Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Emotional Stupidity---Hazardous to your health

When you hear the term “Emotional Stupidity” what do you think of?

Does it have anything to do with your emotional well being in response to your relationship with a significant other, you know what I mean, a husband, a wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, or other important person is in your life?

I wish it were that easy to classify, but, we human beings are far more complicated than that. No “Emotional Stupidity” tends to infiltrate all corners of our lives weather we want it to or not. So what is it, let me put my definition to it, if after reading this you have some other ideas, let me know, just drop a comment.

Here we go, “Emotional Stupidity” is what some provocateurs seek out in trying to amass a required response to a subject that otherwise would resolve itself over time.

Take for example the Travyon Martin issue, for a few days there was righteous indignation on the part of the locals, then the provocateurs arrived on scene like vultures, you know of whom I speak Jackson, Sharpton, and others of that ilk. Now, there were some down there who were genuine in their concern for the events that took place and made use of the platform erected by the vultures to voice their opinion. Yet, when the findings of the Grand Jury were publicized, these people accepted the findings, though there was grumbling and epithets being thrown around, the public generally calmed down, the agitators had nothing left with which to incite the residents so they left, were they there to bring umbrage because of the situation or for their benefit, Jesse Jackson was heard to say by more than one witness, we shall not stand for this disgrace to the black population, and by the way don't forget to leave an offering for my church! You tell me.

Then comes Ferguson, “Oh the outrage, Oh the anger, Oh the injustice” In part true, but only in part. Exciting a maelstrom prior to factual evidence, par for the course, especially when there are non-local agitators sent in to “Stir the Pot” Again, the factual evidence proved the murder epithets were erroneous and the furor began to die down, the outsiders, that included the “New Black Panthers” supposed agitators from ISIS, KKK, and other extremist groups to keep the aggrandized incident alive, began their foray into “agitate the situation for all it is worth and reek havoc where ever you can “ took over to again stir the pot. But my question is why? Why continue to exacerbate a situation that is quelling itself.

A single word answer “Chaos”

Their point of aim is to ensure a maelstrom of chaos remains in order to bring down the “Rule of Law” the United States was built on. How else would they accomplish their goal of the subjugation of the people of the United States, and once subjugated, the downfall of the United States. What more could the interlopers ask than the opportunity to inflame an already volatile situation to the point of total anarchy, if you don't believe that, this was heard today, “What do we want---Dead Cops, When do we want it---Now”

According to these usurpers every cop in uniform is racist, and only out to kill blacks who's lives mean nothing! Now think about that for a bit how long have there been cops on the streets, has everyone of them gone out just to kill blacks? Is everyone of them racist? Come on people, we are a heck of a lot smarter that that! Yet that's exactly what these nihilistic insurrectionists would have you to believe.

Is there place in the United States for disagreement, Yes, is the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, it is also a duty of being a citizen to disagree with something in a sensible manner, that that mean throw Molotov cocktails, not if there are other methods of disagreeing and resolving the issues.

Now we know for sure there are things that are wrong with this country, but does it make sense to destroy the country to gain an end that serves no one, think about it. If we want justice, and we want equal opportunity, then we equally have to give something up, what is it we must give up, the anger, the frustration, and the readiness to move toward violence, You see in my life I had been acquainted with violence on a level that very few people ever reach, and due to what I was doing at the time, I maintained the level of violent behavior for quite a while. The end result of all that violence, nothing, nothing was accomplished. Yes thee was always a brief time of a quiet interlude, but soon enough, the ugly head of violence was lifted again under a different guise. I did some research, guess what I found out, the incidents of violence rose, whenever the people stopped respecting who and what they were. National Pride suffers, anarchy rises in it's wake, because there is always someone who can do it better than anyone else.

America, decision point, do we let others dictate to us what we will do, or do we “Get our Collective Heads out of Our Collective Butts” and become the Americans we know ourselves to be?

Obama is expendable, Obama's legacy is non-existent, as such the only thing he will be remembered for is his version of stupidity. This is not only my view, he is held in very low esteem everywhere on this planet, he is considered to be highly ineffective, and therefore not worth the wasting time on.

Sharpton is considered worthless among his own people heard another preacher call him a “Nappy headed Ho” you can take it from there. The point I am trying to make here is that we as civilized, educated people are well aware of our short comings, we don't need “Nappy Headed Ho's” of to any kind to incite our anger to“Rage against the machine” you see, we are the machine. What they want is for us to tear each other apart so they can be the peacemakers and inflict their will on us. That's the bottom line.

Now knowing this, I ask, is this what we want, or would you rather remain laudable society that can come to terms with our own foibles and alter them to suit our needs as a country.

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