Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year---I Hope!

Sorry for my absence, but over the Christmas Holiday, my wife and I went to our son's house and got to spend a fantastic Christmas with two sons and their families

Now back to business!

The late British diplomat Sir John Glubb wrote a book called "The Fate of Empires and Search For Survival." Glubb noted the average age of empires since the time of ancient Assyria (859-612 B.C.) is 250 years. Only the Mameluke Empire in Egypt and the Levant (1250-1517) made it as far as 267 years. America is 238 years old and is exhibiting signs of decline.

All empires begin, writes Glubb, with the age of pioneers, followed by ages of conquest, commerce, affluence, intellect and decadence. America appears to have reached the age of decadence, which Glubb defines as marked by "defensiveness, pessimism, materialism, frivolity, an influx of foreigners, the welfare state, (and) a weakening of religion."
Decadence, he writes, "is due to: Too long a period of wealth and power, selfishness, love of money (and) the loss of a sense of duty."
Tell me now does this picture the condition of our country now? Unfortunately, I have to say in my view yes it does we as a nation have foregone most if not all of our values that we grew up with. There are those of us who still hold to those values and are proud of it. Every time I hear someone say those values are outdated and need to be brought up to today's standards, I am put in mind of an old but true saying, “If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything!” And look at what we've fallen for so far. We have dropped the standards in the area of education to the point of now being at right around the level of “D” a you know around the 60% level in comparison to other countries on this planet, used to be within 5% of the top in the world, now how did that happen, look at our economic standings in the world, from the #1 position to now around 30th on the world stage, WOW! Bet that took a whole lot of smarts to do right? Let's not forget our position as friend to those in need, that has now deteriorated to “the bumbling clown,” and you know, we used to hold the position of the world's “#1 Super Power” Though now thanks to our august leadership, (or lack of it) we are now dependent on others to give us what we need in order to survive.

Yep! I think that Sir John Glubb hit it directly in the center when it comes to where we are at now on the world stage, the last stage before failure of a nation is decadence and we are currently in it, (Decadence, he writes, "is due to: Too long a period of wealth and power, selfishness, love of money (and) the loss of a sense of duty (and) the weakening of the religious ethic.)

Now you probably are saying something like “I knew this would come up” well you're right, and here's why. In any religion there is a “Supreme Being” when we are involved in that particular belief system, we are cognizant of the fact of the reality of that “Supreme Being” and the requirements of fulfilling our portion of the mandates of that particular belief system, this along with the idea that we as humans are not the top of the order, acts to keep our feet firmly attached to “Terra Firma.” And, it keeps us from becoming tangential in our thinking.

You see, the main part of the problem with our current situation is the paradigm we have of being “All You Can Be”, of being An Army of One, of the best the is is the Individual, nice words, good for advertising, but lousy in real life. You see, there is no such thing as an Army of One, spent a long time in the Military and over the years came ot a conclusion that the Army of One causes more problems than it's worth. Never have I seen any one individual stop a whole army in the course of a war, and if you believe that's how it works, “LORD HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU” I have some prime beach front property to sell you in far west Texas.”

Now you're probably chuckling, but if you believed all that other crap that has been pushed on you, why wouldn't you believe the “Deal I Got For You?
As a nation of people we are not stupid and I don't care what Jonathan Gruber says, that man is the biggest idiot of all.

Today I looked at and see how the Speaker of the House has again aligned himself against the wishes of the citizenry in favor of the “Good Ole Boy” mentality, you know, I think a good project to start the new year right is to call your Representative and wish him/her a Happy New Year and highly suggest that they elect a new Speaker, one who is more focused on the people of the United States. If I might suggest, offer them the choice of someone say like Trey Gowdy, to me he seems like a properly focused representative as opposed to egocentric representatives, it would fer sure screw up the plans of some of the people in D.C., Think about it the target date is the 6th of January, so just give that rep of yours a call, after all he/she does work for you, right?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Today's missive is a short one but a big one

It is that time of year, a short break from the drudgery of 9-5, of politics run amok, of liberalism vs capitalism, of stupidity vs common sense.

It is the time to release our anger at the systems that we built as they fall apart, it a time of reflection on things that are right. It time to take our faces out of the three corner connection we seem so anxious to put them in and look around at what our protestind, shooting, looting, disrespecting, and of course our belligerence in the face of what we think is wrong.

Here's a clue, we are all wrong, everyone of us we are wrong. We let go of our humanity, and became animals, so ready to hurt before we get hurt. So ready to take no matter who it belongs to. We are a; wrong, and there is no excuse for it. Look around at what we have done, our institutions of higher education are not that anymore, they are infested with a vileness that screams to the high heavens. Look at our leadership, there is none, look at New York the mayor turns the people against the police,

Look at the race agitators, even though they have been pointed out as criminal they go in and out of the White House as though they own it. This is what we have allowed so we are culpable. Now comes the biggie, why did this happen the answer is quite simple folks, it's so very simple that if it were a stick, it would crack right across our collective faces. Now comes the question, since we know what it is, what can we do about it.

Here's the answer friends, the only answer, yea, I know, you think I'm a religious nut, but for a change hear me out. Let's take for an example a child say about between the ages of 4-7. A really impressionable age bracket. Have you ever stopped to listen to that child, I mean really listened, with both ears and an open mind and heart, what you hear will amaze you. It really will.

There is not a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Professional Counselor that can say it any better, in fact most of the time they screw it up because of their background in science.

What is it that child is saying, or even sometimes singing when they are alone, playing by themselves, I heard it today in my wife's Day Care, one little girl was sitting on the floor with her egs crossed and tucked under her playing with a doll and singing “Jesus loves me this I know, cause the Bible tell me so.”

Such a little song, but listening to her and the conviction in her voice made me stop. Here is a child, innocent, beautiful in her simplicity, and wholly set in her trust that what she is singing is true and nothing else matters because Jesus loves her. It absolutely floored me, this child has the answer we need to cure our problems, all of them, nary a one missed, everything taken care of in one fell swoop. That child held the key that can turn off all the anger, the hatred, the vengeance, just turn it off all at once, so fast, that a blink of the eye would be 10 times longer.

It's trust, it's belief, it's being assured that there is someone, someone who has the power to fix everything in less time than it takes to say HELP. There is someone who can do that , His name is Jesus Christ, the “Reason for the Season” and you know, I don't particularly care what you call Him, we all, everyone of us knows for a fact in our hearts that what is being said is true, so very true in fact that there is no way it can be refuted.

Now you may ask why are things this way if Jesus exists, for that answer look in a mirror. Yep, that right we are the answer, we became so sophisticated that there was no need for Jesus, we coud handle what ever came down the line, but here's a reality check, we really didn't do to well with that one did we?

So now we know the reason for our anxiety, and anger, and frustration, what the heck are we willing to do to fix it, Obama wants to mandate race relations through Executive Order----RIGHHHHT. North Korea wants to take part in the hacking investigation they caused----RIGHHHHT, Cuba is now claiming victory over the United States----RIGHHHT, and of course de Blasio is the patron saint of New York---RIGHHHT, oh yea, Obama is the best president that ever was----RIGHHHHHHHT, so of course the only thing to do is to capitulate like our president does and turn all our problems over to him so he can fix them, OH FER SURE, FER SURE.

There's a better way, it easier too, just turn around and walk away from the pit of muck we created, walk away and give Jesus back His place in our lives, try it, just kind of say something like “Hello Jesus, can we take a couple to talk,” then tell Him what's on your heart, you don't have to get all flustered about it, just talk, He'll hear you, then just say, can I come home Jesus I miss you. Then let Him do what He does so well. Remember in the Bible Jesus said to His disciples “Suffer the children to come to Me for such is the kingdom of heaven.” What do you think He meant by that, remember the little girl in my wife's Day Care, the absolute trust and belief, that's what we're missing folks, that's why things are so bad, and if we don't go back, they'll get worse, I promise you.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

To all leftist liberals from a very smart woman in Canada and passed on by a Marine in Texas

Fran Breece One Pissed off Canadian Housewife This is very good PLEASE read....

Thought you might like to read this letter

to the editor. Ever notice how some people
just seem to know how to write a letter?

This one surely does!

This was written by a Canadian woman, but oh how
it also applies to the U.S.A., U.K. and Australia .


Written by a housewife in New Brunswick , to
her local newspaper. This is one ticked off lady...

"Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was
it or was it not, started by Islamic people who
brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001
and have continually threatened to do so since?

Were people from all over the world, not brutally murdered
that day, in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from
the capitol of the USA and in a field in Pennsylvania ?

Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they?

Do you think I care about four U. S. Marines urinating on some dead Taliban insurgents?

And I'm supposed to care that a few Taliban were
claiming to be tortured by a justice system of a
nation they are fighting against in a brutal Insurgency.

I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle
East, start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere belief
of which, is a crime punishable by beheading in Afghanistan .

I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are
sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head, while Berg
screamed through his gurgling slashed throat.

I'll care when the cowardly so-called insurgents
in Afghanistan , come out and fight like men,
instead of disrespecting their own religion by
hiding in Mosques and behind women and children.

I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow
themselves up in search of Nirvana, care about the
innocent children within range of their suicide Bombs.

I'll care when the Canadian media stops pretending that
their freedom of Speech on stories, is more important than
the lives of the soldiers on the ground or their families waiting
at home, to hear about them when something happens.

In the meantime, when I hear a story about a
CANADIAN soldier roughing up an Insurgent
terrorist to obtain information, know this:

I don't care.

When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the
head when he is told not to move because he
might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank:

I don't care. Shoot him again.

When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat, and fed 'special' food, that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being 'mishandled,' you can absolutely believe, in your heart of hearts:

I don't care.

And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes
it's spelled 'Koran' and other times 'Quran.'
Well, Jimmy Crack Corn you guessed it.

I don't care!!

If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to
all your E-mail Friends. Sooner or later, it'll get to
the people responsible for this ridiculous behavior!

If you don't agree, then by all means hit the delete
button. Should you choose the latter, then please don't
complain when more atrocities committed by radical
Muslims happen here in our great Country! And may I add:

Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering, if
during their life on earth, they made a difference in
the world. But, the Soldiers don't have that problem.

I have another quote that I would like to
share AND...I hope you forward All this.

One last thought for the day:

Only five defining forces have ever offered to die for you:

1. Jesus Christ

2. The British Soldier.

3. The Canadian Soldier.

4. The US Soldier, and

5. The Australian Soldier

One died for your soul,
the other four, for you and your children's Freedom.



Friday, December 19, 2014

Welcome to the United States of Wimp

From His Apology Tour To Cuba: Obama's Six Years Of Nonstop Appeasement

Harvard Removes Labels From Israeli-Built Soda Machines Over Fear Of Offending Palestinian Students

Does it make any difference at all that now, thanks to the leadership role that our President has presented to the world, it left the United States looking like a nation of wimps who are so afraid of offending people who tromp on our values, and our pride, that we are now seen as cowards who will grovel at the feet of anyone who stamps his or her foot and says this is insulting to me so you must stop and follow my lead.

I know that factually speaking this pretender in the White House has nothing but air in both his head and pants (no wonder Michelle is always so pissed off), well tell me all you wonderful people whom elected him, are you embarrassed enough yet?

Being a pussy footer is one thing, but when you put liar on top of that, as well as incompetent jackass well even a blind man could get that, but the liberals still sing his praises, kind of tells me that not only have they changed this to a country of wimps, but stupid ones at that.

For the life of me, I cannot understand exactly what has happened to that spirit that used to be so evident throughout the United States. Yes of course there were a lot of things done wrong, still are today, but that's called being human, correcting mistakes no matter where they are or what they are is called being civilized and mature. But, in the last 12 years the only thing I have seen come out of Congress is a Day Care mentality. Seriously, my wife has a Day Care and I see the same behaviors in Congress as I do in her Day Care, the difference is the kids are just that kids, and they are still learning to get along in their world, Congress does not have that excuse, the correlation is remarkable in that like the kids, Congress makes noise, feeds their faces, and messes their pants. So much for our leadership.

It's really a crying shame how far we as a country have bowed down before petty dictators and Terrorists who make war on unarmed civilians, old people, women and children, and of course our leadership trembles and quakes in front of them.

Then in retaliation for their appearing as the cowardly lion they take out their frustrations on our compatriots and allies, it makes them appear really pathetic, but, think how pathetic that makes us as a country look on the world stage.

You know, thinking about it, we ought to change the National Anthem, yea, we should delete the last stanza, you know the one I'm talking about right, “Ore the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE, yep, ought to just take that out since it's not true anymore.

Congratulations America, for minimizing everything honorable about our country, hope that just makes you so proud of yourselves.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Emotional Stupidity-Part 2

Today I would like to continue what I wrote yesterday, you know the one;

Emotional Stupidity-Hazardous to your health
There is one thing I know for absolute, that is

If you really want to appear as stupid as you sound, react without checking the facts!”

That being said, have you ever felt silly when you got your facts wrong on a supposed action taken by a friend and chewed them out because of it? And that used to be friend looking at you in shock, then walking away with their shoulders slumped and head hanging, and you patting yourself on the back saying well you told them off only to find out that that used to be friend had absolutely nothing to do with it? Have you ever done that, then gone back to that friend after you found out the truth to apologize to them to have them slam the door in your face, and you wondered why would they react like that?

Think about it, you just unjustly tromped on something special, a friendship, drove it into the ground, stomped on it, then to add insult to injury, you spit on it, then when you find out you were the one in the wrong you had the audacity to try to play it off, and you want everything to be as it was before. That is the consummate definition of stupidity no matter how you look at it.

In every town across this continent and in the areas detached from the contiguous United States there has been a treasured relationship, sometimes rocky, sometimes frayed to a frazzle but continuous, and in that continuity it provided for the safety and well being of the populace served. That relationship is with the police departments across this land. Now I know that there are those the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and other racial antagonists that want nothing more than to secure the fall of the United States as we experience it now. The reason, that is easily discovered when we remove our collectives from our collective butts, it is so they can ride to the rescue and become something they are not, hero's.

I speak of this relationship because in a society such as ours, there has to be that “Blue Line” between everyday society and the other portion that cares not for justice, order, or civil behavior. Yes, their presences rattles us especially when we are screwing up, like speeding, running a red light when no one is around, parking in a handicap zone for convenience, but how glad are we to see them when we are in dire straights, or when a child is lost, or when there's an argument with a neighbor, or a child goes missing.

That “Blue Line” is made up of men and women just like you and me, people trying to make a living, raise their families, contend with the same problems we face on a daily basis, then on top of that they also have to deal with obnoxious drunks, hyper excited situations and everything else that goes along with being a Police Officer, a Deputy Sheriff. a Deputy Marshal , a Constable, the FBI, and the Secret Service. Now, not everything they do is perfect, they like us are humans, subject to mistakes as we are, and subject to making split second decisions you and I never have to make, because they are around. Yes, cops make mistakes and they are made to pay for them at a higher standard then we are held to.

Here lately, that relationship has really been tromped on by a few agitators that incite crowds to go after, and attack the very people we trust with our safety. Here's the stupidity of that, what these agitators are using to incite these ill feelings is non-existent. Both cases, have been brought before Grand Juries and found to have no merit. The circumstances of the incidents did not lend itself to offense to present for charges in court. Yet the agitators say to hell with that, they throw out statements like “Black lives matter” “Hands Up Don't shoot” and other garbage, the worst being”What do we want, Dead Cops---When Do We Want it, Now”

Now to these stupid asses and the gullible idiots that get in line with them because it's cool answer this question “yo idiots, where would you be right now if there were no cops?” and to the agitators of the Black Community” I say before you spout off on what the white cops are doing to the poor innocent blacks, why don't you do something about what the po black community is doing to the po blacks in that community, excuse the sarcasm, but how do you expect to be taken seriously when you don't even clean up your own act,

In Matthew 7:3-5 it speaks to the person trying to take a speck out of someone's eye without regard to the log in his eye, kind of fits the situation don't you think.

And here's something to think on, as a country, we owe more to the people in Law Enforcement than we could ever pay back, think about it and see if that's not right, quit nit picking a situation and look to the larger picture. No, not everything Law Enforcement does is right, that where we as citizens participating in community come in, these things can be fixed, we the citizens hold that authority, but, when we surrender to mob rule, we revoke those rights, think about that.

That cop you see is a human being, treat him or her as such.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Emotional Stupidity---Hazardous to your health

When you hear the term “Emotional Stupidity” what do you think of?

Does it have anything to do with your emotional well being in response to your relationship with a significant other, you know what I mean, a husband, a wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, or other important person is in your life?

I wish it were that easy to classify, but, we human beings are far more complicated than that. No “Emotional Stupidity” tends to infiltrate all corners of our lives weather we want it to or not. So what is it, let me put my definition to it, if after reading this you have some other ideas, let me know, just drop a comment.

Here we go, “Emotional Stupidity” is what some provocateurs seek out in trying to amass a required response to a subject that otherwise would resolve itself over time.

Take for example the Travyon Martin issue, for a few days there was righteous indignation on the part of the locals, then the provocateurs arrived on scene like vultures, you know of whom I speak Jackson, Sharpton, and others of that ilk. Now, there were some down there who were genuine in their concern for the events that took place and made use of the platform erected by the vultures to voice their opinion. Yet, when the findings of the Grand Jury were publicized, these people accepted the findings, though there was grumbling and epithets being thrown around, the public generally calmed down, the agitators had nothing left with which to incite the residents so they left, were they there to bring umbrage because of the situation or for their benefit, Jesse Jackson was heard to say by more than one witness, we shall not stand for this disgrace to the black population, and by the way don't forget to leave an offering for my church! You tell me.

Then comes Ferguson, “Oh the outrage, Oh the anger, Oh the injustice” In part true, but only in part. Exciting a maelstrom prior to factual evidence, par for the course, especially when there are non-local agitators sent in to “Stir the Pot” Again, the factual evidence proved the murder epithets were erroneous and the furor began to die down, the outsiders, that included the “New Black Panthers” supposed agitators from ISIS, KKK, and other extremist groups to keep the aggrandized incident alive, began their foray into “agitate the situation for all it is worth and reek havoc where ever you can “ took over to again stir the pot. But my question is why? Why continue to exacerbate a situation that is quelling itself.

A single word answer “Chaos”

Their point of aim is to ensure a maelstrom of chaos remains in order to bring down the “Rule of Law” the United States was built on. How else would they accomplish their goal of the subjugation of the people of the United States, and once subjugated, the downfall of the United States. What more could the interlopers ask than the opportunity to inflame an already volatile situation to the point of total anarchy, if you don't believe that, this was heard today, “What do we want---Dead Cops, When do we want it---Now”

According to these usurpers every cop in uniform is racist, and only out to kill blacks who's lives mean nothing! Now think about that for a bit how long have there been cops on the streets, has everyone of them gone out just to kill blacks? Is everyone of them racist? Come on people, we are a heck of a lot smarter that that! Yet that's exactly what these nihilistic insurrectionists would have you to believe.

Is there place in the United States for disagreement, Yes, is the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, it is also a duty of being a citizen to disagree with something in a sensible manner, that that mean throw Molotov cocktails, not if there are other methods of disagreeing and resolving the issues.

Now we know for sure there are things that are wrong with this country, but does it make sense to destroy the country to gain an end that serves no one, think about it. If we want justice, and we want equal opportunity, then we equally have to give something up, what is it we must give up, the anger, the frustration, and the readiness to move toward violence, You see in my life I had been acquainted with violence on a level that very few people ever reach, and due to what I was doing at the time, I maintained the level of violent behavior for quite a while. The end result of all that violence, nothing, nothing was accomplished. Yes thee was always a brief time of a quiet interlude, but soon enough, the ugly head of violence was lifted again under a different guise. I did some research, guess what I found out, the incidents of violence rose, whenever the people stopped respecting who and what they were. National Pride suffers, anarchy rises in it's wake, because there is always someone who can do it better than anyone else.

America, decision point, do we let others dictate to us what we will do, or do we “Get our Collective Heads out of Our Collective Butts” and become the Americans we know ourselves to be?

Obama is expendable, Obama's legacy is non-existent, as such the only thing he will be remembered for is his version of stupidity. This is not only my view, he is held in very low esteem everywhere on this planet, he is considered to be highly ineffective, and therefore not worth the wasting time on.

Sharpton is considered worthless among his own people heard another preacher call him a “Nappy headed Ho” you can take it from there. The point I am trying to make here is that we as civilized, educated people are well aware of our short comings, we don't need “Nappy Headed Ho's” of to any kind to incite our anger to“Rage against the machine” you see, we are the machine. What they want is for us to tear each other apart so they can be the peacemakers and inflict their will on us. That's the bottom line.

Now knowing this, I ask, is this what we want, or would you rather remain laudable society that can come to terms with our own foibles and alter them to suit our needs as a country.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Problems, Problems, Problems

You ask are we worse off now than we were five years ago, I answer, depends on how you look at it. Let me explaine my position in the area of Race Relations-YES, in the area of the Economy-YES in the area of Unity-YES, and every other possible way a country can be described as being worse off-YES.

Next question, is there a way to overcome it-YES, is it a reachable goal-YES, will it require sacrifice-YES.

Next question, who is going to be sacrificed, the one on the Left, the one on the Right, or the one in the Middle. Lets do some classification here, as per reports stemming from all over the country, here and now, today, and for tomorrow. The extremists on both the left and the right will of course offer up the ones in the middle, why, Well everyone knows that they are the only ones who know anything---RIGHT!!! Historically speaking, this is a truism, yet so many fail to follow through on what happens when this happens, for those of you who live east of the Rockies, look to your east, for those of you who live west of the Rockies look to your west, Don't say anything, don't make any observations, forget everything the government of any country on the face of the earth tells you, just look at the citizens of that country, not the 1%ers the normal everyday people that do the work, pay the taxes, and surrender their individuality to the state, does the Left or the Right have the answers?

If you say NO!!! Then it's time to stutter-step, break cadence, and get a different drum to march to. You see, the only thing either the Left or Right wants is power, the power to control your lives, your resources and everything else you have, do a reality check and see if I am wrong.

Now, let's go to the second question and sit down and think about it a bit, you see America here's where we as a nation screwed up, we got caught up in a dream that turned into a nightmare, we lost track of our end result and our path of achievement. Going to make a comparison here, follow me on this , it's kind of really important. I understand weapons, I know for a fact that there is no weapon on this earth that kills anyone because it is an inanimate object, by itself it can do nothing, so much for the argument guns kill (another load of crap Piers), excuse me I sometimes get distracted by stupidity. Using the example of a rifle, let's say, I give you a Savage 110 BA semi-auto 338 Lapua, which by anyone's standards is one heck of a rifle, and I give you say 100 rounds of ammo to shoot. Now picture this, we are in the middle of an open field, nothing around for at the very least 3000 yards and I tell you to hit the target ten times, then go and sit behind a rock, what are you going to do? Absolutely nothing, why? Because there's nothing to shoot at is there?

So how does this track for us, we have the a country which by anyone's standards is one HECK of a country, within the framework of that country we have the tools to make everything run so everybody, and I mean everybody has the opportunity to realize their dreams, we have the willingness, we have the strength, we have the ability, but, we just stopped using them, why, well we have to accept the responsibility of our own acquiescence in surrendering that which made us strong, our identity as Americans. That identity had been purchased by many, many individuals who not only dreamed about, bur panted after, and pursued with vigor the dream of being their own person, not just a number on someone's clipboard. We went form a self-actualized, goal oriented, human being to a bunch of butt-sucking, repugnant leeches living on the backside of what used to be humanity, we became a generation of handout seekers instead of doers like our ancestors. We have more people on government handouts now than at any other time in our history.

To get back on our feet, and hold our heads up will take some grunt work and sweat equity, but, I promise, it will be worth it. Can I say this for sure, you bet yer ass I can. Whenever you as a shooter put 10 rounds downrange and hit you're target be it at 100-250-300-500-1,000 or 1500 yards you get a big rush of satisfaction, I don't care who you are. The same holds true on anything you invest yourself in, the sense of accomplishment you receive is of far more worth than the sense of discouragement you wind up with when you do nothing. Case in point, look to Ferguson and the protesters. A picture showing three black youths with a comment that you had best rebuild what they tore down or there will be no peace, now tell me, where are the almighty protest leaders like Jackson, Sharpton, and others of that ilk? For all intent and purpose doubt casters and hate monger are of no use.

In the area of race relations that under the present leadership have fared worse than any other aspect of our lifestyle, (although this is not meant as a cure-all it can be used as a starting point,) I heard some iniquitous celebrity saying we should accept responsibility for the damage of slavery going back 237 years and make reparations, my answer, two words, “Stuff It” It appears stupidity is rampant in Hollywood these days. Leaning to the practical instead of the oblique statements of air heads I would suggest common ground. Put aside the petulant and seek a place from which to start. Let go of the past for now, and build a different future, once that is stabilized then let's work together and fix the other problems. This remedy will entail a change of our paradigm from the individual to the community, big step, but it can be done when we work together with a purpose in mind, think about it, then get together and talk about it as normal human beings, not angry individuals spurned on by “Well I didn't get mine”

Somewhere along the line, “mine” has to change to “ours!”

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Great Oxymoron

The greatest oxymoron to issue forth from the “Mother of all prevaricators”

Here friends is another example of why trust for government is non-existent.

In all her radiant glory as the #1 Defender of all the American people (whether they need it or not) has again manifested a report so steeped in a disingenuous mystification of reality that has ever emanated from the hallowed halls of “ItIsSoBecauseISaySo” also known as “NetherRegions” USA

Her royal eminence the queen of the esoteric, Dianne Feinstein has again proven her predilection to the fine art of partial truth and embellished prevarication designed to show her vehemence at the upcoming loss of control of her august position. She has proven beyond a doubt that her ability to manipulate facts and distort situations to her benefit is her paramount concern.

Her latest endeavor, the report from the Senate Intelligence Committee on the CIA interrogation which accuses the agency under the Bush Administration of war crimes leaves much to be desired in the way of honesty (par for the course for her.)

The “Report” seems to be lacking a few things in it's citation of the events leading up to it's summation. The missing items cover the factual reporting of the Senate committee members of that time who never spoke in disagreement with any part of what was being proposed to answer to the ongoing situation of the time frame indicated (immediately post the 9-11 attacks on the United States.) The head of the Senate Committee at that time (Nancy Pelosi) offered no and I mean no opposition to the advocating of the measures needed to assure the integrity and safety of the United States, nope, not a one.

What really irks me, is the audacity of the Democrats today denouncing of the practices used when at the time they made no objection to the near-consensual idea the methods outside the ordinary might need to be employed for the protection of the United States.

To me, this just proves out the fact of the “Rule by Deception” that has been inflicted on the people of the United States by the so-called “Progressive Left Elitists in Washington.

Now in all seriousness, how can We the People tolerate such innocuous behavior from those we have raised to the position of representation of our interests either at home or abroad , without admitting that it is so because we let it happen.

There can be no other explanation, we have reneged on the responsibility of being a citizen of the “Greatest Country in the World” in favor of what we could amass as individuals.


And if you are willing to let that continue, then do not “Bitch” about it, you will have purchased the ticket of infamy on your choice, you will be the one who is guilty of the “Death of the American Dream” again, don't “Bitch”

If that's not what you desire, than get together with your neighbor and start the groundswell. Let's make Obama's statement come true, you know the one, “The incoming President will not dare to change my Executive Orders” we can make that a true statement, because that President won't have to, the people will.

Where things are not right, Obamacare, taxes, immigration, gun control, IRS, Solandra, Fannie May, and other such non-existent scandals (according to Barak Obama) we as people can fix that without the hatemongers and race riot instigators, (right Al baby, how about you Jesse) we do not need that kind of a person, we don't need a Hillary, nor McCain, no no one like that. We need a builder, someone who will operate within the limits given by the people, someone who can instill confidence in the people here at home and abroad, someone who is truly invested in the interests of the people. This person need not be a politician, he'/she need not be a miracle worker, just a person who has ethics, who can epitomize the values of the United States and it's people, a person who on the world stage can win back the trust of those countries who count on our partnership, not our subservience.

That's the person we need America and it's up to us to find him or her, so what say we drop these needless forms of self execution and get busy on Resurrecting the United States, I'm here, are you?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

You can ask, but forget receiving

No sooner did I mention "Community" than a wonderful group of people engaged in the discussion about recent events involving black people being killed by white police, which is by any standards a source of high levels of spilled hatred left overflowing, than a college administrator get heckled and made a target of black anger when she says "All life is precious!" The subject of the baseless ridicule is again the death of a black man and the lack of prosecution of the alleged killers who happen to be Police Officers.

The vehemence shown by that segment of the black community is troubling in that they, the community, rose up in supposedly justifiable anger over the white on black altercation which lead to a death, yet they do nothing about black on black deaths that continue to plague that same community, my question?
What with that?

Could it be a case of "Reverse Discrimination, or Discrimination for Cause?"

Either one is as reprehensible as the other, and twice as reprehensible when taken in the context of “Black life has no worth in this country!” In order to correct that misrepresentation, I would suggest altering the verbiage here to something more appropriate to the situation, “Black life has no worth in black neighborhoods, but if someone who is white kills a black man, woman, or child that's even worse.” Pick any major city in the United States and see if I am wrong!

Now let me say this, I am not saying life for a black person has no merit, in this format I completely agree with that administrator, all life is precious, not just black, but also white, brown, red, yellow, whatever old, young, in-between, all life is precious.

But, what angers me is the hypocrisy!!!

You heard me loud and clear, the hypocrisy of the idiots who make all the noise in the world just to make noise, for example “Burn this Bitch Down,” or how about from the elitists “They are to stupid to understand it, and that what we need, their being stupid!”

Remember I asked why is there so much mistrust, you have your answer America, it's called hypocrisy. Raises a question doesn't it? Is there anyone in a position of authority that can be trusted to do what they say? Come on America answer that one, and if your answer is no, then ask yourself this, WHY?

Now get ready America, because you're not going to like the answer to this one, here it comes. Go to the hallway in your house, or the bathroom, or bedroom, now look at that hunk of glass hanging there, come on stand in front of it, because the answer to the question is looking back at you.

You see in order to inculcate in our leadership the need for honesty in public service, we must first instill in ourselves the basis for that honesty, that basis is the commitment we as the people need to hold ourselves to in order to elicit the same response from our representation, otherwise the term Hypocrite refers to us.

I hope you readers are beginning to see that the responsibility to effect the changes needed to resurrect this country lies in our hands, not that of the government, they can't do it, as has been proven over and over, they can only talk and fll back to their normal Knee-Jerk Response until the next crisis while we set and watch. If you want that to change, let's set together, lay out a road map, and march on to a better America for everybody, I'm willing, how about you.

Patriot is not a missile, it's not just a Marine, Sailor, Soldier, or Air Force, a Patriot is someone who cares enough about this country to do more than just accept the status quo. A patriot wants to breathe free, a patriot wants to live with a common purpose, and a firm resolve to be free and enjoy the benefits of his or her labors.

Liberty and Freedom

Two gifts never to be squandered by non-participation

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Different Drum

How many times in your life have you felt that you've "Been This Way Before" as Neil Diamond said in his song

"Some people got to live, some people got to sigh, some people got to make it through while never wondering why."

Which of the three do you consider yourself to be, most people regrettably fit into the last two categories, those who sigh and those who wonder why, the ones who live are the ones we watch on TV, be they right or wrong, but they are doing something about their beliefs.

What is wrong with saying "Merry Christmas," or "God bless you." The lazy person answer is "Well someone might be offended!" In other words that fictitious someone might say something to which I will have to respond and I might open myself up to ridicule or worse yet being sued. Now in reality, isn't that kind of pathetic?

We live in a country where you used to be able to say what you felt, regardless of the backlash, then walk away, in this country you could worship (or not) as you chose. Today if your religious beliefs and ethics do not agree with what's popular, you are up the "proverbial polluted tributary with no means of locomotion."

What is it that drives this country today; being convenient, fame, money, what? Ask a Hollywood denzine, they'll say yes to all three. Now ask yourself is it worth it? If we do only the convenient things, then there are no challenges for us, if we rely on fame, well everyone knows that fame is a fleeting mistress, if money is your goal that can change in an instant, (Google Black Tuesday) to see what happened to those who relied on the "Almighty Dollar" for their sustanence.

There has to be something in this country on which we can expect a return for our investment, be that investment time, energy, sweat, or whatever we have to offer. And you know something, there is, and the return is incredable, the elitists would quake at a resurgence of this, after all with this the need for an esoteric society vanishes. Now what could that thing be, what would set this world on it's hindquarters so fast that even the terroristic threats we constantly receive from ignorant asses like ISIS, Al-Queda, and other such numb-nutted ineffectual braggarts, would come to a screeching halt?

Do you really want to know America, do you really, really want to know?

Well guess what, YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER!!! You surely do, it has been taught to you for years and years, and years, but in all our egotistical beliefs about ourselves, we seem to have grown out of the most precious knowledge available to us. It today is becoming non-existant, and guess what Washington wants to keep it that way, WHY you ask, because without it there is no America  AT ALL!!!!

What is this elusive secret that makes America what it was, not what it is, Barak Obama touted "HOPE & CHANGE" what that really means is "Hope that the Americans remain stupid and don't see what I'm doing" and "CHANGE THE WAY THEY THINK FROM US (AMERICANS) TO ME (INDIVIDUAL). The more divided we become, the less resistant to social change we are, ask Czechoslovakia, the first well known social adjustment of a billionaire named George Soros who just loves to meddle in countries business because according to him "It's fun" he's done it to other countries, Greece, Spain, England and now America. He cares not who he destroys as long as he has "FUN" and this is one of the backers of the Obama blitz, have you ever wondered why there are so many Liberal Leftists in positions of authority now, here America is the answer, when you change the basic premise of anything, you DESTROY what it was to begin with, and that's called being "progressive" and this returns us to our discussion today. How do you alter this, how do we combat it, do we pick up guns and pitch forks again, nope, do we throw bombs, nope do we scream at them nope, then how do we do the do,--- WE UNITE--- and--- we grow.

You see the basis for the United States has always been the people, not the government, the people, no one, and I mean no one can defeat the people unless the people give up. This is the trueism that has brought us from Plymouth Rock to the United States of America, the people. There is no threat from Al-Queda, ISIS, George Soros, Barak Obama or anyone else we as people cannot contend with and conquer "AND THAT'S THE TRUTH" that's what they don't want you to hear, what's the word that signifies this, it's "COMMUNITY" THAT'S US THE PEOPLE TOGETHER AS THE PEOPLE. Regardless of what idiots like Chris Rock, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Denver college professor Charles Angeletti's American Civilization class in which he has his own version of the Pledge which reads “I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American,”  “And to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you, if you don't watch your step.” I mean come on since when is higher education an open invitation to idiots who think progressive thinking includes anything they can come up with and that should be untouchable while we pay for it.

As far as "Community" how can there be community when everyone is an individual, the Constitution does not say "Me the people" it says "We the People" At "Hell's Gate" in Ancient Greece Leonidas of Sparta and two hundred and ninty nine stood against over a million, in Texas Jim Bowie, William Travis, and Davey Crockett and two hundred others stood against Santa Ana's army for 13 days, at Château-Thierry and Belleau Wood in 1918 a bunch of Marines went against a line of machinegun nests The fighting was terrible. Those Marines who weren't cut down by the enemy guns captured the nests in a grisly close-quarters battle. The shocked Germans nicknamed their foes, teufelhunden [sic] (devil dogs)."

Why did I put these here for you to see---COMMUNITY---BY DEFINITION---a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government and often have a common cultural and historic heritage. Do we share a common historical background? Yep. Do we share a common culture? Yep. Do we share a common \government? Yep. How about a shared locality Hell Yea! So what keeps us from being a COMMUNITY? 

We do, our baseless differences that we inject into any circumstance to keep us from COMMUNITY is what get us our trouble. There is another variable that has to be considered and that is fear, fear of looking like what we are, fear of ridicule, fear of stepping up, fear of coming together. Here's a major way of dealing with fear, JUST DO IT. Remember the community pool, remember the high board, remember feeling scared to death to go to the end and jump, but you did it, then it became fun to do. You remember in school, the playground bully, remember feeling like you were going to fill your pants, but you punched him, you might well have gotten a whopping but you had something new that no one could take away, pride in yourself, You see, what is needed is a COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE WITH PRIDE IN THEMSELVES and then once again America will shine.