Monday, December 22, 2014

Today's missive is a short one but a big one

It is that time of year, a short break from the drudgery of 9-5, of politics run amok, of liberalism vs capitalism, of stupidity vs common sense.

It is the time to release our anger at the systems that we built as they fall apart, it a time of reflection on things that are right. It time to take our faces out of the three corner connection we seem so anxious to put them in and look around at what our protestind, shooting, looting, disrespecting, and of course our belligerence in the face of what we think is wrong.

Here's a clue, we are all wrong, everyone of us we are wrong. We let go of our humanity, and became animals, so ready to hurt before we get hurt. So ready to take no matter who it belongs to. We are a; wrong, and there is no excuse for it. Look around at what we have done, our institutions of higher education are not that anymore, they are infested with a vileness that screams to the high heavens. Look at our leadership, there is none, look at New York the mayor turns the people against the police,

Look at the race agitators, even though they have been pointed out as criminal they go in and out of the White House as though they own it. This is what we have allowed so we are culpable. Now comes the biggie, why did this happen the answer is quite simple folks, it's so very simple that if it were a stick, it would crack right across our collective faces. Now comes the question, since we know what it is, what can we do about it.

Here's the answer friends, the only answer, yea, I know, you think I'm a religious nut, but for a change hear me out. Let's take for an example a child say about between the ages of 4-7. A really impressionable age bracket. Have you ever stopped to listen to that child, I mean really listened, with both ears and an open mind and heart, what you hear will amaze you. It really will.

There is not a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Professional Counselor that can say it any better, in fact most of the time they screw it up because of their background in science.

What is it that child is saying, or even sometimes singing when they are alone, playing by themselves, I heard it today in my wife's Day Care, one little girl was sitting on the floor with her egs crossed and tucked under her playing with a doll and singing “Jesus loves me this I know, cause the Bible tell me so.”

Such a little song, but listening to her and the conviction in her voice made me stop. Here is a child, innocent, beautiful in her simplicity, and wholly set in her trust that what she is singing is true and nothing else matters because Jesus loves her. It absolutely floored me, this child has the answer we need to cure our problems, all of them, nary a one missed, everything taken care of in one fell swoop. That child held the key that can turn off all the anger, the hatred, the vengeance, just turn it off all at once, so fast, that a blink of the eye would be 10 times longer.

It's trust, it's belief, it's being assured that there is someone, someone who has the power to fix everything in less time than it takes to say HELP. There is someone who can do that , His name is Jesus Christ, the “Reason for the Season” and you know, I don't particularly care what you call Him, we all, everyone of us knows for a fact in our hearts that what is being said is true, so very true in fact that there is no way it can be refuted.

Now you may ask why are things this way if Jesus exists, for that answer look in a mirror. Yep, that right we are the answer, we became so sophisticated that there was no need for Jesus, we coud handle what ever came down the line, but here's a reality check, we really didn't do to well with that one did we?

So now we know the reason for our anxiety, and anger, and frustration, what the heck are we willing to do to fix it, Obama wants to mandate race relations through Executive Order----RIGHHHHT. North Korea wants to take part in the hacking investigation they caused----RIGHHHHT, Cuba is now claiming victory over the United States----RIGHHHT, and of course de Blasio is the patron saint of New York---RIGHHHT, oh yea, Obama is the best president that ever was----RIGHHHHHHHT, so of course the only thing to do is to capitulate like our president does and turn all our problems over to him so he can fix them, OH FER SURE, FER SURE.

There's a better way, it easier too, just turn around and walk away from the pit of muck we created, walk away and give Jesus back His place in our lives, try it, just kind of say something like “Hello Jesus, can we take a couple to talk,” then tell Him what's on your heart, you don't have to get all flustered about it, just talk, He'll hear you, then just say, can I come home Jesus I miss you. Then let Him do what He does so well. Remember in the Bible Jesus said to His disciples “Suffer the children to come to Me for such is the kingdom of heaven.” What do you think He meant by that, remember the little girl in my wife's Day Care, the absolute trust and belief, that's what we're missing folks, that's why things are so bad, and if we don't go back, they'll get worse, I promise you.

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