Monday, January 19, 2015


Have you started yet. Or are you still sitting on the fence saying “Someone else will do it”
Are you interested in the welfare of our children and their children or, “Will they take care of it”
Have you shown any interest in the world situation or will you just let the scum-suckers have it.
Are you an active part of this nation or “Another friggin arm-chair quarter back?”

We have people in Washington D.C. Who are more than interested in keeping you dancing in circles while sneaking in legislation designed to strip you of your dignity, your earnings, your possessions, your families, your right to live and breathe as a human being and and making you nothing more than a piece of flotsam or jetson in the stream of things happening.

We have “Sleeper Cells” of “Islamic Terrorists” just waiting for the opportunity to wreak havoc on our nation, our personal lives, and our lives in general so their “Prophet” will rule the world, you know who I mean right, the scumbag who crawled around in a cave for some time, then came out spreading the BS that he had been enlightened and this is what their god wanted done, Shariah Law, murder all who do not agree, force people to live under guidelines that are made up by misogynistic jackasses, you know, the “religion of peace and brotherly love and all good things” according to our president, who once said “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.
Is it not great that we have a president that can talk out of both sides of hos mouth, and at the same time, now that takes talent, gee maybe he should go on that TV show you know the one, “America's got Talent.”Though aside from the frivolity, have you begun to do anything about becoming part of the Solution instead part of the Problem?

Look, here's an example of the problem in a nutshell, Al Sharpton , a professional huckster who preys on the people, a vulture that will strip you of everything he can get from you with words, he will anger you on purpose, he will cause you to forget what's right in favor of everything that wrong so he can profit. He is a criminal, a tax evader to the tune of 4.5 million dollars, he incites to riot (Ferguson) then sets himself up to placate, of course for a price better known as a (donation)
We have news media that manufactures what they call news and want us to believe them, we have supposition advancement instead of news reporting, we have agenda hawkers instead of commentaries.

To put it succinctly, we have a nation based in BS set to move forward with “Progressive ideaology” that has no place in a free and open society. We have issues with racism, which we in fact do, but we also have issues whit race baiting that have no foundation in truth (just a tool to use when there is no factual evidence to drum up anger so a few or less can profit [Al Baby Shaprton].)

Don't you think that kinds of describes the America we have now, this is what you want to pass on to your children and their children, this is now the “American Dream,” Is this the “Dream” of Martin Luther King, of our “Founding Fathers,” of all those who gave all to have a place of freedom, of honor, of justice. Is this a place where you can speak your mind without fear, where you have the right to vote for whom you choose, is this the place where you can worship as you choose or even not worship if that's your choice. Is this the place where you can act on a dream you have and follow it to it's consummation, is this the place where we can lend a helping hand up to a country that has been devastated by natural events, is this the country that stands for truth, justice, and the dignity of man?

If not, why not, except for the fact that we don't stand for these principals, except for the fact that we choose to let someone else stand while we watch, except for the fact that we don't care enough for our children to do the best we can for them so they can do the best they can for their children. Have we lost the pride that goes with being an American, the pride that goes with being a good neighbor to the people next door and across the boarders and the seas, are we such self-serving wimps that all we can see is


If that in fact is true, then we really do deserve what we are about to receive.

If no, then it's about time we start doing what we should to insure that what we have continues, the freedoms, the pride, the generosity, the openness, the ability to listen and adapt to that which furthers our way of life and allows others their ways in a country that is co-habitual to those who would come to share what we have. This is the America I know, this is the America that the world want to know and see. This is MLK's Dream.

But in order to get that we have to stand up and be counted in Washington D.C. In the terrorist training camps, in the news, in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, in the Churches, in the schools, in the market place, in the work place and in the homes we have to be the examples, we have to be the driving force.

John F. Kennedy – Ask not what your country can do for you, asl what you can do for your country”can do for your country”

Gen. George Patton – “Lead me,follow me, or get out of my way. … Some men are cowards but they fight the same as the brave men or they get the hell slammed out of them watching...

Patrick Henry – "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

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