Friday, December 12, 2014

The Great Oxymoron

The greatest oxymoron to issue forth from the “Mother of all prevaricators”

Here friends is another example of why trust for government is non-existent.

In all her radiant glory as the #1 Defender of all the American people (whether they need it or not) has again manifested a report so steeped in a disingenuous mystification of reality that has ever emanated from the hallowed halls of “ItIsSoBecauseISaySo” also known as “NetherRegions” USA

Her royal eminence the queen of the esoteric, Dianne Feinstein has again proven her predilection to the fine art of partial truth and embellished prevarication designed to show her vehemence at the upcoming loss of control of her august position. She has proven beyond a doubt that her ability to manipulate facts and distort situations to her benefit is her paramount concern.

Her latest endeavor, the report from the Senate Intelligence Committee on the CIA interrogation which accuses the agency under the Bush Administration of war crimes leaves much to be desired in the way of honesty (par for the course for her.)

The “Report” seems to be lacking a few things in it's citation of the events leading up to it's summation. The missing items cover the factual reporting of the Senate committee members of that time who never spoke in disagreement with any part of what was being proposed to answer to the ongoing situation of the time frame indicated (immediately post the 9-11 attacks on the United States.) The head of the Senate Committee at that time (Nancy Pelosi) offered no and I mean no opposition to the advocating of the measures needed to assure the integrity and safety of the United States, nope, not a one.

What really irks me, is the audacity of the Democrats today denouncing of the practices used when at the time they made no objection to the near-consensual idea the methods outside the ordinary might need to be employed for the protection of the United States.

To me, this just proves out the fact of the “Rule by Deception” that has been inflicted on the people of the United States by the so-called “Progressive Left Elitists in Washington.

Now in all seriousness, how can We the People tolerate such innocuous behavior from those we have raised to the position of representation of our interests either at home or abroad , without admitting that it is so because we let it happen.

There can be no other explanation, we have reneged on the responsibility of being a citizen of the “Greatest Country in the World” in favor of what we could amass as individuals.


And if you are willing to let that continue, then do not “Bitch” about it, you will have purchased the ticket of infamy on your choice, you will be the one who is guilty of the “Death of the American Dream” again, don't “Bitch”

If that's not what you desire, than get together with your neighbor and start the groundswell. Let's make Obama's statement come true, you know the one, “The incoming President will not dare to change my Executive Orders” we can make that a true statement, because that President won't have to, the people will.

Where things are not right, Obamacare, taxes, immigration, gun control, IRS, Solandra, Fannie May, and other such non-existent scandals (according to Barak Obama) we as people can fix that without the hatemongers and race riot instigators, (right Al baby, how about you Jesse) we do not need that kind of a person, we don't need a Hillary, nor McCain, no no one like that. We need a builder, someone who will operate within the limits given by the people, someone who can instill confidence in the people here at home and abroad, someone who is truly invested in the interests of the people. This person need not be a politician, he'/she need not be a miracle worker, just a person who has ethics, who can epitomize the values of the United States and it's people, a person who on the world stage can win back the trust of those countries who count on our partnership, not our subservience.

That's the person we need America and it's up to us to find him or her, so what say we drop these needless forms of self execution and get busy on Resurrecting the United States, I'm here, are you?

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