Tuesday, March 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of America

An Open Letter to the People of America.

Good Morning Countrymen and women,

I hope you are all well, I am writing this because I feel that our country is at a crossroad, which has the possibility of two ways to proceed on it's journey. I am concerned because this country is my home, I was born here and I will die here, thus my connection runs very, very, deep.

My concern is that if we continue along the pathway our government is leading us, within a short time we will not be the country that our Founding Fathers and those who came after them to pursue a life of freedom and opportunity will no longer have those goals available to them.

My reasoning for this is three fold in nature; Financial, Governmental Overreach, and politicians that are “To Long at The Helm.” The following is the addresses the first concern of the three, I will use this platform to reach as many as possible as I state my case, but I will only state one at a time and do that as thoroughly as I possibly can without becoming verbose in nature and making noise to hear myself. It is my hope that this will reach people and they through their own research with confirm what is being said and make informed decisions as to which way this country wiol continue to move. At the foot of this letter is my contact information, feel free to use it to contact me and ask whatever questions you may have concerning this subject. I look forward to to conversing with you in hopes of reaching an agreement and then taking action to do something about it.

Almost everyone knows our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster.

What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to make changes to the federal structure when Washington, D .C., starts to abuse its authority. Article V of the Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention for the limited purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution.

Citizens for Self-Governance has launched the Convention of States Project to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints and limitations on the power of the federal government.

I support this approach. I want Texas to be one of the necessary 34 states that passes a resolution calling for a Convention of the States. You can find a copy of the draft resolution and a legislator’s handbook (which briefly explains the process and answers many questions) atwww.conventionofstates.com.

I ask you to support the Convention of States Project and become either the lead sponsor or co-sponsor of a resolution in the next legislative session. Thanks so much for your service to the people of our district.

What are we trying to achieve with this action, the first and most noticeable requirement is that of Fiscal control. The sitting government seems hell bent on spending monies we don't have and drive the National Debt far beyond what we can now reach, it has been shown that if the government were to tax every individual in the United States, every individual (including children, unemployed, homeless, those who are physically challenged and dependent on disability for their livelihood as well as those who are mentally challenged and incapable of making rational decisions), at the rate of 100% there is not enough made that would sufficiently impact the amount of debt right now. And of course this will continue to grow and become part of the lives of our children, their children and their children. There is absolutely no restraint on governmental spending at present, there is absolutely no governmental budget right now, nor has there been since Obama took office. We currently live in a society that lives hand to mouth thanks to our esteemed governmental practices, and what continues is how deep they require us to reach into our pockets to fund their inability to control what they demand we control, spending.

This is but one of the proposals being set forth in the Application for a Convention of States. Through this action the government can be made to obey the laws it has created. They will be forced to submit and pass a Balanced Budget every year and required to live within the means of that budget. Without that proposal the National Debt will continue to grow to a point where no other country will even consider making loans under the strictest of conditions, then America defaults and goes bankrupt, when that happens and the creditors like China come in to take over, guess what you become, you are no longer citizens, you are mere chattel to be used for profit (theirs not yours). If you don't believe that , and if you say I am just trying to incite the citizenry to rise up against the government, check out some facts for a change, Look for a fellow named George Soros, a philanthropic billionaire? Who enjoys fiddling with the economies of different countries and watching them crumble, why would anyone do that and put millions of people at risk, and I quote George Soros himself when he was asked in an interview why would he engage in “Social Manipulation” to that extent/ his response “Because it's fun.” You will note please that his name appears on a lot of supporters lists for organizations that work toward the eclipse of Free Enterprise and a Democratic Republic form of government.

Finding out the truth of what's going on requires some due diligence on our parts, but it amazes me as to how many of us do not do what is required for due diligence and would rather argue and debate on emotional content rather than fact. This is why I do this, to make informed choices about how it goes with our country, we have to be informed of what the choices are, wouldn't you think?

C. J. “Duke” Trudelle
District Captain
Convention of States
9605 Falkirk Ave
El Paso, TX. 79925

Ph 915-261-9196

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