designed to limit the extent of Federal power, those being:

  1. A balanced Budget Amendments
  2. Redefining of the General Welfare Clause
  3. Redefining the Commerce clause
  4. Prohibiting the use of international treaties and laws to govern the domestic laws of the United States
  5. Limitation of the use of Executive Orders and Federal Regulations to enact laws
  6. Imposing term limits on Congress and the Supreme Court
  7. Placing upper limits on Federal taxiation
  8. Requiring the sunset of all existing Federal Tax and Super-Majority votes to replace them with fairer taxes

As far as runaway Conventions, according to Robert Natelson (a constitutional Scholar) there are more political and legal restraints on a runaway convention than there are on a runaway Congress.

Each delegate is bound to the wishes of the State Legislature, any variance from that would be cause for immediate replacement and the possibility of a three year prison term being given to the offending person. If I am not mistaken, there are a series of checks and balances in place within the convention mandate to preclude Special Interest Groups and selection via legislature. The state legislature approves the delegation, but the people (Grass Roots) select for approval.

Amending the Constitution of the United States is a serious and daunting task and should never ever be attempted for reasons other than the continuation of this country as our Founding Fathers intended it to be.

In the very recent past, it has become paramount that since the government of the United States has failed to comply with the dictates of The Constitution and the mandates of the people, that there must be change in order to rectify this situation. There are problems that have risen that need to be addressed in a calm and effective way, not in the way of “Mob Rule.”

The people of the United States are not stupid, nor are they so detached that they cannot make “heads or Tails” of the processes needed to rectify these short comings at our capitol.

Accepting the fact that there is a lot to be fixed, it becomes incumbent on us as citizens to take up the gauntlet and live up to our responsibility of preserving this nation that we can fulfill our obligation to pass it on to those who would follow in far better shape than it was when we got it. To do this, it is time to learn the tools we have available to accomplish this task, which is why I do this, there are others of my ilk who do the same thing, join with us to save this nation and pass it on to our children proudly as our gift to them. Follow this link and join us to Save the United States of America, “As It Is Meant To Be.”

                                                 God Bless America

Friday, February 20, 2015

I have a pen and a phone

Washington has continually overstepped it's boundries, this Administration is riddled with scandles, it's one lie on top of another and there's no end in sight. The President has usurped powers that are not legal in gaining his ends. He has invited his friends to take this country, he has denied the citizens of this country the rights they inherited from our predessors. He is in the act of dismanteling this country piece by piece, it needs to stop

For answers as to how to stop this decline
Follow this link
We owe it to our children as our parents owed it to us to leave something better than what we got for those who come after, if you want to continue this trend
Click here
This country is "Of the People" not of the government, we have the power to stop this decline in it's tracks as given by the Constitution. If you are willing to take part in the furthering of this country as the United States of America instead of Iraq 2, Iran 2, Syria 2. If you want to stop the slide into a Third World country.
Click here and learn how
The cost to us in time and support, if we don't, the cost to our children will be insurmountable, it your choice, do you want America, or do you want the Caliphate, you decide
Click here for America
If you care about this country as much as others do please click the links above and help us to reclaim the country we were given, help us to effect the repairs needed in keeping this country free, help us to fix what is wrong the right way, not through a dictatorship, nor a monarchy, nor a claiphate. We have the tools to do the job needed as given by the Constitution, we don't need to re-invent the wheel, we need to repair the flats we have. The3n when we turn it over to those who follow (our children) it will be something worthwhile for them.
Click here and let's get the job done

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time

Henry:  OK, I just wanted to be clear.  And then in that statement, that's what I wanted to ask you, because you put it out, under your name you talked about the murder of 21 citizens. And I'm curious, why didn't you mention it was 21 Christians killed by Muslims?  Is that relevant?
EARNEST:  It sure is, because the ISIL -- the ISIL extremists who carried out this attack indicated that they were killing them wasn't just because they were Egyptian, but also because they were Christian. And I think the president has been very clear that it is --you know, the president talked about this actually in his Prayer Breakfast speech that he gave earlier this month, that there's a responsibility of people of all faiths to stand up and speak out when you -- when individuals try to use faith and distort faith to try to justify an act of violence.
Henry:  So why were you -- given that, why were you not clear on Sunday?  It went out under your name.  Why didn't you say 21 Christians were killed?
EARNEST:  Well Ed, I've -- I've tried to be clear here.  I can't account for that specific line in the statement, but we've been clear there that we condemn this murder.  The president was clear in the op- ed that was published today, and on a variety of occasions, I think I've been pretty clear here that we condemn the outrageous killing of these Egyptian citizens because of their Christian faith.
Henry:  OK.  And the last one, two days earlier, on the 13th, you put out a statement under the president saying about the tragic deaths of the three Muslim students at the University of North Carolina, and in there, the president said, quote, ``no one in the United States of America should ever be targeted
because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.'' Why was their Muslim faith relevant in that statement?

EARNEST:  Well Ed, I think as we have indicated, the situation in North Carolina is still under investigation, and the local law enforcement authorities there are trying to determine exactly what the motivation of the individual who's been charged with this crime was. And so that is still under investigation.  But what is clear is that there is this principle that exists, regardless of the faith of the individual in question, that people should not be targeted because of their religion and what they look like or what their last name is or how they worship.
Henry:  Is there any evidence in the North Carolina case that they were targeted because they were...
EARNEST:  Well this is something that's still under...
Henry:  ... people are saying it was because of a parking space.  We don't know.  It's a local law enforcement investigation right now as you said.
Henry:  So why was their faith invoked in the president's statement?
EARNEST:  Well Ed, I think it is important for the president, in this case as he has in many others, to articulate a pretty clear principle, and I think it's the kind of principle that the vast majority of Americans should be able to support, which is that people should not, regardless of their faith, be targeted because of what their last name is, what they look like, or how they worship.
Henry:  But that gets back -- we don't know that they were targeted because of their last name or their faith.
EARNEST:  So I guess Ed, what you could, and I think that's acknowledged in the statement as well, and we have also acknowledged that this is an issue that's under investigation in North Carolina, but I think as a principle it's -- this is the kind of thing that we should all be able to agree with. OK. Bill?
Henry:  Back on the summit.
Henry:  What exactly is the take-away that you anticipate from this?  There's no executive action, there's no governmental action. It's a talking shop.  I mean, what is the point?
EARNEST:  Ed, I'm sorry, Bill...
I mean that as a compliment.
I hope that's the way you took it.
Henry:  I'm sure I will, after I think about it.

Henry:  OK, I just wanted to be clear.  And then in that statement, that's what I wanted to ask you, because you put it out, under your name you talked about the murder of 21 citizens. And I'm curious, why didn't you mention it was 21 Christians killed by Muslims?  Is that relevant?
EARNEST:  It sure is, because the ISIL -- the ISIL extremists who carried out this attack indicated that they were killing them wasn't just because they were Egyptian, but also because they were Christian. And I think the president has been very clear that it is --you know, the president talked about this actually in his Prayer Breakfast speech that he gave earlier this month, that there's a responsibility of people of all faiths to stand up and speak out when you -- when individuals try to use faith and distort faith to try to justify an act of violence.
Henry:  So why were you -- given that, why were you not clear on Sunday?  It went out under your name.  Why didn't you say 21 Christians were killed?
EARNEST:  Well Ed, I've -- I've tried to be clear here.  I can't account for that specific line in the statement, but we've been clear there that we condemn this murder.  The president was clear in the op- ed that was published today, and on a variety of occasions, I think I've been pretty clear here that we condemn the outrageous killing of these Egyptian citizens because of their Christian faith.
Henry:  OK.  And the last one, two days earlier, on the 13th, you put out a statement under the president saying about the tragic deaths of the three Muslim students at the University of North Carolina, and in there, the president said, quote, ``no one in the United States of America should ever be targeted
because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.'' Why was their Muslim faith relevant in that statement?

EARNEST:  Well Ed, I think as we have indicated, the situation in North Carolina is still under investigation, and the local law enforcement authorities there are trying to determine exactly what the motivation of the individual who's been charged with this crime was. And so that is still under investigation.  But what is clear is that there is this principle that exists, regardless of the faith of the individual in question, that people should not be targeted because of their religion and what they look like or what their last name is or how they worship.
Henry:  Is there any evidence in the North Carolina case that they were targeted because they were...
EARNEST:  Well this is something that's still under...
Henry:  ... people are saying it was because of a parking space.  We don't know.  It's a local law enforcement investigation right now as you said.
Henry:  So why was their faith invoked in the president's statement?
EARNEST:  Well Ed, I think it is important for the president, in this case as he has in many others, to articulate a pretty clear principle, and I think it's the kind of principle that the vast majority of Americans should be able to support, which is that people should not, regardless of their faith, be targeted because of what their last name is, what they look like, or how they worship.
Henry:  But that gets back -- we don't know that they were targeted because of their last name or their faith.
EARNEST:  So I guess Ed, what you could, and I think that's acknowledged in the statement as well, and we have also acknowledged that this is an issue that's under investigation in North Carolina, but I think as a principle it's -- this is the kind of thing that we should all be able to agree with. OK. Bill?
Henry:  Back on the summit.
Henry:  What exactly is the take-away that you anticipate from this?  There's no executive action, there's no governmental action. It's a talking shop.  I mean, what is the point?
EARNEST:  Ed, I'm sorry, Bill...
I mean that as a compliment.
I hope that's the way you took it.
Henry:  I'm sure I will, after I think about it.

The above is the transcript of a conversation between a Fox news reporter and a White House Spokesman, please take not of the very artful attempt at double-speak. It seems to me that every spokesperson for this government is a master at double-speak, from the White House down through every department that has been called on the carpet for it's behavior, thee IRS, the State Department, the Secretary of State, the Defense Department, the secretary of Defense, the Justice Department, the Attorney General, the Democratic Party, the house Minority Leader, the Senate Majority Leader, the Speaker of the House, the Vice-president. I kind of think it would be easier to list those who have not come under the microscope for questionable behavior and policy than those who have. I mean look at the “Tough guy” Charlie (somebody ought to slap the stupid out of him) Rangel posturing as only an ineffective individual would and making threats he could in no way back up. This is truly a gathering of pompous jackasses, led by the august President himself and how we should deal with the cause of the the increase in the recruitment of terrorist groups by changing what we do instead of confronting the groups themselves, Remember Harf's statement “We can't kill our way out of a war” Well sorry Ms Harf, but according to my experience in war, YES YOU CAN, you see, once you shoot the bad guy, he doesn't get back up and shoot you next week, so Yea, you can kill your way out of a war, after you get done doing that, then you take care of the other business at hand and as a plus, you don't have to hide in the corner.

Now I'm pretty sure that you have had enough of this “Double Speak” our government is famous for around the world, and I am sure you are equally as fed up with Obama's recreant behavior with Islamic terrorists, and if you just have a heartbeat, you might be feeling the shame of his leadership on the world stage, well there is an alternative. If you think this government should be put back in it's place then do something about it, what can I do, you ask, that's easy, follow this link and read about the Convention of States, it's purpose, it's Strategy, and why it will work. You don't have to leave the comfort of your home, though it would help at the gatherings, you don't have to speechify, others are there for that, but your support is needed, in part financial yes, but more importantly in spirit and in agreement with. You see, as much as the side which opposes the freedoms we have, and how much they want to silence everyone who disagrees with them, our forefathers(smart people they were) knew this would happen, and in defense of our way of life gave us Article V of the Constitution just for that purpose Once you read and learn about the Convention of States then decide if it's the right way to go, if so join us and stand for your country. After all it is your country, you built it, and you keep it going.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I promised to show you what we could do, here's another method.

If any of you have been reading my blog at you have probably ascertained the extent of my feelings towards these governmental intrusion into sectors of our lives that they have no business being in. You have also probably been able to decipher the extern that I feel we have been led down the “Yellow Brick Road” into the poppy fields and become sluggish in the response needed to maintain the United States of America as just that, not The United States of America as a suburb of Islam.

It is with this in mind, I have decided to join and volunteer at the Convention Of States Project. I have often in my blogs stated that it is “We the People” who must band together and assist in the “Resurrection” of our country. Also in the blogs you will note that I have suggested an ongoing campaign of contacting your representatives at the local level, the State level , and the Federal level to stand against the onslaughts we are witnessing from Washington D. C.

Now, there are others who choose to stand against the pro-government factor and rein it back to what it is supposed to be. A government so aptly described by a lanky farm boy from Illinois as a “Government of the People, for the people, and by the People.” This has been the model of governance that we have chosen to follow for 239 years, and it has not failed us yet.

We came into existence as 13 colonies, and in our lifetime we have fought an Empire to a standstill, by which we became a nation, we have fought in a series of wars over the globe and tow World Wars, we as a nation have extended a helping hand to other countries when they faced natural disasters and other calamities that they could not overcome on their own, we have offered solace to immigrants from all over the world and just asked them to follow our laws regarding immigration.

We have risen to the most powerful nation on the planet, socially, economically, and spiritually. The United States has become home to billions of people who fled their home countries because of persecution, for reasons of race, creed, or religious ethic. That is the America I know and love, this America today is now hurting because of little people in big places who cannot but alter that which has worked for this country to rise to it's position on the world stage in just a little over 200 years. These little people who can do nothing but make more rules designed for nothing else than to keep them in power, these little people who spout grand ideas but have nothing on which to base them.

America is not perfect, never claimed to be, but at least we try our best to get things right, no matter what the little people say, or try to spin. There is more we can do to improve, but you don't improve something by ripping it apart, you build on what you have and then the improvement is verifiable.

To this end, I have aligned myself with the Convention of States in order to improve what we have always had as opposed to tearing it apart with strife and lies. And I think any rational person can tell another lie from the mouths of those little people.
And if there is concern that this is a wildcat response to today's unrest, let me suggest that you get a copy of the Constitution we live by and read Article 5. This is evidence that our forefathers were brilliant in their assumption that the situation we now face would arise, and the little people would do this, isn't it amazing how we grow into the realization of exactly how smart our forefathers really were?

If you are considering how things are changing, and would like to do something about it, but don't know what to do, join us in the quest to rein in the government, stop the abusive spending of monies we don't have, and return the United States of America to the American people, then join us, become active, stand for the country that gave you the opportunity to live as you choose, worship as you choose, and participate as you choose.

John F. Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Martin Luther King said “I say to you, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I STILL HAVE A DREAM!”

My dream is a free country where I can live as I choose, worship as I choose an reach as high as I choose, my dream is to live in a country that offers these opportunities. I ask those who agree to join me and do for our country, as she has done for us. Join the movement to give America back to it's owners, to it's supporters, to it's defenders, join the “Convention of States.”

Follow the link, take a stand.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Chief Clown

If he's not out puttering around on the golf course somewhere in the United States in his cute shorts and skinny legs trying to decipher why the ball wont go in the hole, he is extremely busy with the overwhelming problem of restraining the desktop in the Oval Office to keep it in place so it won't injure some unaware passer-by on Pennsylvania Ave. , boy we just don't realize the importance of his job.

What could possibly be more important than protecting the well being of a passer-by, just think of the ramifications if that came to pass, what could be more important???


BBC -Jihadist militants from Islamic State have burned to death 45 people in the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi, the local police chief says.


Beclowning is unbecoming for an American President. But for Barack Obama the clown suit fits fine. Our enemies are laughing; we are not.


Don’t worry, Americans, the president is on the case!

I mean, not our president...

French President Francois Hollande spoke by phone with his Egyptian counterpart, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, to discuss the situation in Libya on Monday, according to Hollande’s office. It said the two spoke of the growth of ISIS in Libya and “underscored the importance of the security council meeting and for the international community to take new measures” against the threat.

And what is our “heroic” President doing, why he's making plans for his next golf weekend, or he is valiantly holding his desktop down protecting the unaware passer-by, not,--- really America aren't you just so proud of such displays of manliness from our vacuous leader?

The world is asking for, nay begging for leadership in the growing problem of ISIS, Al Queda, and other organizations like them and our leader from behind still remains ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE, but wait, it's been 6 years now going on seven, does that not qualify as desertion?

Just think of that, 66 people killed by Muslim Terrorists in the past couple of weeks, the world in upheaval, France and Egypt now join Jordan in the fight for their lives and the Chief Clown does nothing. Does he care, nope. Will he care, nope, he has accomplished his mission, he has fundamentally changed America and we just watched him do it, if we don't care, why should he?????

Monday, February 16, 2015

The cost of cowardice:

The head of the Free World, The commander-in-Chief of what used to be the most powerful Military Force in the world, the ranking Head of State turns out to be a coward in the eyes of the world.

Russia taunts the President with pictures of Putin riding a horse bare chested while the President plays golf in his cute hat and shorts and skinny legs, the Korean dictator continues to posture and taunt with threats of missiles and murder, The Cuban President tells the Obama Administration what they want and says nothing will be done until they get it. The French won't even give the time of day to the Administration, the Israel Prime Minister will address the Congress of the United States while the President stamps his foot and says “I won't go so Na-Na-Na” and sticks his tongue out.

The world looks at him, they shake their heads and say how could the United States do this? We sit here and do nothing while the “Fundamental Change” takes place right in front of our faces.

We have been relegated to the status of a third world country, economically, strategically, and spiritually. Our troops that have stood for this country since 1775 are now on the status stage as incompetent and unimportant, thanks to the administration and we do nothing. Our economy which used to be the basis for all other economies in the world has now fallen to record lows, our overly inflated employment stats have proven to be lies told by the administration to cover their attempts to bankrupt this country, the taxation has increased multiple times to accommodate the overreach of the administration, and yet more is wanted by the “Fast and Furious” spending mentality of the administration, yet we do nothing.
The antics of the Congress (both houses), and that of the Supreme Court, along with the “Executive Branch” make us the laughing stock of the world, and we do nothing.

Liberal hate groups now dictate their wants to the people of this country and of course we bow in quiescence to their demands regardless of the terms they set for us to abide by , we just hang our heads and say “Yessum Massa, we'lls get it done for yo drectly”

We have liberal hypocrites like Michael Moore who berate those who stand for something while he sucks another donut as he gets on his jet to fly to another mansion he owns and tells us we are wasteful idiots, we have millionaire idiots like Bloomberg who wan everything the way they want it regardless of what we say, we have a President who shuns allies in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood (a group sworn to the death of Israel and America) as he kowtows to their whims and murderous intent, put on video for all to see, yet he (Obama) says they are a misrepresented group of people, by the way, world history credits Islam with being the most murderous group on the face of the earth since the beginning of recorded history. But, according to our President, they are a peaceful nation/religion(riggghhht).

Citizens of the United States are told not to show their patriotism because it might make others feel uncomfortable, citizens of the United States told not to show their faith beliefs because it insults someone somewhere. Citizens of the United States told they must honor other rules of law from other countries because we are an open society, Rules of law of this country ignored in favor of letting anyone enter this country no matter who, nor for what purpose.

Yes sir buddy the cost of cowardice mounts geometrically on a daily basis, the result of the cost of cowardice, a sniveling, cowering, excuse for a human being that exists on the slop given out by everyone else.

Though there are some that would refute that stance, yes there are some American's left that stand for America without shaking in their shoes and getting a terminal case of Brown Nose. There are those who still fly their flags in spite of some kowtowing, butt sucking, self-effusive idiots that rationalize their behavior and equate it to some position they feel is above reproach. They are the one's who built this country, they are the one's who stood for common decency in the way they live their lives, they don't make excuses for others, they don't give handouts, they do give hand-ups, These are the people who make up America, these are the one's America was built for, and by.

It is with these people in mind that I suggest another means of getting what we want without resorting to face to face confrontation.

Follow this link and see what I am talking about;

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

The United States was built on the premise of self-governance, we elect our representatives, when the government becomes abusive to that premise, then, through the process set forth in the Constitution we rein the government in and if necessary recall some officials.

Now what is required of you in this, your support, by that I mean the support you give by becoming active at your local level, contacting friends and others and letting them know about the organization, letting people know you are an American and like our forefathers standing for this country, our values , and our citizens.

I know the following is old and rather long, but I feel it's importance is still relevant today, every once in a while we need to hear something like this from those who came before and why they did what they did so we can evaluate our positions before we move to do something as important as I feel this is .

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Kerry State Dept, strikes again

Here I thought after the French connect, “Pretty Boy Kerry” would heed the prevailing direction of the flow of information. But it appears I was wrong. Now this overdone
Peace-nick” decides it's time to disarm the Marine Corps in favor of the radical element who as a standard shout at the top of their lungs “Death to Israel, Death to America.”

From the James Taylor debacle in France, to the other idiot steps he has taken, does this fool ever learn????

Being a Marine, I know exactly what it means to surrender your weapon to the enemy, never, never has that ever happened, until today that is. When Washington is populated by a bunch of cowardly idiots that do not know the difference between their heads and asses, then there is no hope for America. They will do everything in their power to destroy everything that has been built since this country's inception.

It is totally sickening to watch this country be torn down from within because of a few jackassified individuals who think they are doing America a service. Well numb nuts, here's your wake up call, your actions will be the death warrant for millions of Americans, not only on the battlefields, but in their homes, on the streets, in the allies, everywhere people gather. And would you like to know why, because of you and your idiotic liberalism. Would you like proof, just look at history, OH SHUCKS, I forgot, you don't like history, because it shows your type of stupidity.

You say disarm, and we will have peace, are you willing to bet your life on that, because if we disarm, so do you, and your bodyguards, you ready for that!!! Come on Dianne Feinstein let us know if your ready for that. Yes, yes, yes, the Elitist mentality strike forever in the form of the Liberal Left, led by Barack Hussein Obama, and John Kerry, who else would disarm the Marines in the face of the enemy except those who do not care about their well being.

A proud group of America's best, the tip of the spear, the MEN's Dept. in the Dept. of the Navy, equal to anything on Earth. Publicly embarrassed by the JOHN KERRY led State Dept, under orders from the Oval Office, taught from Day 1 “You are a Marine, you never ever surrender your weapon to anyone,!”

Until of course you have to deal with the likes of Johnny “the peace-nick boy

Then to listen to the State Dept. Spokesperson Jen Psaki and her talking points, No we are not being run out of town, others have done it too, we fully expect that whatever we leave behind will be there when we return in the same shape as it was when we left.

The extent of the stupidity of this government is beyond comprehension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's do a little something here, let's say you have a brand new house, you just bought for a good price,your first brand new anything, and the mayor and city councilman come to your house and said you have to give it up and leave the city, and maybe if some day you retutn you will find you house in exactly the same shape it was when you left, yet right behind them you see drug dealers, criminals, and all sorts of flotsam and jetsam moving in and taking over the neighborhood, would you give up what you worked for so hard because a spinless idiot who wants to appease instead of defeat the criminal element said it would be better if everybody just joined in and sang “You've got a friend” would you just give it up. Something tells me that those who have something in their pants besides foul air and sticky stuff would say kiss off idiot.

Well in the case of the Marines in foreign countries they don't have a whole bunch that's theirs, their rucks, their boots, their uniforms, and their weapons, but most of all their SPIRIT.

Now think like this you become attached to your possessions, Why, because they are yours, and you will not allow others to tell you how to deal with them. Look at your possessions, you worked for them, they mean something to you, they identify you, they give you a sense of belonging., on a smaller scale, it's the same with a Marine, a Soldier, and Airman/Woman, and a Sailor, we become attached to our possessions, it's not the idea of I have a rifle, therefore I can kill, no that rifle stands for something, in the hands of a Marine it's what stands between the people at home and the current bad guy, if I fail in my job and they get by me then others are at risk, so therefore I will not fail, the rifle is an extension of the Marine, that extension is the tool A Marine works with to do his/her job, that job weather you like it or not is to protect and defend the United States of America, and we've been doing a damn good job of that for the past 240 years

Here's something from the Corps, don't know who wrote it, don't care, this is the mindset of a Marine

In 1775 The Corps was born at a place called Tun”s Tavern we didn't have much then except what we brought with us, through the years we have gathered what we needed to do the job and along the way a reputation from other countries throughout this world “Don't screw with the Marines, they don't quit.” When we describe out symbol the E.A.G. (Eagle, Anchor, and Globe) it becomes very specific.

We stole the Eagle from the Air Force
We stole the Anchor from the Navy
We stole the Rope from the Army
And on the seventh day
when God rested
we overran His perimeter
and have been defending our shores ever since

That ladies and Gentlemen is a United States Marine, when you take away the tools with which they do their job you slap them in the face and tell them that they don't matter. The Marine Corps has precious little to call theirs, the tools and their reputation are everything to us.

So to those pansy-waste scumbags at the State Department who thought this up, three words



Monday, February 9, 2015

Makes you kinda wanna go HMMMM!!!

Since our beloved president seems to give preference to anything that call itself Muslim, and of course turn away from anything identified as Jewish, do you think it's time to call a spade, a spade?

Seems our fearful leader is again bending at the waist to the Islam Caliphate. Besides the dust up with Congress over Netanyahu's visit in March, it doubles up on our fearless precursor to a lethal case of stupidity in ascribing Christianity and the US version of slavery as the same thing.

OH so incongruous” Berry you see as it clearly states in history(subject you have no use for) Your brotherhood has far outclasses any other nation in the ancient world, in the old world, and in our world.

It is roughly estimated that over the given time period since “The Perfect Man” exited that cave and began indoctrinating groups of people to his professed “Religion” that Islam has been credited with oh roughly about 1 billion + murders, an ongoing enterprise known as human slavers in the field of prostitution, even today!

So tell us OH KNOW IT ALL PRESIDENT do you have the guts to admit that, or is it just another repetition of well it their fault being directed at America ?
Don't you think your stupidity has gone far enough, I don't know about anyone else but you don't have to convince me that this fabled stupidity of yours has risen to the level of the incredible.

I did some checking there brother Berry, and it even seem Alfred E. Newman of Mad Magazine fame is far outclassed in being just flat out stupid by none other than you. Man, isn't that a Legacy “The President of the United States of America who was and remains stupider that Alfred E. Newman” Yes Siree Buddy, bet your kids will just cherish that as they put on their bourkhas.

Oh did I mention that by avoiding meeting with the Israel Prime Minister you just solidify everybody's suspicion of “More than meets the eye here” and then of course you Hush Hush meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House, OH YEA OH YEA, got you covered Berry.

Seems amazing to me, that this continues to happen within our purview and we continue to let it. This president as abdicated the duties of the Office of the President on quite a few more occasions than one. For him not to recognize Islam radicalism as terrorist in nature is the same as saying “Can't we all just be friends” Oh Lord America, how could we have been so wrong!

I am hoping that America wakes up with a resounding thud for those who would see her destroyed and then watch as we become part of the Islamic Caliphate, because you see, that is where it's going.

Now, there are some who are going to resent the following, but that's okay, you see it's my opinion, I'm stating what I believe is true, I have had my share of battles in South East Asia and other parts of the world, I am no hero, just at that time a scared kid doing what I had to to stay alive, nobody forced me into what I was doing, that was my choice, I felt I had a debt to pay to my country, by that I mean the people of this country, the ones who make it work. That debt encompassed my family going all the way back to the birth of this nation. This nation allowed us to build a life not only for ourselves but also those who came after us, my debt was then and is now to pass this country on to the next generation in better shape than it was when I got it, that's who I am, that's what I'm about. So if you don't like what comes next that's your decision.

I believe everything we are experiencing right now is to be found in the Bible, I believe in God Almighty, the Creator, I believe in Jesus Christ, my Savior, I believe as He said in the Book of Revelations, if you were to start reading chapter 6, you would see life as we know it now remember though Revelations is very figurative in it's writing but the situations are what I am alluding to, tell me if you do not see today being described. Also remember this is the portal to what follows, and I believe that that is going to be hard to take friend, very hard to take. Were this to take place today, half the United States would go insane in as little as three days, the other half, well we are already there waiting for you to catch up.

I believe that Obama has no interest in getting it right for America and will do everything in his power to make sure that never happens. If I am wrong I will be the first to say so, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

You know what I believe in, you know what I stand for, and I think you got an inkling of what I have done in my past to maintain that position, I am no hero, I am no leader, I am just a guy from the backwoods that is American through to the bone and back and I hate what I am seeing now from this country's leadership.

Writing this has helped, but it to me is still not enough, Paul Revere, not me, just an American and damned proud of it. I hope and pray that in some little way this will help to wake America up as to how we are being back stabbed. And come together to do what we can to prevent the “Decimation of America.” 

Friday, February 6, 2015

This is terrible, terrible but don't forget

Hell hath no fury as does a sissified President”

And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.

Does it not warm the cockles of your heart?

Yes my brothers and sisters, does it not make you feel all gushy inside to know and understand that our venerated (in his mind) leader steps so fearlessly into the jaws of derision and that which is unjustified in the defense of those who would see us dead along with all others (men, women, young children, the elderly, the infirm) who do not agree with their dictates.

Does it not make you want to thump your chest and say this (again in his mind is a man to name our children after, does it not (again in his mind ) make you want to kneel at his feet and beg for his blessing, to simply touch the hem of his trousers.

Does it make you want to puke!!!

For me, the latter is the best option, especially if he is tied down with his mouth propped open.

“Yes siree” my fellow American's it is something that should go down in the anneals of history “How the first black President of the United States of America defends the “Murders of the Islamic Nation” the same ones he refuses to identify as murders, as terrorists, as the most despicable people on the face of the Earth. Now, you may ask yourself why? Why would the legend (in his own mind {compliments of Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry}) do such a thing, is it because he is so tenderhearted (I don't think so), could it be because he is forgiving (nope, that's not right either) could it be because of his Christian ethic (nope, score 0 on that one). If none of these then WHY?

Could it be because of his tenderhearted feelings towards Islam? Could that be his “Fundamental Change” making the United States another Islamic territory? Could that be the chief reason? Something to think abour you know.

Or is there another reason, could it be because he is so cowardly that he sees that as his only option? Does this imbecile wear “Depends” so when he gets scared and dribbles it doesn't show. |This is the guy who tries his best to penalize the American public for being the American public, he's the one who would rather commune with Illegals those who are unlawful (Al “Baby” Sharpton) and others who would rather see America go “Belly Up.”

Yes ladies and gentlemen this is our so-called President one who instead of condemning the horrific actions of ISIS today would rather impugn today's Christians for something that was done 1100 years ago, “yes siree buddy" this is a leader of a country which has stood against this type of tyranny over the years and stood for those who could not, the country that stops what they are doing to help a neighbor during a catastrophe and asks for nothing. Yes, according to our beloved(in his mind) leader we must do penance for being who we are in the face of the world and allow thugs, pimps, whores, murders, molesters, thieves, drug pushers and that ilk to take over the country while he smiles and says “This is MY land and you will do as I say, because I have a phone and a pen which I will use.”

Don't know about you , but that kinda makes me want to slap the stupid out of him, was thinking how I could best represent this, and guess what come to mind, this is my message to “His royal High Assness”