Previously I spoke of the FIX, this is an item we need desperately here in the United States, why do we need it, open you're eyes America, we have plenty of things to fix, plenty of things.
We, first and foremost, have to fix the way we look at each other, I do not know where it came from, nor do I care! All of us, everyone, is a human being. No matter what color is shown to the world, everyone of us is a Human Being and entitled to the respect due a Human Being. I have been on this planet for a long time, traveled around the world approximately three times, been places and done things others just read about. I have seen the best humanity has to offer and the very worst, I have seen humanity soar to dizzying heights and seen it plummet to cloying depths. I have participated in taking out some very bad people and returning some very good people to positions they could effect changes that benefited countless others. So I think I can successfully speak on this subject.
In my time, I have occasioned to assist in the rebuilding of segments of our worldly family that had been trounced, stepped on, and brought to the point of extinction by none other than their fellow human beings, after removing the causative factors, every one in a while we were asked to stay in place until other forms of humanitarian assistance arrived on scene, because of this I not only saw, but also got viscerally involved in the immediate aftercare, what I saw and experienced in the hopelessness of these people really had an effect on me. The worst thing I saw that these people had in common was in their eyes, there was no light, there was no hope of anything getting better, there was a complete attitude of surrender, of giving up, of not being able to go another step, because there was no reason to continue. Now, I ask myself why is this happening again here at home, why is there so much mistrust and anger? And how can it be overcome.
ME, the answer is "ME," though we use the word frequently, we really don't have any idea what it means, "Neighbor"! Who the heck is my neighbor, do I know them, do they know me? Sometimes we live a wall apart, sometimes a yard apart, but other than superficial knowledge, what do we know about our "Neighbor" for that matter, what do we know about our "Neighborhood?"
To answer this question I referred to many sources including the dictionary, encyclopedia, Wikipedia but the best definition I found was in the Bible, not only because it is something I love to read, but also because it contains something I personally think is sadly lacking in today's society, and that "Common Sense." Anyway the definition is found in the book of Luke chapter 10 verses 29 through 37, it's the story of the Good Samaritan I suggest this because it is the picture of selflessness. Though it is geared to the area and time of long, long ago and far, far away, I think it is extremely pertinent in today's world and time, why? Because back then, the technology available did not separate people, by our standards they had no technology so therefore when there was a need afoot, they had to depend on each other for survival. Think about that, people actually had to interact with each other for everything, food, shelter, clothing, camaraderie (now there's a word for you, how many of us know what it means), and other things needed to get along on a daily basis. You know, when I first went into the Military, we were taught that the secret to our success was our ability to operate as a team, everyone in that team had something to offer to the benefit of the team, and the interdependence that evolved led us to be the very best America had to offer, our strength multiplied to astronomical prioportion even though we were of less numbers than our foes!
Something like that happens quite often if we let it, there are requirements though, not hard ones, but there are requirements.
The first one is to get our eyes checked, by that I mean, TAKE OFF THE BLINDERS!!! We judge people by how they look, and if their looks don't appeal to us, that's as far as it goes, (Strike One.)
Our initial eye sight might be 20/20, but the transition from the eye ball to the brain, that's a different story. Somewhere along that synapses there is a detour that goes to the taste buds, this causes a bad taste in the mouth. From there the effect reaches the intestinal tract, as it negotiates the pathway to the colon then there appears an accustomed response in the tightening of the nether area causing a reflux of matter, that circumnavigates the intestinal system and gains access to the Frontal lobes of the brain causing the whole body to step back and withdraw the offered handshake, then comes the kicker, when asked why the person says "NOT MY KIND OF PEOPLE!" Really, really!! Exactly why is that? The often given answer is so sanctimonious, that when you hear it, you want to puke. Read Luke 10:29-37 again and answer the question "Who is my neighbor" When we get past this, then we can continue to march to the beat of a different drum.
We, first and foremost, have to fix the way we look at each other, I do not know where it came from, nor do I care! All of us, everyone, is a human being. No matter what color is shown to the world, everyone of us is a Human Being and entitled to the respect due a Human Being. I have been on this planet for a long time, traveled around the world approximately three times, been places and done things others just read about. I have seen the best humanity has to offer and the very worst, I have seen humanity soar to dizzying heights and seen it plummet to cloying depths. I have participated in taking out some very bad people and returning some very good people to positions they could effect changes that benefited countless others. So I think I can successfully speak on this subject.
In my time, I have occasioned to assist in the rebuilding of segments of our worldly family that had been trounced, stepped on, and brought to the point of extinction by none other than their fellow human beings, after removing the causative factors, every one in a while we were asked to stay in place until other forms of humanitarian assistance arrived on scene, because of this I not only saw, but also got viscerally involved in the immediate aftercare, what I saw and experienced in the hopelessness of these people really had an effect on me. The worst thing I saw that these people had in common was in their eyes, there was no light, there was no hope of anything getting better, there was a complete attitude of surrender, of giving up, of not being able to go another step, because there was no reason to continue. Now, I ask myself why is this happening again here at home, why is there so much mistrust and anger? And how can it be overcome.
ME, the answer is "ME," though we use the word frequently, we really don't have any idea what it means, "Neighbor"! Who the heck is my neighbor, do I know them, do they know me? Sometimes we live a wall apart, sometimes a yard apart, but other than superficial knowledge, what do we know about our "Neighbor" for that matter, what do we know about our "Neighborhood?"
To answer this question I referred to many sources including the dictionary, encyclopedia, Wikipedia but the best definition I found was in the Bible, not only because it is something I love to read, but also because it contains something I personally think is sadly lacking in today's society, and that "Common Sense." Anyway the definition is found in the book of Luke chapter 10 verses 29 through 37, it's the story of the Good Samaritan I suggest this because it is the picture of selflessness. Though it is geared to the area and time of long, long ago and far, far away, I think it is extremely pertinent in today's world and time, why? Because back then, the technology available did not separate people, by our standards they had no technology so therefore when there was a need afoot, they had to depend on each other for survival. Think about that, people actually had to interact with each other for everything, food, shelter, clothing, camaraderie (now there's a word for you, how many of us know what it means), and other things needed to get along on a daily basis. You know, when I first went into the Military, we were taught that the secret to our success was our ability to operate as a team, everyone in that team had something to offer to the benefit of the team, and the interdependence that evolved led us to be the very best America had to offer, our strength multiplied to astronomical prioportion even though we were of less numbers than our foes!
Something like that happens quite often if we let it, there are requirements though, not hard ones, but there are requirements.
The first one is to get our eyes checked, by that I mean, TAKE OFF THE BLINDERS!!! We judge people by how they look, and if their looks don't appeal to us, that's as far as it goes, (Strike One.)
Our initial eye sight might be 20/20, but the transition from the eye ball to the brain, that's a different story. Somewhere along that synapses there is a detour that goes to the taste buds, this causes a bad taste in the mouth. From there the effect reaches the intestinal tract, as it negotiates the pathway to the colon then there appears an accustomed response in the tightening of the nether area causing a reflux of matter, that circumnavigates the intestinal system and gains access to the Frontal lobes of the brain causing the whole body to step back and withdraw the offered handshake, then comes the kicker, when asked why the person says "NOT MY KIND OF PEOPLE!" Really, really!! Exactly why is that? The often given answer is so sanctimonious, that when you hear it, you want to puke. Read Luke 10:29-37 again and answer the question "Who is my neighbor" When we get past this, then we can continue to march to the beat of a different drum.
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