Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How shall the issues be addressed???

7 days in to 2015, already the “Peaceful Nation of Islam” has struck in Paris, you know the folks responsible correct? Islam has touted an insult to “The Prophet” which had to be avenged (B***S**t), these of course are the people our beloved president seeks to defend at every opportunity he gets.

Shooting in El Paso, TX. At the V.A., this is the V.A. That has had the worst national record in treating the veteran population it was designed to care for, yea right.

Speaker of the House John Boehner is apparently punishing Republicans who voted against his re-election Tuesday, despite previously saying he would not do so.”

Isn't it just great when we can live in a time where the only thing that matters to the people in charge is “MY POSITION.”

“Yesiree it shur is nice living in a contry where everything is beautiful, and peaceful, and neighobrs greet each other with genuwine concern and politness yesiree!”

It is so wonderful to see a New Your Mayor side with radical protestors over his Police Department and in effect setting every, EVERY officer up to be shot, “yesiree” It's just so heart warming to see a bunch of “good ole folks” completely ignore evidence and findings of a Grand Jury in favor of their wants even after seeing evidence to the contrary on film, “yesiree”

So completely satisfying to know that our “Beloved President” is about to “S**t” on the American people AGAIN, in favor of his wants to veto (Keystone,which by his own demand be researched as to safety, and was declared environmentally safe by more than one group of experts. And would provide a boost to the economy in measures far more that can be totally figured, which would help to resolve our 18 trillion $ debt that “The beloved one” has led us into “Yesiree” it so great to know that our government is so behind the people, (so far behind the people that they are totally disconnected), and the desire to alleviate the current concerns of the people whom they so selflessly serve????? “OH HECK YEA”

I mean this is what “We The People” busted our butts for, what some of us went to war for, what we pay our taxes for, and what we forfeit our rights for, “yesiree” just so they can play god.

By the way, did you read about Harvard, you know the elitist school that gave us Obama. Here's the joke, and it's on them. They touted how the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was the best thing for the country since apple pie, that was until they found out they were not immune to the increased charges of health care they would have to absorb, now they cry like stuck pigs, fitting, I think since their hypocrisy now comes to roost on their wallets. (Score one for the little guy)!

Is anything going to change, nope, do you want to know why???
Because we do nothing to change it, yes we voted new representatives in but are we supporting them, or is it “You're there now, so handle it, handle it.”

You see, there is a power structure in Congress, and it's not “The Grass Roots” it's not Sarah Palin, it not Trey Gowdy, Tom Cruse,or any other fighter we sent there to work for us.

Now hear this loud and clear America “LOUD AND CLEAR”

It's our responsibility to give them direction, then back them up with our presence, with our blessing for their fight for us, with our support for what's right for America.

I can remember when I went to Viet Nam, the feeling of pride in doing something for my country, giving back what had been given to me, “White Privilege” Aw hell no, my father worked two jobs to support the family, my mother worked at Sears to help out, I delivered newspapers in the morning and evening to kick in, my older sister took care of the younger sister, the house, and cooked for the family. Were we rich aw hell no, were we comfortable yea, why, because we all took part in what had to be done in order to get by. Did we bitch, aw hell yes, did we believe in God, yep, still do.
Sometimes of a winter, I'd have to walk to school through snow that was knee deep, uphill, both ways!!!

In case you didn't realize it, that last sentence was a joke, but it's there for a purpose, the biggest thing missing in America these days is the ability to laugh not only at each other, but, also at ourselves. That's a bad position to be in, for when you take everything too seriously you begin to loose the vision of where you wanted to be to begin with, when that happens you get frustrated, then angry, then all hell breaks loose, think about that in context of today's situation and see if that's not right.

Now comes how to turn this thing around.

To start with let's think about an old country song from the sixties and seventies, see if you remember this line, “Just give me forty acres and I'll turn this thing around,” now what do you think that implies? How about needing a bit of room, can't do much when you're all crunched up can you?

So give yourself and the one standing next to you some room, and it's not a matter of personal space, it's a matter of being able to employ the attributes given to you at birth so something can be accomplished, and that does not include shouting at each other or threatening to kill each other. You see, alone we accomplish nothing, together our ancestors built a country that far exceeded their expectation. Now guess what, the traits and attributes they had, we have, it's just a matter of changing a perspective from me to us, from those guys to all of us. Now, I know there are Al Sharptons our there who want nothing more than to divide, but they are the minority, the people hold the majority and don't forget that. Together there's nothing we can't accomplish with the right motivation. Now you may ask what could motivate a drive to change the face of America, the one most overlooked and shoved aside because it benefits all not some, all, and that is our children. We make this a place for our children, we pass the dream on to our children, we work and sweat for a heritage for our kids, we teach them values, we teach them respect, we teach them dignity, we teach them history, not the BS they teach now, the actual history of America, we teach them pride in accomplishment, not greed in handouts, we teach fundamental principals that have been taught for years and years going back to the time of ancient Israel, China, Africa, Europe, Asia. We teach them pride in heritage and we do that at home around the dinner table, on the floor, in the kitchen, at church where ever it is you want to hold FAMILY MEETINGS. Get to the basics, the FAMILY, that's what built America, not politicians, not Community Organizers, not Unions, none of that crap mattered, it was families, neighbors, communities, towns, cities, and states that built America
regardless of what anyone says, “We the People” built America, and it's ours, not theirs--- OURS!!!!!

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