Is there a case to bring before the
public that shows evidence of the duplicity of the Obama lead
administration and proves the need for an Article V Convention of
You tell me!
You can’t make this stuff up.
The Washington Times reports:
When will the American public agree
that this stuff has gone on for way to long and finally shut this
massive intrusion on our way of life. Our Constitution grants us
freedoms that are exercised no where else on this earth and we have
people that complain how stupid is that. Look at San Francisco;
It seems the Board of Supervisors is upset over a morality clause that includes language against homosexuality, same-sex marriage and contraceptives. They unanimously passed a resolution rebuking the Catholic Church and demanding the archbishop ignore Catholic doctrine and respect the rights of teachers and students.
Supervisor Mark Farrell, who sponsored the anti-Catholic resolution, said the archbishop's policies conflict with the values of San Francisco.
Now these so-called educated people think they can legislate God, that has got to be the pinnacle of egocentric behavior. Seems everybody who has been internalizing some kind of a complaint against the lifestyle of the Republic and the ability and resiliency of the United States of America is all hot and bothered to reach the 15 min of fame plateau and say look at me, I am somebody. Well here's something you need to think about people, we have been doing that for years long before your petty, nonsensical, idiomatic, attempts to destroy what you don't even understand.
The clueless attempts of your desire to inflict your wants on a nation are nothing more than childish tantrums that are designed to make you feel good about yourself. I pity you and your attempts.
You see, everything you want is already present in this country, everything you need to live as a human being is here and you are willing to throw it away because you don't understand what it is we have, and worse yet, you are not willing to do some due diligence to find out about it. No, you would rather just destroy what so many people have worked so long and hard for. And that is totally pathetic.
You allow a very few raging idiots to guide your thoughts and actions, and please look at who they are, Al Shaprton, Jesse Jackson, the board of Supervisors in San Franciasco. Farrakhan, the Clintons, yes sir buddy real examples of upright citizens.
You would rather hear these fools preach their hate mongering messages that deal to your emotions than to find out if what they are saying has any merit at all, Al “the tax evader”Sharpton a player from way back who has been proven over and over to be but a flagrant liar to achieve his goals at our expense, and people give him credence as a man of God which again he has shown he isn't. He should change the name of his church to “The church of “What's Happening Now”
Is it any wonder that other countries view us as sheep being led to slaughter?
Are there any folk out there that still stand on their own, instead of being led by the nose, excuse me, by the wallet.
Now people, now is the time for us to make our voices hears over the shouting of those who don't even know what they are shouting about, it's time for us to stand and hold our position and say enough of this crap, it time to get back to the business of resurrecting the values and morals that have guided this country since it's inception.
Contact you State representatives and find out where they stand on the questions you have, find out if their values system is the same as yours or if they are out for themselves, then act to support them or change them so they reflect your values and morals.
Take a stand, let your voice be heard all the way to Washington, there is no reason for the government to be hoisting their wants above the needs of the country. It up to you America, it's in your hands, will America continue or succumb to the desires of those who want nothing more than subjugation for you and your family?
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