Monday, March 16, 2015

Crunch Time

Seems to be a lot of fireworks going off in our nation's capitol.
Our heroic Capitulation Leader (the Speaker of the House) is again using his stentorian presence to hem and haw his way through something he does not like in the least bit, the Application for the Convention of States.

Legislative meetings discussing the Article V Conventions are going on around the country, people are not as willing to accept the status quo as they were 6 years ago, I wonder why? Regardless of the causation we must now focus on the results.

There is stiff resistance arising to confront the desire to return the nation to the capable hands of the people, opponents like George Soros and the John Birch Society through it CEO Art Thompson have undertaken a move to nix limiting of the term of office for Barak Obama.

Soros, Birchers fight constitutional fix to limit Obama, Congress

BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 9:14 AM 
A nationwide drive by mostly conservative states to throttle President Obama and Washington's grab for more power and taxes is running into an odd left-right combo of opposition: Liberal financier George Soros and the conservative John Birch Society.
Documents provided to Secrets show that the Soros-backed Montana Budget and Policy Center recently urged the state's lawmakers to reject the so-called "convention of states" pushed by advocates such as radio talk show host Mark Levin as a way to pass constitutional amendments limiting the power of the federal government and especially the Supreme Court.
In an email to lawmakers, the liberal group called on supportive Montana lawmakers to "direct your questions" to the John Birch Society, which believes a states convention, provided in Article V of the Constitution, won't stop Washington from expanding its power and taxing authority.
The opposition effort succeeded last month when the Montana House rejected a convention.
Already facing liberals who fear that a convention would trim spending on their causes, the proponent conservative group Convention of States is also facing an unusual Soros partner in the John Birch Society, which believes the answer to Washington is to cut spending and the bureaucracy.
"Until the massive bureaucracy that is part of the federal government is curtailed, downsized or eliminated, federal officials will find a way around the Constitution no matter what amendments are ratified," the group said. Groups like Birch oppose the convention out of concerns that the conservatives running it will go too far to limit government powers and fear that the public isn't smart enough on the Constitution to change it.
But that opposition is being forcefully rebutted by Michael Farris, director of the Convention of States project for Citizens for Self-Governance. In a 23-page memo, he argued that simply trying to choke Washington's power by sending more conservatives to Congress won't work.
"Trying harder with the same old tactics won't work," he wrote.
So far, 23 states have endorsed the convention but 38 are needed before one is called.
Levin, Farris and other supporters are focusing on the power the U.S. Supreme Court has in interpreting the Constitution and claim that decisions like a recent one endorsing much of Obamacare violated the document.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted

This is Art Thompson CEO of the John Birch Society, listen to what he says about the Article V Convention and how we are incapable of fixing the mess because we are uninformed and incapable of being responsible enough to fulfill our duty as citizens. According to what I heard him say, yes there is a problem which we created through our inability to understand the constitutional workings and therefore should not seek to fix what we don't understand, it should be left to those who do know what's best for us.

The other character of note, one to never let get behind you is George Soros, the guy who loves to play with Social Manipulation in order to gain his ends. This is the same fellow who “Broke the Bank Of England” was a participant in the financial speculation that broke Czechoslovakia, Spain, Greece, and now the United States and as he put it in an interview, “I do it because it's fun.”

Until today, I was aligned with the National Association for Gun Rights in it's membership. Then I read a letter from Dudley Brown NAGR Director what he stated in that letter seemed off kilter to me so I did some further checking and did not like what I found, his views are diametrically opposed to what I believe is the authorization and function for the Application for and the purpose of the Convention of States, I wrote and asked for clarification on the stance he presented, no answer was forthcoming today I read a similar testament from Mr. Brown and then decided to sever my connection with them as an organization. Seems to me he is pairing with the John Birch Society, that's not me, now or ever. 
Sometimes you got to step out in faith-------scary but doable.

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