Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Force Is Us!

If there was any doubt before, is there any now?

[Congressional Bills 113th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]
[H.J. Res. 15 Introduced in House (IH)] 113th CONGRESS 1st Session
H. J. RES. 15 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 4, 2013 Mr. Serrano introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________
JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

The Fundamental Change is almost complete, the lines have been drawn, the evidence has been presented, is the Jury out or is the Jury out?

That is not a typo, that is the fundamental question behind all this mess we find ourselves in, the Jury (that's us) has yet to make an appearance, there are a lot of us still on the fence thinking that this will all pass in about 1 ½ years.



Things have reached a boiling point, and will soon spill over the restraining walls that were put in place to contain it, are you ready for what comes next? ISIS threatens the lives of Military dependents, women and children, ISIS and Boko Haram join forces, Washington further turns it's back on Israel and accedes to the Muslim Brotherhood (big surprise right?)

Washington purportedly ready to practice Martial Law takeover in Florida, laws being enacted by pen and phone that are unconstitutional and illegal and unlawful and just plane wrong, and we just watch it happen.

People, it is time to unite against a foe that has come from within, and is devouring the United States like a cancer, if in fact you want to loose everything you have worked and struggled for, if in fact you want to see all your efforts go to feed the megalomaniacs in D.C., then just continue to sit back and watch as it happens, but then don't complain afterwards, OKAY?

It has been shown over and over again the there is no concern for the United States to continue as a Republic, the suggested alternative to what we have now, a Socialistic State, where everyone works for the government, I know, I know, some out there say that this is just the musings of a bunch of “Conspiracy Theorists”, the they chuckle and go on about their business which is exactly what Liberalism wants to happen, that way they have smooth sailing into every facet of your lives and there's nothing you can say about it. So just continue to set there and chuckle and watch everything disappear right in front of your faces,

Or, you can do something about it, you can join the Resistance and preserve what you have and what you will leave to those who follow you, you know, your children, and grand-children. We are a force to be reckoned with when we act as a single entity, a force that can inundate anything in it's path, King George learned that lesson, as did Germany, Japan, and others that have stood against what we stand for. They learned, to their utter dismay that when that force is unleashed, all who invite the wrath of the American people are left in piles of their own excrement.





Friday, March 20, 2015

Does This Seem Odd?

Has anyone stopped to ask themselves why the is so much opposition to the COS? Could it be the the people leading the push realize that once a COS gets called by congress and the Commissioners begin to meet that the time they have used to transform the United States of America into another third world country will be coming to an abrupt end, and the “Dance of Hope & Change will be on the last few Stanzas?
Do you think that could be the reason? Just musing a bit. But I sure do not remember them screaming about changing the Constitution or Nullifying it when they were having their way, I don't quite see the purpose of all these gyrations that are taking place unless it is in response to their loosing their death-grip on the fundamentals that made the United States the United States.
Obama wanted to Fundamentally Change the face of the United States, and he has, Harry Reid, wanted to be a sub king, he is, Nancy Pelosi wants to spank everybody's but that doesn't agree with her, Dianne Feinstein wants to take everybody gun away, except of course hers. It really pathetic as to how many people want to destroy the United States as we know it.
Other than politicians, who is on the list of less than savory characters that are also participants in the demise of America;
How about Bloomberg to start with, then of course we can follow with Soros, to name the two top players in the area of finances (the deep pockets everyone talks about). How about in the Religious sector, oh man it really gets deep here, there's The Right Reverand from the left bulbious and noxious Alfred Charles (Al) Sharpton, and of course the Beloved Jesse Jackson, In the Media section we have NBC, ABC, MSNBC, The Times Newspaper and it outlets, the Huffington Post, and it's outlets and theses are but a few players in the Game of Thrones being played out in front of our eyes every day, in the flesh,
Why are these people so adamant about grinding everything to a halt, why are they so objectionable when it comes to correcting the things that are wrong government today. Well from the rhetoric that continually flies from groups like the John Birch Society, it is in defense of the Constitution of the United States. Now if that is true, can you please explain the onslaughts of the 2nd Amendment among others,can you explain the desire of the President and his fellow cabinet members trying to get us under the thumb of the United Nations Treaties concerning gun ownership. Can you explain the advancement of Shariah Law in the United States, can you explain the preferential treatment of Islam overall other religions in the United States.
When these are all put together what do you think they sell, the death knell of America?
Look at the government that is sworn to protect the Constitution and the people of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic, then explain why the Muslim Brotherhood is welcomed to the White House with open arms, while American citizens are kept away, explain this, while the White House denies meetings with our best and last ally in the Middle East and actively works to defeat the re-election of the Prime Minister who has kept radical Islam at bay then denies anything is going on, this is the sitting government that has amassed more scandals than all the other sitting presidents in the history of the United States, a government that has time after time denied the citizens of the United States the rights that are theirs in favor of illegal aliens from other countries, in which at least 8 out of 10 are known criminals, can you explain that, a rogue government the feels that the citizens are just a source of finances so they can continue their rampage through the United States in order to decimate it.
Please tell me why these people are so concerned with this COS if it does not represent the end of their reign of terror, please somebody explain that to me, ----------------------------------- IF YOU CAN
After reading this do you really think a COS which will limit the overreach of that government is more dangerous that what is happening right now?
Do you think that a COS that will impose term limits is going to cause the collapse of the United States Constitution?
And if you are worried about a runaway convention, do us both a favor and read the following; http://www.cosaction.com/?recruiter_id=1030270
Then if you still need convincing, you can reach me at;
F.B.--- https://www.facebook.com/Cajunman1946
Then we'll talk if you think your position is tenable.
My name is Duke, come on over
Sign the Convention of States petition and join the fastest growing movement to stop D.C. in its tracks.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

How It Will Get Done

Many Citizens in our state fear that the Convention of States will not succeed because our state's politicians are just as corrupt and indifferent to the voice of the people as our federal politicians. How can a Convention of States succeed in this kind of environment?

The one word all corrupt politicians fear accountability !

By identifying and holding to task the elected officials we put into office, they eventually learn that the people are in charge, not them. As this is realized, the accountability factor takes on a whole new meaning for the politician who would get caught with his/her fingers in the till (so to speak).

Now what are the requirements to make the term accountability actionable?

The first thing is ORGANIZATION, if a single person attempts to confront a politician who may be corrupt, exactly what effect do you think that is going to have. But. If a group were to confront that same individual do you think the results would be different, and if the group were to prove their point, do you think a process to remove that corrupt politician could be started and completed? So the first requirement is organization, and a large, expressive, cohesive organization scares the hell out of those who would be king.

The next facet needed is to EDUCATE the general public as to the need for their participation in the process of governance, the more educated the general public is to the situation, the more effective is their inquiries as to the operations and functions of the organization. That means that each member of the organization is responsible to the overall organization to do what they can to help other see the importance of the purpose and function of the organization. Organizations like the John Birch Society have been around a long time, and have as a result of that longevity developed a game plan for actionable events like rallies, promotions, and other tools that are used in influencing the public and politicians to their point of view. So it is incumbent on newer organizations to do everything they can to educate the general public to their point of view and be able to back it up wit factual presentations, and be able to answer questions that to them may seem like no-brainer, but could be the thing needed to change outsiders to insiders.

The final part in this area is perhaps the most needful, yet the hardest to cultivate and that is ENGAGEMENT. This is the area where the rubber meets the road, where the observer becomes the participant. This is what most less than honest politicians fear the most, why?
Because this is where the politician become accountable, his/her actions, budgets, claims, results, all are put under the microscope and examined, when they fail to meet the requirements of the people, they are eligible to be replaced, more often than not in a very public and unforgiving way, take for example Richard Nixon, or Anthony Wiener. The wrath of the organized Citizens group can be a very daunting thing for a politician. Remember this, no citizen will become engaged with our process or function unless they understand it, and more importantly, see how they can be useful. They need to be able to own part of the process, then they are worthwhile and therefore can do something worthwhile.

When Citizens unite under a common banner, they are a force to be reckoned with, not something to be placated and sent home. We are the one's in charge and we need to recognize that, so do the politicians.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Petulant One---- AGAIN!

Is it just me, or does anyone else see that our President, because he didn't get his way in effect again stamps his foot takes his ball and says “I'm going home” while his lower lip is sticking out. Yes, yes, our petulant child rears his obstinate head again. An adult, any adult in the White House should pat him on the butt and send him to bed without dinner.

Is not that what you do with a spoiled child?

Our make believe president is again showing his true metal, (not), yes our fearless leader has again failed in doing something he thought would be easy pickings, guess what, it also will splash back on him, same as usual, Here's a question, when do you think this cretin will come to the realization that he is not what he wishes himself to be.

His failures are now riding him, his ineptitude is glaringly visible, and some of those who blindly supported him in the past are now in the process of rethinking their positions? Seems it's about time for the vermin to beat a hasty retreat, as they usually do.

You would figure that people, even the under-informed group that fell for the “Hope & Change” scam would eventually realize that they bought a bill of goods, admit their mistake and move forward, but like their leader, they have no idea as to how to do that, which is a pity. It is because of that under education in reality that they, no matter what they do, are bound to fail.

I am not just coming down on these people, I am in hopes of their realizing that mistakes were made and look toward correcting them. Lord knows we, the older generation made our mistakes, and a lot of them. But eventually we had to arrive at the point of realization that our version of the “Rose Colored Glasses” view was nothing more than the idealism of youth and exuberance.

I wonder what would happen if we put aside our venerable wisdom, and they put aside their exuberant energy and idealism and realistically looked at the options available to put our feet back on the ground and rebuild this country. Wouldn't that be something, a separation from the socialism, the liberalism, and the other ism' that accomplish nothing but tearing apart that which they cannot compete with, and just settle on what made this country great!

Seem we all need a common ground from which our differing points of view could be discussed openly and with some kind of an end point where the parties could agree. What could we use as that common ground, I know, how about the thing that brought us together in the first place, how about the Constitution, do you think we could start there?

First off, let set some ground rules, who is going to be the ones talking, what say, we the people do the talking for a change, now we have had representation by lawyers, scholars, doctors, thieves, liars and every other sort of individual that walks the planet, and where did it get us.
|To answer that question, just turn around and look, folks we got a mess going on. We got protesters in Ferguson both peaceful and imported, we have a capitol just chock full of those who want to be king, we have an out of control government that seeks to increase itself at every turn, we have groups who want nothing more than anarchy, blood, and destruction, we have people who do nothing more than despise religious ethics of others, we have educators who don't care to educate, they would rather indoctrinate, we have health care professionals who don't understand or know what professionalism is, we have judges who are not fit to judge, we have other countries who own more of the United States the the United States owns, we have untenable debt, yes we have all this, we created this by not doing want we as citizens are supposed to do, so how do we fix this?

To start with, you start at the bottom, the foundation, look down at your feet, when what you are standing on is cracked and fractured, how long do you think it will be before it breaks? To be able to fix anything else we must first repair the foundation, else everything we try will crumble. What's that old story about the man who built his house on the sand, when he got through building, it looked good, really good, that is until the rain and wind came, then since the house had no foundation it collapsed. Think about it.

To repair the foundation we need tools, which were provided for us to work with, since our foundation is the Constitution we have to go to the Constitution to get the tools, in this case, the tools are the Article V Applications for a Convention of States to propose Amendments to the Constitution. You see, cracks and fissures have to be repaired, not disposed of, we don't have to re-invent the wheel, it still works, we have to do some maintenance though, there are some issues that could prove to be very troublesome in the future if we don't fix them now, like taxes, representation, immigration, education, health care, governmental overreach, Foreign policy if fissures and cracks like these are not subjected to maintenance they will cause blowouts that could destroy the conveyance (our country), and I don't really think anyone wants that, if that were to happen what would we have, Washington populated by radical Muslims? Do yo really want that?

Let's get together to solve this problem among ourselves as citizens not antagonists, let's us clean up our house, are you willing? Before you say yes/no do yourself a favor, look at the empires that existed on this planet, the Persians, the Greeks, The Roman, the Chinese Dynasties, and all the lesser ones, they faded into nonexistence, why, what caused their failures? Each and every one of them fell because of the same reason, they ignored the foundations that made them great, if you don't believe me, just Google the Fall of (insert an empire name).

Let's not let that happen here, we have the wherewithal, we have the desire, we have the smarts, and we have the heart to accomplish, so let's set down and do it, follow this link, read, think, then decide. Do you want to succeed or would you rather become chattel.

 The only ones that can fix our Constitution is us. 

click me please!

If you need a reason, here' a few.


We owe them!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Crunch Time

Seems to be a lot of fireworks going off in our nation's capitol.
Our heroic Capitulation Leader (the Speaker of the House) is again using his stentorian presence to hem and haw his way through something he does not like in the least bit, the Application for the Convention of States.

Legislative meetings discussing the Article V Conventions are going on around the country, people are not as willing to accept the status quo as they were 6 years ago, I wonder why? Regardless of the causation we must now focus on the results.

There is stiff resistance arising to confront the desire to return the nation to the capable hands of the people, opponents like George Soros and the John Birch Society through it CEO Art Thompson have undertaken a move to nix limiting of the term of office for Barak Obama.

Soros, Birchers fight constitutional fix to limit Obama, Congress

BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 9:14 AM 
A nationwide drive by mostly conservative states to throttle President Obama and Washington's grab for more power and taxes is running into an odd left-right combo of opposition: Liberal financier George Soros and the conservative John Birch Society.
Documents provided to Secrets show that the Soros-backed Montana Budget and Policy Center recently urged the state's lawmakers to reject the so-called "convention of states" pushed by advocates such as radio talk show host Mark Levin as a way to pass constitutional amendments limiting the power of the federal government and especially the Supreme Court.
In an email to lawmakers, the liberal group called on supportive Montana lawmakers to "direct your questions" to the John Birch Society, which believes a states convention, provided in Article V of the Constitution, won't stop Washington from expanding its power and taxing authority.
The opposition effort succeeded last month when the Montana House rejected a convention.
Already facing liberals who fear that a convention would trim spending on their causes, the proponent conservative group Convention of States is also facing an unusual Soros partner in the John Birch Society, which believes the answer to Washington is to cut spending and the bureaucracy.
"Until the massive bureaucracy that is part of the federal government is curtailed, downsized or eliminated, federal officials will find a way around the Constitution no matter what amendments are ratified," the group said. Groups like Birch oppose the convention out of concerns that the conservatives running it will go too far to limit government powers and fear that the public isn't smart enough on the Constitution to change it.
But that opposition is being forcefully rebutted by Michael Farris, director of the Convention of States project for Citizens for Self-Governance. In a 23-page memo, he argued that simply trying to choke Washington's power by sending more conservatives to Congress won't work.
"Trying harder with the same old tactics won't work," he wrote.
So far, 23 states have endorsed the convention but 38 are needed before one is called.
Levin, Farris and other supporters are focusing on the power the U.S. Supreme Court has in interpreting the Constitution and claim that decisions like a recent one endorsing much of Obamacare violated the document.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted atpbedard@washingtonexaminer.com.

This is Art Thompson CEO of the John Birch Society, listen to what he says about the Article V Convention and how we are incapable of fixing the mess because we are uninformed and incapable of being responsible enough to fulfill our duty as citizens. According to what I heard him say, yes there is a problem which we created through our inability to understand the constitutional workings and therefore should not seek to fix what we don't understand, it should be left to those who do know what's best for us.

The other character of note, one to never let get behind you is George Soros, the guy who loves to play with Social Manipulation in order to gain his ends. This is the same fellow who “Broke the Bank Of England” was a participant in the financial speculation that broke Czechoslovakia, Spain, Greece, and now the United States and as he put it in an interview, “I do it because it's fun.”

Until today, I was aligned with the National Association for Gun Rights in it's membership. Then I read a letter from Dudley Brown NAGR Director what he stated in that letter seemed off kilter to me so I did some further checking and did not like what I found, his views are diametrically opposed to what I believe is the authorization and function for the Application for and the purpose of the Convention of States, I wrote and asked for clarification on the stance he presented, no answer was forthcoming today I read a similar testament from Mr. Brown and then decided to sever my connection with them as an organization. Seems to me he is pairing with the John Birch Society, that's not me, now or ever. 
Sometimes you got to step out in faith-------scary but doable.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Just a short note

Please excuse my absence, but for the past week or so, I have been actively engaged in a confrontation with our taxes, finished yesterday and will resume posting on Monday, the wife and I are taking the weekend off for a change.

See you  next week, have yourself a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

An Open Letter to the People of America

An Open Letter to the People of America.

Good Morning Countrymen and women,

I hope you are all well, I am writing this because I feel that our country is at a crossroad, which has the possibility of two ways to proceed on it's journey. I am concerned because this country is my home, I was born here and I will die here, thus my connection runs very, very, deep.

My concern is that if we continue along the pathway our government is leading us, within a short time we will not be the country that our Founding Fathers and those who came after them to pursue a life of freedom and opportunity will no longer have those goals available to them.

My reasoning for this is three fold in nature; Financial, Governmental Overreach, and politicians that are “To Long at The Helm.” The following is the addresses the first concern of the three, I will use this platform to reach as many as possible as I state my case, but I will only state one at a time and do that as thoroughly as I possibly can without becoming verbose in nature and making noise to hear myself. It is my hope that this will reach people and they through their own research with confirm what is being said and make informed decisions as to which way this country wiol continue to move. At the foot of this letter is my contact information, feel free to use it to contact me and ask whatever questions you may have concerning this subject. I look forward to to conversing with you in hopes of reaching an agreement and then taking action to do something about it.

Almost everyone knows our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster.

What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to make changes to the federal structure when Washington, D .C., starts to abuse its authority. Article V of the Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention for the limited purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution.

Citizens for Self-Governance has launched the Convention of States Project to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints and limitations on the power of the federal government.

I support this approach. I want Texas to be one of the necessary 34 states that passes a resolution calling for a Convention of the States. You can find a copy of the draft resolution and a legislator’s handbook (which briefly explains the process and answers many questions) atwww.conventionofstates.com.

I ask you to support the Convention of States Project and become either the lead sponsor or co-sponsor of a resolution in the next legislative session. Thanks so much for your service to the people of our district.

What are we trying to achieve with this action, the first and most noticeable requirement is that of Fiscal control. The sitting government seems hell bent on spending monies we don't have and drive the National Debt far beyond what we can now reach, it has been shown that if the government were to tax every individual in the United States, every individual (including children, unemployed, homeless, those who are physically challenged and dependent on disability for their livelihood as well as those who are mentally challenged and incapable of making rational decisions), at the rate of 100% there is not enough made that would sufficiently impact the amount of debt right now. And of course this will continue to grow and become part of the lives of our children, their children and their children. There is absolutely no restraint on governmental spending at present, there is absolutely no governmental budget right now, nor has there been since Obama took office. We currently live in a society that lives hand to mouth thanks to our esteemed governmental practices, and what continues is how deep they require us to reach into our pockets to fund their inability to control what they demand we control, spending.

This is but one of the proposals being set forth in the Application for a Convention of States. Through this action the government can be made to obey the laws it has created. They will be forced to submit and pass a Balanced Budget every year and required to live within the means of that budget. Without that proposal the National Debt will continue to grow to a point where no other country will even consider making loans under the strictest of conditions, then America defaults and goes bankrupt, when that happens and the creditors like China come in to take over, guess what you become, you are no longer citizens, you are mere chattel to be used for profit (theirs not yours). If you don't believe that , and if you say I am just trying to incite the citizenry to rise up against the government, check out some facts for a change, Look for a fellow named George Soros, a philanthropic billionaire? Who enjoys fiddling with the economies of different countries and watching them crumble, why would anyone do that and put millions of people at risk, and I quote George Soros himself when he was asked in an interview why would he engage in “Social Manipulation” to that extent/ his response “Because it's fun.” You will note please that his name appears on a lot of supporters lists for organizations that work toward the eclipse of Free Enterprise and a Democratic Republic form of government.

Finding out the truth of what's going on requires some due diligence on our parts, but it amazes me as to how many of us do not do what is required for due diligence and would rather argue and debate on emotional content rather than fact. This is why I do this, to make informed choices about how it goes with our country, we have to be informed of what the choices are, wouldn't you think?

C. J. “Duke” Trudelle
District Captain
Convention of States
9605 Falkirk Ave
El Paso, TX. 79925

Ph 915-261-9196

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Judge is on a roll

Judge Jeanine unloads on Obama, Lord help me I don't want to tick this lady off.


The Ball Is In Your Court

Is there a case to bring before the public that shows evidence of the duplicity of the Obama lead administration and proves the need for an Article V Convention of States?

You tell me!

Yesterday, it was revealed by The Washington Times that earlier in the week, lawyers for the Obama administration admitted they had lied during recent court proceedings on immigration and had already approved over one-hundred thousand cases of executive amnesty. This was in direct conflict with testimony given to Judge Andrew S. Hanen, who issued a stay in Obama’s executive actions that would allow five million illegal immigrants to stay in the country legally. In other words, the lawyers who were trying to appeal the judge’s stay lied to the judge during the initial arguments.
You can’t make this stuff up.
The Washington Times reports:

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/lying-corrupt-obama-administration-busted-time-judge-wont-like/#yMHT2vbcarmmox8S.99

When will the American public agree that this stuff has gone on for way to long and finally shut this massive intrusion on our way of life. Our Constitution grants us freedoms that are exercised no where else on this earth and we have people that complain how stupid is that. Look at San Francisco;

The Archdiocese of San Francisco is under fire for demanding that Catholic schools teach Catholic doctrine.
It seems the Board of Supervisors is upset over a morality clause that includes language against homosexuality, same-sex marriage and contraceptives. They unanimously passed a resolution rebuking the Catholic Church and demanding the archbishop ignore Catholic doctrine and respect the rights of teachers and students.
Supervisor Mark Farrell, who sponsored the anti-Catholic resolution, said the archbishop's policies conflict with the values of San Francisco.

Now these so-called educated people think they can legislate God, that has got to be the pinnacle of egocentric behavior. Seems everybody who has been internalizing some kind of a complaint against the lifestyle of the Republic and the ability and resiliency of the United States of America is all hot and bothered to reach the 15 min of fame plateau and say look at me, I am somebody. Well here's something you need to think about people, we have been doing that for years long before your petty, nonsensical, idiomatic, attempts to destroy what you don't even understand.
The clueless attempts of your desire to inflict your wants on a nation are nothing more than childish tantrums that are designed to make you feel good about yourself. I pity you and your attempts.
You see, everything you want is already present in this country, everything you need to live as a human being is here and you are willing to throw it away because you don't understand what it is we have, and worse yet, you are not willing to do some due diligence to find out about it. No, you would rather just destroy what so many people have worked so long and hard for. And that is totally pathetic.
You allow a very few raging idiots to guide your thoughts and actions, and please look at who they are, Al Shaprton, Jesse Jackson, the board of Supervisors in San Franciasco. Farrakhan, the Clintons, yes sir buddy real examples of upright citizens.
You would rather hear these fools preach their hate mongering messages that deal to your emotions than to find out if what they are saying has any merit at all, Al “the tax evader”Sharpton a player from way back who has been proven over and over to be but a flagrant liar to achieve his goals at our expense, and people give him credence as a man of God which again he has shown he isn't. He should change the name of his church to “The church of “What's Happening Now”
Is it any wonder that other countries view us as sheep being led to slaughter?
Are there any folk out there that still stand on their own, instead of being led by the nose, excuse me, by the wallet.
Now people, now is the time for us to make our voices hears over the shouting of those who don't even know what they are shouting about, it's time for us to stand and hold our position and say enough of this crap, it time to get back to the business of resurrecting the values and morals that have guided this country since it's inception.
Contact you State representatives and find out where they stand on the questions you have, find out if their values system is the same as yours or if they are out for themselves, then act to support them or change them so they reflect your values and morals.
Take a stand, let your voice be heard all the way to Washington, there is no reason for the government to be hoisting their wants above the needs of the country. It up to you America, it's in your hands, will America continue or succumb to the desires of those who want nothing more than subjugation for you and your family?


Sunday, March 8, 2015

My mistake

I have to apologize and correct myself, upon further investigation into Article V Applications for Convention of States there have been 370 instead of the 788 I failed my due diligence and counted all applications instead of the accepted Applications for that I apologize.. 

In an article posted by Larry Reams in the Patriot Post on Feb. 16 of this year, he stipulates the following;

“Historically, since 1788 when records began being kept, there have been @370 state applications for a convention. Every state except Hawaii has filed at least one application. Some were subsequently withdrawn, some were acted on by Congress without the convention process by proposing / passing new amendments. Since 2000, there have been 22 official applications mostly dealing with the debt and a balanced budget. Throughout history the issue
prompting the applications to be submitted has run the gamut depending on the “hot” issue in that state at that point in time. None have had the requisite number of states to hold the convention.”

Now if this is true as Mr. Reams has posted it seems that the apprehensions of the “Constitution” being put on the chopping block are somewhat exaggerated in their content.

“Our Constitution is a model for the world. We were not a divided nation in 1787. We are divided today, deeply so and by design. Divide and conquer is a strategy of the progressive movement and it has worked. This divisiveness may reinforce the argument against a run away convention. It may also guarantee that nothing whatsoever gets accomplished. That the convention attendees can’t even come together on a single issue, let along Levin’s eleven proposals. But there are “back room deals” nowadays. “You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours.” Call me a skeptic but I don’t trust politicians today, even supposed independent, bipartisan delegates from the populace at large, to come together in a process that has never been done in our 230 year history, and under such divisiveness as we have today.”

And there is a way to get that control before the Article V Convention gavels in the first meeting. It’s called the Madison Amendment a safety feature of the Article V Application which states;

The Congress, on Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, which all contain an identical Amendment, shall call a Convention solely to decide whether to propose that specific Amendment to the States, which, if proposed shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified pursuant to Article V.”

In other words, an open-ended convention is never called. A convention is called only to propose one specific amendment and nothing more. Therefore, the Madison Amendment, if proposed by Congress and ratified by 38 states, would become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. From that point forward states could call Article V conventions whenever so desired, to propose only one amendment to the Constitution. That stops a “run away” convention in it’s tracks.

Ever since Mark Levin’s book came out advocating the convention, with his proposed 11 amendments, there’s been a stampede to have the states correct some of our many ills. Those proposals are as follows;

The eleven amendments proposed by Levin:[3][4]
  1. Impose Congressional term limits
  2. Impose term limits for Supreme Court Justices and restrict judicial review
  3. Require a balanced budget and limit federal spending and taxation
  4. Define a deadline to file taxes (one day before the next federal election)
  5. Subject federal departments and bureaucratic regulations to reauthorization and review
  6. Create a more specific definition of the Commerce Clause
  7. Limit eminent domain powers
  8. Allow states to more easily amend the Constitution
  9. Create a process where two-thirds of the states can nullify federal laws
  10. Require photo ID to vote and limit early voting
These as seen in accordance to the Madison Amendment, are suggested proposals and would only be approved once received by the Legislatures of each State proposing Amendments, through the works of a committee that would review the proposals, all proposals that carry the same intent would be grouped as a single proposal and be rewritten in new language to reflect the intent and purpose of such a proposal, that proposal shall be endorsed by the legislature and sent to the Congress as an Application for Convention of States once the Convention is called under the singular purpose of the amendment being ratified by the 38 states necessary to make it and Amendment to the Constitution, there is no chance for a “Runaway Convention” to run roughshod and make an attempt to restructure the whole Constitution.

Defining the intent and purpose of proposed Amendments is what a Convention of States is about, clarification of harnessing a runaway government by curtailing abuses of power was something thought of by the Founding Fathers and they made provisions for dealing with such abuses.

If we do have this authority as outlined in the “Constitution” then when these abuses are evident, it becomes incumbent on the citizenry of the United States to exercise that power and put the government back in the hands of the people be that through a Single Item Convention of States or a Identified Multiple Items Convention.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Is there a way?

Is there a way?

I say yes,

Will it work?

Again, I say yes.

Is it legal?

Definitely, as authorized by the Constitution.

How does it work?

Through the voice of the people of the United States.

Explanation please
As you wish

Article V of the Constitution of the United States of America provides that

“The congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose
Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States , shall call a convention for proposing amendments which in either case shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of the Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or Conventions in three fourths thereof, as one or the other mode of Ratification may be proposed by Congress; provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without it's Consent shall be deprived of it's equal Suffrage in the Senate.”

Simply speaking the Constitution authorizes the Congress of the United States to call for Amendments TO the constitution or on Application (formal request) of the Legislatures or two thirds of the total States of the United States or 34 States, SHALL, not should, but shall call a Convention for the express purpose of proposing Amendments to the Constitution, which in either case are valid as to intent and purpose, as Part of this Constitution when approved by 3/4ths of the States. That means that State legislatures can at the behest of it's people make application to Congress for the express purpose of proposing Amendments to the Constitution which are in agreement with the intent and purpose of the Constitution, not to take away from the existing Constitution.

When the people make such a request to the Legislature it cannot be haphazard in nature since if ratified, it becomes the Law of the Land, so as was the constitution, it has to be hammered our before presentation, that means it has to follow certain protocols as to intent and purpose or it will face being rejected even before it gets started.. The first requirement is to the intent of the Amendment, why is it being suggested, what are the causative factors that went into the fabrication of the amendment, the second is the purpose of the amendment, or what shall the measurable outcome be and how will it be fulfilled. The specifics of the intent and purpose of the Amendment must be clear and concise, any vagueness will be cause for scrapping and redoing the verbiage until it meets the requirements for functionality. An amendment can be singular of purpose, as in proposing a limitation of term for politicians in the congress, or multifaceted as in a series of proposals of the same nature and of the same outcome as the others being proposed, or a bundled package to serve a singular purpose. The suggested proposals must reflect a need to the continuation of the foundations of our government as described in the official documents of the United States of America.

A Convention of States cannot and I repeat CANNOT do anything to detract anything from the existing Constitution, because to do so would negate the Constitution, and thereby negate it's own existence because the existence of the Convention of States is derived from the Constitution.

I have heard that some think the calling of a Convention of States will put the Constitution on the chopping block to be decimated and cut up by any number of representatives from the states.

Two things in response

In order for the Constitution to be changed after all the arguing has been completed it takes a vote of ¾ of the State Legislatures to Ratify the changes before it becomes law, if there is no agreement, there is no change.


Prior to going to the Ratification process the amendments have already been hammered out at the Legislatures submitting the applications. And the applications are limited to specific functions for specific purposes. Any Delegate (Commissioner) who goes against the mandate of the Legislature is subject to immediate removal and the possibility of a three year prison term. There is no limit to the amount of delegates that can go from any state, but, there is only one vote per state. That one vote, and set agenda precludes any tampering with the intent and purpose of the makeup and functionality of the Constitution.

That is the function and purpose of the Convention of States, to date there have been approximately 788 Article V Convention of States Applications filed the first in 1788 by Virginia and the last in February 2015 by New Jersey that's 227 years. In that 227 years there have been 17 Amendments added to the Constitution, so what does that say about the Constitution being torn apart by calling for a Convention of States?

Monday, March 2, 2015

The pettiness of the President

It is without regard to the stability of the Israel/US alliance that our so-called president acts.

He just continues to prove just how petty he in fact really is. This individual has no hesitation about showing his obeisance to the Muslim Brotherhood, he has no problem running interference for terrorists being held at Gitmo, he has no hesitation doing all he can for a traitor/deserter, yet for a staunch ally like Israel, he has no time, this fool is pathetic.

He holds himself as an example to the rest of the world and would parade around as would the character in the “Emperor's New Clothes.” Does this man really believe himself to be the epitome of all things good? If so, he is far, far, off course.

His actions are no longer comical, nor excusable as would be those of someone like Einstein. Einstein had a reason for his lapses that being his intelligence and veracity in calculating on the fly. With Obama, there is no such excuse. He is being what he wasd meant to be, that is a petulant child who has been put into a position of authority, a position which he is not equipped to deal with.

I used to get angry at his ineptitude, but now, it just makes me sad to think what the rest of his life is going to be like. Lots of people used to accord the title of the “Worst President in History to Jimmy Carter, but Obama released him from that apocryphal title, and the crown now rests firmly on his head, if it is over sized, not to worry, if it slips down onto his head, his ears will catch it and keep it in place.

His actions on the home front as well as those on the world stage are more suited to a person whom (in my vernacular) has an overabundance of mouth, but not even a shadow of the part needed to cover it (all mouth, no ass)

This condition is rather prevalent in a person who needs others to front him/her when it comes time to do instead of talk. I am sure those who mentored him you know Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, George Soros and that ilk of people would be very proud of the fact that he has moved their plans for the destruction of the United States along at such a brisk pace, yes, I am sure of that.

But you know what really bothers me is what is going to happen when his term of office is over, The United States will prevail I seriously believe the United States will still be viable after Obama. We may not be in the best shape in the world, but we will still be here. Because you see the “Dream of America” which is equated to the freedom of the human spirit will not die. So George Soros, take heed, your machinations will stop and you will begin to loose, you will loose more than you could ever amass in 10 lifetimes. The posturings of people like Saul Alinsky, and Bill Ayers will simply dissolve from the landscape as did that of Karl Heinrich Marx.

Communism has nor place in this worlds societies, everyplace it has been tried, it has failed. Communism/Socialism whatever you choose to call it could never succeed due to the simple fact of “What do you do after you tax everybody out of what hey have?” This preposterous philosophy in it's description never ever goes beyond the first 30 years of existence simply the rate of growth always, always outstrips the basis upon which it is built and taxing itself out of existence.

But that just the opinion of this fellow.

People always decry the need for critical thinking, to bad they don't do it.

Anyway, after the cookie crumbles and Obama and his ilk find out that they are in fact only blowing smoke, that defeat is going to be by far worse than anything we as Americans could ascribe to them.

As far as America, we'll still be here, you see, as much as they may try, no group of people on the face of the earth has the power to quench a dream. America has had 237 years of unbelievable existence, we have accomplished more in a far shorter time than any nation on the face of the Earth. We have raised the standard of living for people who came to our shores from every country on this planet.

Yes friends, I think that no matter what he does short of world war III the United States of America will outlast Obama by a long shot.