We understand that our system is that of Capitalism. We also understand that our history all 239 years of it has come about with the thought that the individual is the focus of all that we have built, and the individual must be the one who decides the outcome of all the events presented to be approved by the people of the United States.
If this is understood, I mean really understood, then why do we offer up our right to choose to someone we know does not have our best interests at heart? This is something I cannot fathom. it can only be said that we as a people have chosen to give up that which we pay no mind to because we are woefully unaware or adamantly apathetic about what has been given us. In either instance, we are by our inaction marked as ungrateful or ignorant.
Let's look at it and see if this conclusion is correct, we have in writing all that is necessary to enforce the will of the people on the government that is designed to serve, yet we do it not. Even though in has been done successfully in the recent past, I site for example. The people of the United States protested the involvement of our country in Viet Nam, to the point where the government was left with no choice but to withdraw, there have over the years been other examples of the people exerting their wills on the government and getting the change required for that particular situation, but that took something not evident today, cohesiveness, and where is that in evidence here. yes we vote, our votes have turned the tide in the area of who runs the government or has it?
From Democrat (aka liberalism) to Republican (aka Conservatism) really? Is that going to make a difference, something tells me the answer to that is NO! Does the congress really matter? Not for the past 8 - 12 years, in all reality let me ask this, is there a budget for the country/ Nope hasn't been one since Obama took office, now any business person knows that without a budget any endeavor is due to fail before it starts, is there an Immigration Policy that is aside from Obama's demands, NOPE even though Republicans have sent 700 some bills to the Senate for approval, none have been approved, and the American people just sit and watch the comedy and do nothing. In the meantime we see our Rights guaranteed by the Constitution slowly being frittered away, why, for our safety or so they say, but if that were true, explain Ferguson please!
Abe Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address mentioned a government "Of the people, for the people and by the people, (question where are those people now) shall not perish from this earth." Yet that is exactly what's happening. The Supreme Court in 2010 cut the bottom out from under the people in it's ruling concerning Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission which gave unlimited power to big business by allowing them to spend unlimited sums of money to influence elections. That move with other decisions of that nature helped to create a body far more responsive to the uttering of big corporations and a small collection of billionaires than to the needs of the general populace, which means the the voices of America are growing harder and harder to hear over the clang of the cash registers. To prove my point The Democracy for all Amendments, a proposal that would amend the Constitution to overturn decisions like Citizens United and help close the purse strings now influencing elections did not get the needed votes to pass even though polls showed that 3 in 4 citizens we wholly in favor of the passage, Wonder how that happened? All one hundred Senators had the opportunity to cast their votes to restore our "one person one vote" ideal, many chose not to do so, how does that equate with "For the People?"
Practicality says that the people of the United States of America are being cast aside in favor of "Special Interests" My question, "So what as Citizens do we do?" If you really want to know keep reading, from here on it gets interesting!
If this is understood, I mean really understood, then why do we offer up our right to choose to someone we know does not have our best interests at heart? This is something I cannot fathom. it can only be said that we as a people have chosen to give up that which we pay no mind to because we are woefully unaware or adamantly apathetic about what has been given us. In either instance, we are by our inaction marked as ungrateful or ignorant.
Let's look at it and see if this conclusion is correct, we have in writing all that is necessary to enforce the will of the people on the government that is designed to serve, yet we do it not. Even though in has been done successfully in the recent past, I site for example. The people of the United States protested the involvement of our country in Viet Nam, to the point where the government was left with no choice but to withdraw, there have over the years been other examples of the people exerting their wills on the government and getting the change required for that particular situation, but that took something not evident today, cohesiveness, and where is that in evidence here. yes we vote, our votes have turned the tide in the area of who runs the government or has it?
From Democrat (aka liberalism) to Republican (aka Conservatism) really? Is that going to make a difference, something tells me the answer to that is NO! Does the congress really matter? Not for the past 8 - 12 years, in all reality let me ask this, is there a budget for the country/ Nope hasn't been one since Obama took office, now any business person knows that without a budget any endeavor is due to fail before it starts, is there an Immigration Policy that is aside from Obama's demands, NOPE even though Republicans have sent 700 some bills to the Senate for approval, none have been approved, and the American people just sit and watch the comedy and do nothing. In the meantime we see our Rights guaranteed by the Constitution slowly being frittered away, why, for our safety or so they say, but if that were true, explain Ferguson please!
Abe Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address mentioned a government "Of the people, for the people and by the people, (question where are those people now) shall not perish from this earth." Yet that is exactly what's happening. The Supreme Court in 2010 cut the bottom out from under the people in it's ruling concerning Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission which gave unlimited power to big business by allowing them to spend unlimited sums of money to influence elections. That move with other decisions of that nature helped to create a body far more responsive to the uttering of big corporations and a small collection of billionaires than to the needs of the general populace, which means the the voices of America are growing harder and harder to hear over the clang of the cash registers. To prove my point The Democracy for all Amendments, a proposal that would amend the Constitution to overturn decisions like Citizens United and help close the purse strings now influencing elections did not get the needed votes to pass even though polls showed that 3 in 4 citizens we wholly in favor of the passage, Wonder how that happened? All one hundred Senators had the opportunity to cast their votes to restore our "one person one vote" ideal, many chose not to do so, how does that equate with "For the People?"
Practicality says that the people of the United States of America are being cast aside in favor of "Special Interests" My question, "So what as Citizens do we do?" If you really want to know keep reading, from here on it gets interesting!
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