Friday, March 20, 2015

Does This Seem Odd?

Has anyone stopped to ask themselves why the is so much opposition to the COS? Could it be the the people leading the push realize that once a COS gets called by congress and the Commissioners begin to meet that the time they have used to transform the United States of America into another third world country will be coming to an abrupt end, and the “Dance of Hope & Change will be on the last few Stanzas?
Do you think that could be the reason? Just musing a bit. But I sure do not remember them screaming about changing the Constitution or Nullifying it when they were having their way, I don't quite see the purpose of all these gyrations that are taking place unless it is in response to their loosing their death-grip on the fundamentals that made the United States the United States.
Obama wanted to Fundamentally Change the face of the United States, and he has, Harry Reid, wanted to be a sub king, he is, Nancy Pelosi wants to spank everybody's but that doesn't agree with her, Dianne Feinstein wants to take everybody gun away, except of course hers. It really pathetic as to how many people want to destroy the United States as we know it.
Other than politicians, who is on the list of less than savory characters that are also participants in the demise of America;
How about Bloomberg to start with, then of course we can follow with Soros, to name the two top players in the area of finances (the deep pockets everyone talks about). How about in the Religious sector, oh man it really gets deep here, there's The Right Reverand from the left bulbious and noxious Alfred Charles (Al) Sharpton, and of course the Beloved Jesse Jackson, In the Media section we have NBC, ABC, MSNBC, The Times Newspaper and it outlets, the Huffington Post, and it's outlets and theses are but a few players in the Game of Thrones being played out in front of our eyes every day, in the flesh,
Why are these people so adamant about grinding everything to a halt, why are they so objectionable when it comes to correcting the things that are wrong government today. Well from the rhetoric that continually flies from groups like the John Birch Society, it is in defense of the Constitution of the United States. Now if that is true, can you please explain the onslaughts of the 2nd Amendment among others,can you explain the desire of the President and his fellow cabinet members trying to get us under the thumb of the United Nations Treaties concerning gun ownership. Can you explain the advancement of Shariah Law in the United States, can you explain the preferential treatment of Islam overall other religions in the United States.
When these are all put together what do you think they sell, the death knell of America?
Look at the government that is sworn to protect the Constitution and the people of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic, then explain why the Muslim Brotherhood is welcomed to the White House with open arms, while American citizens are kept away, explain this, while the White House denies meetings with our best and last ally in the Middle East and actively works to defeat the re-election of the Prime Minister who has kept radical Islam at bay then denies anything is going on, this is the sitting government that has amassed more scandals than all the other sitting presidents in the history of the United States, a government that has time after time denied the citizens of the United States the rights that are theirs in favor of illegal aliens from other countries, in which at least 8 out of 10 are known criminals, can you explain that, a rogue government the feels that the citizens are just a source of finances so they can continue their rampage through the United States in order to decimate it.
Please tell me why these people are so concerned with this COS if it does not represent the end of their reign of terror, please somebody explain that to me, ----------------------------------- IF YOU CAN
After reading this do you really think a COS which will limit the overreach of that government is more dangerous that what is happening right now?
Do you think that a COS that will impose term limits is going to cause the collapse of the United States Constitution?
And if you are worried about a runaway convention, do us both a favor and read the following;
Then if you still need convincing, you can reach me at;
Then we'll talk if you think your position is tenable.
My name is Duke, come on over
Sign the Convention of States petition and join the fastest growing movement to stop D.C. in its tracks.

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