Is it just me, or does anyone else see
that our President, because he didn't get his way in effect again
stamps his foot takes his ball and says “I'm going home” while
his lower lip is sticking out. Yes, yes, our petulant child rears his
obstinate head again. An adult, any adult in the White House should
pat him on the butt and send him to bed without dinner.
Is not that what you do with a spoiled
Our make believe president is again
showing his true metal, (not), yes our fearless leader has again
failed in doing something he thought would be easy pickings, guess
what, it also will splash back on him, same as usual, Here's a
question, when do you think this cretin will come to the realization
that he is not what he wishes himself to be.
His failures are now riding him, his
ineptitude is glaringly visible, and some of those who blindly
supported him in the past are now in the process of rethinking their
positions? Seems it's about time for the vermin to beat a hasty
retreat, as they usually do.
You would figure that people, even the
under-informed group that fell for the “Hope & Change” scam
would eventually realize that they bought a bill of goods, admit
their mistake and move forward, but like their leader, they have no
idea as to how to do that, which is a pity. It is because of that
under education in reality that they, no matter what they do, are
bound to fail.
I am not just coming down on these
people, I am in hopes of their realizing that mistakes were made and
look toward correcting them. Lord knows we, the older generation made
our mistakes, and a lot of them. But eventually we had to arrive at
the point of realization that our version of the “Rose Colored
Glasses” view was nothing more than the idealism of youth and
I wonder what would happen if we put
aside our venerable wisdom, and they put aside their exuberant energy
and idealism and realistically looked at the options available to put
our feet back on the ground and rebuild this country. Wouldn't that
be something, a separation from the socialism, the liberalism, and
the other ism' that accomplish nothing but tearing apart that which
they cannot compete with, and just settle on what made this country
Seem we all need a common ground from
which our differing points of view could be discussed openly and with
some kind of an end point where the parties could agree. What could
we use as that common ground, I know, how about the thing that
brought us together in the first place, how about the Constitution,
do you think we could start there?
First off, let set some ground rules,
who is going to be the ones talking, what say, we the people do the
talking for a change, now we have had representation by lawyers,
scholars, doctors, thieves, liars and every other sort of individual
that walks the planet, and where did it get us.
|To answer that question, just turn
around and look, folks we got a mess going on. We got protesters in
Ferguson both peaceful and imported, we have a capitol just chock
full of those who want to be king, we have an out of control
government that seeks to increase itself at every turn, we have
groups who want nothing more than anarchy, blood, and destruction, we
have people who do nothing more than despise religious ethics of
others, we have educators who don't care to educate, they would
rather indoctrinate, we have health care professionals who don't
understand or know what professionalism is, we have judges who are
not fit to judge, we have other countries who own more of the United
States the the United States owns, we have untenable debt, yes we
have all this, we created this by not doing want we as citizens are
supposed to do, so how do we fix this?
To start with, you start at the bottom,
the foundation, look down at your feet, when what you are standing on
is cracked and fractured, how long do you think it will be before it
breaks? To be able to fix anything else we must first repair the
foundation, else everything we try will crumble. What's that old
story about the man who built his house on the sand, when he got
through building, it looked good, really good, that is until the rain
and wind came, then since the house had no foundation it collapsed.
Think about it.
To repair the foundation we need tools,
which were provided for us to work with, since our foundation is the
Constitution we have to go to the Constitution to get the tools, in
this case, the tools are the Article V Applications for a Convention
of States to propose Amendments to the Constitution. You see, cracks
and fissures have to be repaired, not disposed of, we don't have to
re-invent the wheel, it still works, we have to do some maintenance
though, there are some issues that could prove to be very troublesome
in the future if we don't fix them now, like taxes, representation,
immigration, education, health care, governmental overreach, Foreign
policy if fissures and cracks like these are not subjected to
maintenance they will cause blowouts that could destroy the
conveyance (our country), and I don't really think anyone wants that,
if that were to happen what would we have, Washington populated by
radical Muslims? Do yo really want that?
Let's get together to solve this
problem among ourselves as citizens not antagonists, let's us clean
up our house, are you willing? Before you say yes/no do yourself a
favor, look at the empires that existed on this planet, the Persians,
the Greeks, The Roman, the Chinese Dynasties, and all the lesser
ones, they faded into nonexistence, why, what caused their failures?
Each and every one of them fell because of the same reason, they
ignored the foundations that made them great, if you don't believe
me, just Google the Fall of (insert an empire name).
Let's not let that happen here, we have
the wherewithal, we have the desire, we have the smarts, and we have
the heart to accomplish, so let's set down and do it, follow this
link, read, think, then decide. Do you want to succeed or would you
rather become chattel.
The only ones that can fix our Constitution is us.
click me please!
If you need a reason, here' a few.

We owe them!
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