Friday, January 2, 2015

What's To Come?

The year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2015

Indigenous peoples lived in what is now the United States for thousands of years and developed complex cultures before European colonists began to arrive, mostly from England, after 1600. The Spanish had small settlements in Florida and the Southwest, and the French along the Mississippi River and the Gulf Coast. By the 1770s, thirteen British colonies contained two and a half million people along the Atlantic coast east of the Appalachian Mountains. In the 1760s the British government imposed a series of new taxes while rejecting the American argument that any new taxes had to be approved by the people. Tax resistance, especially the Boston Tea Party (1774), led to punitive laws (the Intolerable Acts) by Parliament designed to end self-government in Massachusetts. American Patriots (as they were called at the time as a term of ridicule) adhered to a political ideology called republicanism that emphasized civic duty, virtue, and opposition to corruption, fancy luxuries and aristocracy. So the United States of America has been in existence since 1774 as a Republic, populated by people who choose republicanism over democracy.

That comes from Wikipedia, I am not making that up, 241 years of a Republic. That's got to be a record for this type of government, though today there are those who would change that to suit their wants. Stating that our form of governance has not adapted to what they think it should be, but you see, that applies to their way of doing things and benefits them not the citizenry of this country.

Now, each and every one of us has been gifted with something others in this world would die to attain, yet we seem so ready to throw it away on a mere whim, that's the part I don't comprehend. We have within our collective grasp the freedom to go where we want, live where we want, be what we want, and do what we want within the boundaries of common acceptable behavior, so why is it that now everything that has brought us to this point has to change to gain acceptance? I, myself have always understood one premise and that is “If it ain't broke, don't fix it!” Yes there are always things that are tweaked to ensure the benefit for the masses instead of the individual, but these things are decided by the masses, not the individual, that has been the way we got here and that's hopefully how we will continue. to move forward, unnecessary rioting, looting, murder, pillage, plunder, and intimidation are not beneficial to anyone except of course those few who instigate that behavior, you know, like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, yea, those type of guys that lie in your face, then stab you in the back and claim innocence, right? There are definitely a bunch of them around, they have even infiltrated the governing bodies we look to for leadership.

But, enough of the rants, let's settle down and in 2015 get together and plot a course for this country that favors the people who make up this country. Elitist, please pay attention, it is now time for you to shut up, and go back to your room, the adults of this country need to speak, we have heard your prattling and as per usual it is one sided and insufficient for the needs.

We as citizens need to pause, let the anger die down, get rid of the resentment and let common good have it's place in our dealings, that is what we are made of, not random acts of violence gauged to destroy, leave that for ISIS and that ilk, they will very soon get what they deserve.

You see, as we come together, the isolated heathenish influences have a tendency to disappear from the scope. We should indeed concentrate on our problems; racial inequities, boarder security, economy, education, government, religious freedom, and above all ethics, when these are actively worked on to a goal, you will soon see the true quality of America.

We have done it before, we can do it again, but it takes goals, and cohesiveness to accomplish this lofty quest. Again, it was done before, that's how we came into existence, we again need pioneers, those who would follow a dream as to the establishment of a New Covenant, that would augment the Constitution, not destroy it.

Most of the world has decried our existence and tried to overcome us, my suggestion is to temporarily rescind any dealings with these countries, then let them fish or cut bait, and see how they do on their own. As far as the oil producing nations, cut them loose and become self sufficient, as far as the UN who wants to control everything we do, show them the door, ask them to move to some other country, then separate from them. Concentrate on revitalizing our economy, to include unemployment, and boarder security (restructuring our immigration policies), set a big focus on our education aims for those who come behind us so they can compete on a world level, get rid of the obnoxious and implement a structure that allows for expansion within certain expectations, reduce the size of the government, refocus spending to debt alleviation, redo the health care practices in this country and focus on better outcomes, bring mega corporations under new standards of practice, and make them responsible for their errors, restructure the tax system, downsize the IRS and enforce stricter control on it and other rogue government agencies. And above all, give due respect to the people that make this country what is has been and always will be,

The Democratic Republic of the United States of America.

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