Monday, March 2, 2015

The pettiness of the President

It is without regard to the stability of the Israel/US alliance that our so-called president acts.

He just continues to prove just how petty he in fact really is. This individual has no hesitation about showing his obeisance to the Muslim Brotherhood, he has no problem running interference for terrorists being held at Gitmo, he has no hesitation doing all he can for a traitor/deserter, yet for a staunch ally like Israel, he has no time, this fool is pathetic.

He holds himself as an example to the rest of the world and would parade around as would the character in the “Emperor's New Clothes.” Does this man really believe himself to be the epitome of all things good? If so, he is far, far, off course.

His actions are no longer comical, nor excusable as would be those of someone like Einstein. Einstein had a reason for his lapses that being his intelligence and veracity in calculating on the fly. With Obama, there is no such excuse. He is being what he wasd meant to be, that is a petulant child who has been put into a position of authority, a position which he is not equipped to deal with.

I used to get angry at his ineptitude, but now, it just makes me sad to think what the rest of his life is going to be like. Lots of people used to accord the title of the “Worst President in History to Jimmy Carter, but Obama released him from that apocryphal title, and the crown now rests firmly on his head, if it is over sized, not to worry, if it slips down onto his head, his ears will catch it and keep it in place.

His actions on the home front as well as those on the world stage are more suited to a person whom (in my vernacular) has an overabundance of mouth, but not even a shadow of the part needed to cover it (all mouth, no ass)

This condition is rather prevalent in a person who needs others to front him/her when it comes time to do instead of talk. I am sure those who mentored him you know Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, George Soros and that ilk of people would be very proud of the fact that he has moved their plans for the destruction of the United States along at such a brisk pace, yes, I am sure of that.

But you know what really bothers me is what is going to happen when his term of office is over, The United States will prevail I seriously believe the United States will still be viable after Obama. We may not be in the best shape in the world, but we will still be here. Because you see the “Dream of America” which is equated to the freedom of the human spirit will not die. So George Soros, take heed, your machinations will stop and you will begin to loose, you will loose more than you could ever amass in 10 lifetimes. The posturings of people like Saul Alinsky, and Bill Ayers will simply dissolve from the landscape as did that of Karl Heinrich Marx.

Communism has nor place in this worlds societies, everyplace it has been tried, it has failed. Communism/Socialism whatever you choose to call it could never succeed due to the simple fact of “What do you do after you tax everybody out of what hey have?” This preposterous philosophy in it's description never ever goes beyond the first 30 years of existence simply the rate of growth always, always outstrips the basis upon which it is built and taxing itself out of existence.

But that just the opinion of this fellow.

People always decry the need for critical thinking, to bad they don't do it.

Anyway, after the cookie crumbles and Obama and his ilk find out that they are in fact only blowing smoke, that defeat is going to be by far worse than anything we as Americans could ascribe to them.

As far as America, we'll still be here, you see, as much as they may try, no group of people on the face of the earth has the power to quench a dream. America has had 237 years of unbelievable existence, we have accomplished more in a far shorter time than any nation on the face of the Earth. We have raised the standard of living for people who came to our shores from every country on this planet.

Yes friends, I think that no matter what he does short of world war III the United States of America will outlast Obama by a long shot.

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