Monday, January 12, 2015

Time to CHOOSE!

Political Correctness
The Art of Dressing Up Cowardliness

The method by which pseudo-intellectuals can remain distanced from any act which may require confrontation on any level, is to rationalize something abhorrent, and to minimize the effects of an action by intellectualizing the causative factors.

In simple English, verbal diarrhea used as a means of placating that which you are afraid of so one can avoid having to do something to correct it.

I find it rather disturbing that the Liberal Left in their attempts to do damage control by minimizing the events that happened in Paris by dodging the main relevant issue, the confrontation of an extremist group of TERRORISTS called ISIS who are ISLAMIC.

It is a well known fact, when people ignore a threat or a bully the actions thereof escalate, simply because they are not challenged. This is the reason that these attacks continue, not only in the United States, but also Europe, Africa, Australia, and everywhere else organizations like this flourish.

From the United Nations on down to local levels of government groups of terrorists are allowed to function because of fear, the United States was once known as a country that would assist other countries who were not capable of defending themselves from the acts of terrorist groups around the world, Germany, France, England, Canada and other countries all participated in such actions. But, now that a massive wave of liberalism has invaded each of these countries you can look at the mainstream news outlets, where terrorists are now called activists and their actions are justified through a process of shifting responsibility from these terrorists to the people on which these terrorism acts are committed.

WOW!! that is really cool right, from nations of responsible people to sniveling cowards, “Yes siree buddy” that is truly progress. OH right, they are called “Progressives” correct.

So, I guess now it's the one who work, and pay taxes, and obey the law who are now the ones to be scorned, while the pseudo-intellectual jackasses apologize for the sun coming up in the East, and the birds flying South in the winter. WOW!
You know, there is a method by which all these acts of terrorism can be stopped, you know that right?

The absolute first step in stopping terrorism in any shape of form is very simply getting rid of the enablers, you know what I mean, politicians who run the other way when faced with a crisis they have allowed to happen, you don't even have to vote for that, just ignore them. If they pronounce an edict, ignore it, if they allow terrorist's to set up camp in your back yard, ignore them and shut those camps down. If they allow free access to our boarders, simply close the boarders state by state. If they allow illegals into the country, simply house them in cardboard communities on the boarder. Nothing, but nothing hurts the “Progressive Left” more than being ignored, if they attempt to institute “Martial Law”, turn on them! The cowards will run, they always do.

Step two, when a terrorist raises his/her head and makes demands, shoot them, not to wound, just kill them. All of a sudden they will diminish in their threats and actions. You see, they can only operate in an environment of fear, if there is no fear, there is no terrorism.

Step three, call a terrorist a terrorist, political correctness is nothing more that cowardliness so stop being scared to say something is wrong when it is wrong. If the representatives do not represent the people, there is no use for them. That includes the CEO, even in business, the CEO answers to the Board of Directors, guess what, We The People ARE the Board of Directors. The CEO cab be replaced.

Step four, never ever loose sight of who we are, we are Americans, proud and free, the cowards who would have us bow and scrape to the terror makers want to make sure that they stay in the positions they are in, but the Awakening is coming, when the “Giant” awakens to the problem, the “Resurrection” will happen, then the cowards, and terrorists will have no place to run.

The world will never be free of cowards, opportunists, and terrorists, that's a fact. But the effects of their endeavors can be brought to a minimum when they are dealt with properly and swiftly, and without worry of political correctness.

It's our choice, we can either live on our knees, grovel, and forage like carrion eaters, or we can stand up, and if necessary, shoot back and be free to live upright, breathe free, and enjoy the life we have been given.

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