Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Time to S*** or get off the Pot

A lone gunman opened fire in the Canadian Parliament. A fanatic self-styled radical imam gunned downed people in an Australian coffee shop. A recent Muslim convert gunned down and beheaded co-workers in Oklahoma.

Now initial reports indicate that two or three black-hooded terrorists stormed a Paris satirical publication in an organized attack and massacred over a dozen journalists. The magazine had published a cartoon making fun of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The terrorists shouted, “The Prophet has been avenged,” terrorists have adapted. Al Qaeda and ISIS and other Islamist radical brethren have taken to social media to recruit and inflame individuals to take things into their own hands and attack where they can. They’ve also recruited Westerners to travel to Iraq and Syria and fight for Islamic jihad, and then return home to carry on the fight as experienced soldiers.

Since we have to all intent and purpose that which I call an “Islamic Terrorist sympathizer” holding the highest public office in the nation, it seems clear, that the only response we will ever see is that of turn the other way and talk drivel. As I have said before there are approximately 35 or more terrorist training camps in the United States right now, has any government agency responded to this situation, nope, why, their hands are tied behind them, again thanks to our administration's stance of “Look the other way” The whole world focuses on France and the latest ISLAMIC TERRORIST'S MURDERS, they march in solidarity against such behaviors everyone, except of course our “Fearless Leader”, and where was he? At a high level meeting of some security necessity, or perhaps “WATCHING SOME STUPID FOOTBALL GAME” THEN HANGING WITH THE WINNERS.” Exactly what do you call that, cowardice, or perhaps collaboration by assent? “Yes Siree Buddy” that's our leadership, when it comes to talking about doing something about it, there are grand words and a lot of posturing, but when it come to doing something about it, “THERE'S NOTHING IN THE PANTS BUT WET SPOTS AND STICKY SMELLY STUFF.” “Yes Siree Buddy” that's our leadership, just make sure that when you get near the fabulous four (Obama, Biden, Kerry, and Holder) you bring plenty of air freshener, you're going to need it, trust me, you'll need it.

So now comes the rejuvenated Congress, let's make a bet okay? Let's say after a few days of bluster and “harrumphing” it returns to business as usual, you know, finger pointing, reasserting the blame, running from the cameras when asked why they did not fulfill their campaign promises and why they disappear so fast when they screw things up. Do I hold much hope for change, nope, there is nothing, and I mean nothing that lends support to that hope so therefore it's business as usual in our capitol, to quote a term used in playing pool, “Lot's of break, but no balls.” And guess what, we are just going to go along with it, same as usual right. So everybody, let's just save some time, we'll surrender before the battle is joined, give up our rights, and get in proper formation, lined up one behind the other, put our left hands on the left shoulder of the person in front of us and sing that ole song, “Nobody knows the trouble I've seen” cause that's where it going, like it or not, want to know why, cause there's nothing in your pants either. We gave that up when Obama was elected.

Now is that not a proud heritage to leave your children and their children. What was a thriving country is now turned into a bunch of sniveling, dust suckers, unless of course you are ready to accept the responsibility of what we let happen, and then do something about it. Does that mean pick up a gun and march on the White House, not really, but that could become an action later on if necessary, no for now there are other non-violent methods. The first and most effective is to inundate your representatives with emails, and phone calls at least 4 times per month saying something to the effect “Choose your actions wisely, we ARE watching you closely.” Then inundate the White House with the same message on the same time frame. Can you imagine the effect that let's say 100,000 emails per week, or say 1,000,000 emails per week would have on those representatives, then imagine our “Islamic Sympathizer” receiving the same messages on the same scale, do you think that would have an effect. There are other means of reaching these people we put in Washington and making sure they complete the jobs they were assigned to do. Our employers do that to us, therefore since they are our employees it's up to us to make sure they do what they were sent to do.

It's not a big thing, 40 world leaders left their countries for a short stint in France to show solidarity against ISLAMIC TERRORISM” we as “Everyday Joe's” can do the exact same thing show our solidarity in having the government do what's right for this country. So why don't we, let's put aside the differences we have right now, be they racial, of lifestyle choices, or religious, come together as a nation and do what's right for our country. When we get our government to respond to out needs as opposed to their wants, then all the other stuff will fall into place, how could that happen you ask, it simple when we change the way we do things our perspective changes with it. Individually we are as just that individuals. As a nation, we are over a billion strong so instead to a bunch of teddy bears, we become one hellacious “Grizzle” and if you have ever seen one of them, you know as sure as you breathe you do not want to start anything with a Grizzle if you can avoid it, there's no way for you to win by yourself. Think about it.

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