Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Emotional Stupidity-Part 2

Today I would like to continue what I wrote yesterday, you know the one;

Emotional Stupidity-Hazardous to your health
There is one thing I know for absolute, that is

If you really want to appear as stupid as you sound, react without checking the facts!”

That being said, have you ever felt silly when you got your facts wrong on a supposed action taken by a friend and chewed them out because of it? And that used to be friend looking at you in shock, then walking away with their shoulders slumped and head hanging, and you patting yourself on the back saying well you told them off only to find out that that used to be friend had absolutely nothing to do with it? Have you ever done that, then gone back to that friend after you found out the truth to apologize to them to have them slam the door in your face, and you wondered why would they react like that?

Think about it, you just unjustly tromped on something special, a friendship, drove it into the ground, stomped on it, then to add insult to injury, you spit on it, then when you find out you were the one in the wrong you had the audacity to try to play it off, and you want everything to be as it was before. That is the consummate definition of stupidity no matter how you look at it.

In every town across this continent and in the areas detached from the contiguous United States there has been a treasured relationship, sometimes rocky, sometimes frayed to a frazzle but continuous, and in that continuity it provided for the safety and well being of the populace served. That relationship is with the police departments across this land. Now I know that there are those the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and other racial antagonists that want nothing more than to secure the fall of the United States as we experience it now. The reason, that is easily discovered when we remove our collectives from our collective butts, it is so they can ride to the rescue and become something they are not, hero's.

I speak of this relationship because in a society such as ours, there has to be that “Blue Line” between everyday society and the other portion that cares not for justice, order, or civil behavior. Yes, their presences rattles us especially when we are screwing up, like speeding, running a red light when no one is around, parking in a handicap zone for convenience, but how glad are we to see them when we are in dire straights, or when a child is lost, or when there's an argument with a neighbor, or a child goes missing.

That “Blue Line” is made up of men and women just like you and me, people trying to make a living, raise their families, contend with the same problems we face on a daily basis, then on top of that they also have to deal with obnoxious drunks, hyper excited situations and everything else that goes along with being a Police Officer, a Deputy Sheriff. a Deputy Marshal , a Constable, the FBI, and the Secret Service. Now, not everything they do is perfect, they like us are humans, subject to mistakes as we are, and subject to making split second decisions you and I never have to make, because they are around. Yes, cops make mistakes and they are made to pay for them at a higher standard then we are held to.

Here lately, that relationship has really been tromped on by a few agitators that incite crowds to go after, and attack the very people we trust with our safety. Here's the stupidity of that, what these agitators are using to incite these ill feelings is non-existent. Both cases, have been brought before Grand Juries and found to have no merit. The circumstances of the incidents did not lend itself to offense to present for charges in court. Yet the agitators say to hell with that, they throw out statements like “Black lives matter” “Hands Up Don't shoot” and other garbage, the worst being”What do we want, Dead Cops---When Do We Want it, Now”

Now to these stupid asses and the gullible idiots that get in line with them because it's cool answer this question “yo idiots, where would you be right now if there were no cops?” and to the agitators of the Black Community” I say before you spout off on what the white cops are doing to the poor innocent blacks, why don't you do something about what the po black community is doing to the po blacks in that community, excuse the sarcasm, but how do you expect to be taken seriously when you don't even clean up your own act,

In Matthew 7:3-5 it speaks to the person trying to take a speck out of someone's eye without regard to the log in his eye, kind of fits the situation don't you think.

And here's something to think on, as a country, we owe more to the people in Law Enforcement than we could ever pay back, think about it and see if that's not right, quit nit picking a situation and look to the larger picture. No, not everything Law Enforcement does is right, that where we as citizens participating in community come in, these things can be fixed, we the citizens hold that authority, but, when we surrender to mob rule, we revoke those rights, think about that.

That cop you see is a human being, treat him or her as such.

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