Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We Said, They Heard

Senator Joni Ernst from Iowa, one of the new Republican Members of Congress in response to the State of the Union Speech by Obama started with “We heard what you said in November.”

I hope this is true, no I pray this is true, America needs all the help we can get from within if we are to shake off the shackles of the idiocy we have been subjected to over the past six years.

We are a Democratic Republic not a Socialistic demagoguery, it behooves us to act as such if we are to claim it as our identity, in spite of what Obama wants.

These people we have sent to Washington to fight our battles in Congress are primarily new, not uneducated, and not a bunch of wimps who cave on the first outing. Because of that newness they might be somewhat hesitant in addressing the problems created by the “Elder Representatives” such as the Speaker of the House, or the Minority Leader who are well schooled in saying one thing but doing another, so then it becomes inherent upon us the citizenry of this country to actively support these fledgling law makers.

You might ask how that can be successfully done in this day and age of Entitlement and Elitism. The following is and idea, one of many that are equally as good in making sure that all of the Representatives know they are subject to our will, not that of the ones who would destroy our country.

Step One:
Call or email, or snail-mail your Representative, congratulate them on
appointment, encourage them in their effort to follow the course of action needed to return America to it's greatness, and most of all, thank them for being willing to set aside their lives and careers to serve the
Nation in it's time of need.
Step Two:
Continue to stay in contact with them even if it's only to say thank you,
there is nothing in reality that says “Handle it, handle it'”then telling someone what you want done then leaving them alone to do it , for a newbie that says a lot about a so-called boss, when just a hello, how you doing, could provide a real productive relationship.
Step Three:
Do not be afraid to let your feelings and thoughts be known to your representative, I mean how can they represent you if they don't know you. Your activity in the process of government is what has been missing. Your verifiable presence, even if it's only through e-mail is the
impetus needed to keep our representatives in line and on the ball, they worked hard to get where they are, it is up to us to keep the good ones
there and working for us.

That should not require a whole bunch of energy to accomplish, invite your children to participate, if they see you participating, then they have an example to follow, and no matter what anyone in the past says, including there are two things that you don't talk about with others, religion and politics, well we haven't talked about them for a while and look at what it got us.

The only way to make America America, is for us as Americans to participate in the life of our country. George Soros and others of that ilk can only do what they do when we stop participating. Money does not make or break a country no matter what anyone says. What does break a country is when it's citizens forget what makes a country, and that is community. Without community, there is no country, without you there is no community.

So, America, what say you, shall we get out of the gutter and step to the sidewalk again?

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