Friday, January 30, 2015

Here it comes, that funny feeling, here it comes

In 2012, Maj. Jason Brezler, a highly decorated Marine reserve civil affairs officer, sent a classified document through his personal email account to fellow Marines at Forward Operating Base Delhi. The correspondence, which came in response to a FOB Dehli Marine's request for information, involved the shady history of Taliban-tied Afghan police chief and accused drug lord and child molester Sarwar Jan. Jan had been suspected of coordinating Taliban operations, selling Afghan police uniforms to our enemies, and raping at least nine boys on base.

A few weeks after Brezler's warning, which went unheeded, one of Jan's teenage "tea boys" went on a shooting spree at FOB Dehli. Marine Staff Sgt. Cody Rhode was shot five times, but survived. Three others died of gun shot wounds: Staff Sgt. Scott Dickinson, Cpl. Richard Rivera and Lance Cpl. Greg Buckley.

Buckley's relatives filed suit against the government last fall over what they believe has been a coordinated and illegal attempt to suppress details of the insider attack. Meanwhile, Brezler is in court this week fighting military brass — irked by bad publicity — who've tried to railroad him despite his exemplary service. Obama military leaders want to force Buckley to undergo an involuntary "separation" even though three Marine commands and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service all recommended no action.

His pro bono lawyer, Kevin Carroll, summed up the appalling injustice in Brezler's latest court filing before a hearing scheduled for Friday: Our "Marines were murdered by a 'chai boy' brought onto the base by a corrupt Afghan police chief who was a well-known threat, and whom Jason Brezler had not only previously removed from another command but also warned the FOB Delhi command about two weeks before the murders. The Marine Corps has never honored laws compelling it to disclose all documents and information concerning these murders to the Gold-Star families of those murdered Marines."

Last week, the Marine Corps Times revealed that security lapses at FOB Delhi were the result of politically correct management. In order to soothe sensitive Afghans who were offended by the presence of armed guards, an internal investigation found, "Marine officials had resorted to a more subtle overwatch." Or rather, no watch. The guards were absent when Jan's tea boy attacked. Marines died, and the only person at risk of losing his job is Brezler, the brave whistleblower.

3. The cover-up and lack of accountability over an insider attack in Afghanistan are familiar story lines to the families of the two dead American Marines and 17 servicemen wounded in the September 14, 2012, Taliban attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. Deborah Hatheway, aunt of fallen Sgt. Bradley Atwell, wrote me this week with an update.

"The surviving insurgent/terrorist, Mohammed Nazeer," was "convicted and sentenced" in the Afghan court system, she reported, but "we are not sure at this time when the execution will take place or if it has already. ... We filed a complaint about the handling of this matter and that we should have been made aware of the progress of this all along.

"Michelle, you would be amazed and shocked over such extreme gross negligence. ... It is so shameful that the brass are nothing but a bunch of performing monkeys in a circus! I have come to realize that (those) high up the command chain only care about their promotions and saving their asses."

The troops-endangering treachery rots from the head down.

So tell me, is this action condoned by the sitting government YES, remember how Obama was axing the top level military commanders one after another? Here's the results, “Don't be concerned about the troops who do the jobs we send down from on high, after all they are just Cannon Fodder the important thing is to keep “OUR SKIRTS CLEAN” you never know, we might have to attend a high level tea party and kiss some more butt.” Yep we have really come a long way baby, from John Wayne to PeeWee Herman, from doing what's right to kissing butts where ever they can.

God, I am just so happy with this “Fundamental Change” the jackass promised.

Does it not just make you want to S*** and then fall back in it?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

RIP America

Know, oh Obama, that will reach America,” says one of the fighters, clad in black and wearing a balaclava, in a translation from Arabic provided by MEMRI. “Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House, and transform America into a Muslim Province.”

I don't think it gets any clearer than that, but now knowing what is known about Obama, what do you think the response will be, standing up to ISIS yea righht, or run and hide in the toilet, what do you think America. Or do you even care?

How many of you have even started contacting you;re representative? Any of you? How, I ask you, do we hold our reps accountable when we won't even take the first steps of our responsibility. I was watching Fos news on my computer the other day and saw an excerpt from Watters World, kind of sad to think these grown people have no concern for the welfare of the country they live in, one woman said that she had too much on her mind that concerned her to worry about Iran, ISIS or anything like that, then they wonder what happened when it hit home , you know kind of like 9-1-1. Then we have our “OH so hypocritical left wing douche bags in Hollywood condemning movies that blow their tawdry offerings out the window and saying that a racist murderer should not be raised to hero status because he is racist and sociopathic, this from people who have exploited everyone on the planet in order to make a buck, funny how they are so glib when it comes to demonizing that which they could never be. How America have we as American failed, to other countries, it appears that America is nothing but a bunch of panty-waste mewing left wing sycophants who look like Michael Moore and sound like Obama, man what a picture that is!

Well I guess that's about all there is to say. America appears to be dead in the water.  

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Prime Minister of Israel will speak to the Congress and the people of the United States.

In public, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest politely describes this as a “departure” from protocol. He also says the president will not meet with Netanyahu when he visits in early March, but has attributed that decision only to a desire not to influence Israel’s upcoming elections. But in private, Obama’s team is livid with the Israeli leader, according to Haaretz. "We thought we've seen everything," a source identified as a senior American official was quoted as saying. "But Bibi managed to surprise even us. There are things you simply don't do.

He spat in our face publicly and that's no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price."

This from a White House who thought it was more important to campaign rather than meet with a head of state that is an ally right? This from a White House that actively politics with David Cameron to speak to Congress against increasing sanctions on an enemy country so negotiations can continue while they build up nuclear capabilities. 

Exactly how far will his hypocrisy extend? 

This in my opinion is nothing more than the prattling of a petulant child who has been caught with his fingers in the cookie jar. A price to pay, yes “Bucky Boy” there will be a price to pay, not by Israel, but by 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

You have more than proven you're incompetence in leading, you have shown on many occasions your dis-interest in the welfare of the American citizen, you have shown you're keen interest in promoting the advancement of Islam over all else. Were harm to come to Israel in response to you're actions, the price to pay would be directly billed to you, and you would pay it, understand that, you would pay it.

It just seems to me to be so petty of you to act the fool in this case when you could be a leader rather than a child saying”I'm taking my ball and going home.” Congratulations “Bucky Boy” didn't think it was possible for you to sink any lower than you already have, but you continually surprise me in that area. It's just too bad that you have to take the rest of us down with you. You are a failure again!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We Said, They Heard

Senator Joni Ernst from Iowa, one of the new Republican Members of Congress in response to the State of the Union Speech by Obama started with “We heard what you said in November.”

I hope this is true, no I pray this is true, America needs all the help we can get from within if we are to shake off the shackles of the idiocy we have been subjected to over the past six years.

We are a Democratic Republic not a Socialistic demagoguery, it behooves us to act as such if we are to claim it as our identity, in spite of what Obama wants.

These people we have sent to Washington to fight our battles in Congress are primarily new, not uneducated, and not a bunch of wimps who cave on the first outing. Because of that newness they might be somewhat hesitant in addressing the problems created by the “Elder Representatives” such as the Speaker of the House, or the Minority Leader who are well schooled in saying one thing but doing another, so then it becomes inherent upon us the citizenry of this country to actively support these fledgling law makers.

You might ask how that can be successfully done in this day and age of Entitlement and Elitism. The following is and idea, one of many that are equally as good in making sure that all of the Representatives know they are subject to our will, not that of the ones who would destroy our country.

Step One:
Call or email, or snail-mail your Representative, congratulate them on
appointment, encourage them in their effort to follow the course of action needed to return America to it's greatness, and most of all, thank them for being willing to set aside their lives and careers to serve the
Nation in it's time of need.
Step Two:
Continue to stay in contact with them even if it's only to say thank you,
there is nothing in reality that says “Handle it, handle it'”then telling someone what you want done then leaving them alone to do it , for a newbie that says a lot about a so-called boss, when just a hello, how you doing, could provide a real productive relationship.
Step Three:
Do not be afraid to let your feelings and thoughts be known to your representative, I mean how can they represent you if they don't know you. Your activity in the process of government is what has been missing. Your verifiable presence, even if it's only through e-mail is the
impetus needed to keep our representatives in line and on the ball, they worked hard to get where they are, it is up to us to keep the good ones
there and working for us.

That should not require a whole bunch of energy to accomplish, invite your children to participate, if they see you participating, then they have an example to follow, and no matter what anyone in the past says, including there are two things that you don't talk about with others, religion and politics, well we haven't talked about them for a while and look at what it got us.

The only way to make America America, is for us as Americans to participate in the life of our country. George Soros and others of that ilk can only do what they do when we stop participating. Money does not make or break a country no matter what anyone says. What does break a country is when it's citizens forget what makes a country, and that is community. Without community, there is no country, without you there is no community.

So, America, what say you, shall we get out of the gutter and step to the sidewalk again?

Monday, January 19, 2015


Have you started yet. Or are you still sitting on the fence saying “Someone else will do it”
Are you interested in the welfare of our children and their children or, “Will they take care of it”
Have you shown any interest in the world situation or will you just let the scum-suckers have it.
Are you an active part of this nation or “Another friggin arm-chair quarter back?”

We have people in Washington D.C. Who are more than interested in keeping you dancing in circles while sneaking in legislation designed to strip you of your dignity, your earnings, your possessions, your families, your right to live and breathe as a human being and and making you nothing more than a piece of flotsam or jetson in the stream of things happening.

We have “Sleeper Cells” of “Islamic Terrorists” just waiting for the opportunity to wreak havoc on our nation, our personal lives, and our lives in general so their “Prophet” will rule the world, you know who I mean right, the scumbag who crawled around in a cave for some time, then came out spreading the BS that he had been enlightened and this is what their god wanted done, Shariah Law, murder all who do not agree, force people to live under guidelines that are made up by misogynistic jackasses, you know, the “religion of peace and brotherly love and all good things” according to our president, who once said “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.
Is it not great that we have a president that can talk out of both sides of hos mouth, and at the same time, now that takes talent, gee maybe he should go on that TV show you know the one, “America's got Talent.”Though aside from the frivolity, have you begun to do anything about becoming part of the Solution instead part of the Problem?

Look, here's an example of the problem in a nutshell, Al Sharpton , a professional huckster who preys on the people, a vulture that will strip you of everything he can get from you with words, he will anger you on purpose, he will cause you to forget what's right in favor of everything that wrong so he can profit. He is a criminal, a tax evader to the tune of 4.5 million dollars, he incites to riot (Ferguson) then sets himself up to placate, of course for a price better known as a (donation)
We have news media that manufactures what they call news and want us to believe them, we have supposition advancement instead of news reporting, we have agenda hawkers instead of commentaries.

To put it succinctly, we have a nation based in BS set to move forward with “Progressive ideaology” that has no place in a free and open society. We have issues with racism, which we in fact do, but we also have issues whit race baiting that have no foundation in truth (just a tool to use when there is no factual evidence to drum up anger so a few or less can profit [Al Baby Shaprton].)

Don't you think that kinds of describes the America we have now, this is what you want to pass on to your children and their children, this is now the “American Dream,” Is this the “Dream” of Martin Luther King, of our “Founding Fathers,” of all those who gave all to have a place of freedom, of honor, of justice. Is this a place where you can speak your mind without fear, where you have the right to vote for whom you choose, is this the place where you can worship as you choose or even not worship if that's your choice. Is this the place where you can act on a dream you have and follow it to it's consummation, is this the place where we can lend a helping hand up to a country that has been devastated by natural events, is this the country that stands for truth, justice, and the dignity of man?

If not, why not, except for the fact that we don't stand for these principals, except for the fact that we choose to let someone else stand while we watch, except for the fact that we don't care enough for our children to do the best we can for them so they can do the best they can for their children. Have we lost the pride that goes with being an American, the pride that goes with being a good neighbor to the people next door and across the boarders and the seas, are we such self-serving wimps that all we can see is


If that in fact is true, then we really do deserve what we are about to receive.

If no, then it's about time we start doing what we should to insure that what we have continues, the freedoms, the pride, the generosity, the openness, the ability to listen and adapt to that which furthers our way of life and allows others their ways in a country that is co-habitual to those who would come to share what we have. This is the America I know, this is the America that the world want to know and see. This is MLK's Dream.

But in order to get that we have to stand up and be counted in Washington D.C. In the terrorist training camps, in the news, in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, in the Churches, in the schools, in the market place, in the work place and in the homes we have to be the examples, we have to be the driving force.

John F. Kennedy – Ask not what your country can do for you, asl what you can do for your country”can do for your country”

Gen. George Patton – “Lead me,follow me, or get out of my way. … Some men are cowards but they fight the same as the brave men or they get the hell slammed out of them watching...

Patrick Henry – "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Friday, January 16, 2015

Let's get to stepping

President Obama told Senate Democrats in a private meeting that he plans to "play offense" against the new GOP-controlled Congress, showing little hesitation about clashing with Republicans for the next two years.

Was anything else expected, now that the Royal Pain in the Ass has opened his mouth, it is time for the new 114th episode of the Congress of the United States to grow a pair and put this Jackass in his place. The plan is to Veto all legislation he doesn't agree with, that's cool, his plan is not to allow any further sanctions on Iran, that's cool, his plan is to not okay the Keystone Pipeline-----OKAY!!!

Then let us formulate a plan for him, either he bow to the will of the people, or he becomes the Arch-Type Lame Duck. This is the process that needs to be adhered to to accomplish that.

According to Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution, when the President chooses not to sign a bill1 and returns it instead to the chamber that originated it, the chamber shall enter the message of the President detailing the reasons for the veto in its Journal and then
proceed to reconsider” the bill.2 A vetoed bill can become law if two-thirds of the Members voting in each chamber agree, by recorded vote, a quorum being present, to repass the bill and thereby override the veto of the President.

The rest of the procedure is identified in the following excerpt:, or if you would rather just Google Presidential Veto Override and see for yourself.

Now that is Congress' part what then is our part, the phone, snail mail, email, however it is you choose to get in contact with your representative.

You see, like any other despot, Obama's view of his power is over-glorified. The Constitution according to “Bull Dog” Trey Gowdy provides for limiting Obama's powers both by the purse and by the consensus. If either one goes against him Obama will be left sitting in a chair with no “Pen or Phone” except of course his Tinker Toy phone that always answers with a quote like “Today is a beautiful day,” and his playmate “The Right Reverend Al “Tax evading”Sharpton will of course do his best to make it racial, which will prove to be as erroneous as any of his other gigs.

Yes “People” Obama could be limited in his overreach for power to the point of being the “Titular Lame Duck” by the way has anyone ever seen a duck with one leg swimming? It just goes in circles day after day.

Here's something for y'all to think about, the power to limit the extent to which a politician can act is the sole property of the “People” it does not have to be granted, it is one of our inherent rights, the exercise thereof is by the choice of the “People” and it's outcome will be obeyed by the government or the government get's replaced with one that is more prone to meet the dictates of the people. Now what do you think of that?

Have you in fact noted that the politicians always stop short of inflicting their wills on the people when the purse strings are pulled by the people, and have you not noticed that the powerful politicians always cower when confronted by the amazing power the people wield?

Think about that, want an example, look at the last election turnout and results, Obama is posturing, like a petty gamecock, there's very little other than his bravado he has to offset the “People's Agenda” as opposed to his agenda.

So if you feel it is time to do something, do it, use the power of the purse strings and the power of contact and watch things change, if you do, I promise they will. Trust me, they will.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Time to S*** or get off the Pot

A lone gunman opened fire in the Canadian Parliament. A fanatic self-styled radical imam gunned downed people in an Australian coffee shop. A recent Muslim convert gunned down and beheaded co-workers in Oklahoma.

Now initial reports indicate that two or three black-hooded terrorists stormed a Paris satirical publication in an organized attack and massacred over a dozen journalists. The magazine had published a cartoon making fun of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The terrorists shouted, “The Prophet has been avenged,” terrorists have adapted. Al Qaeda and ISIS and other Islamist radical brethren have taken to social media to recruit and inflame individuals to take things into their own hands and attack where they can. They’ve also recruited Westerners to travel to Iraq and Syria and fight for Islamic jihad, and then return home to carry on the fight as experienced soldiers.

Since we have to all intent and purpose that which I call an “Islamic Terrorist sympathizer” holding the highest public office in the nation, it seems clear, that the only response we will ever see is that of turn the other way and talk drivel. As I have said before there are approximately 35 or more terrorist training camps in the United States right now, has any government agency responded to this situation, nope, why, their hands are tied behind them, again thanks to our administration's stance of “Look the other way” The whole world focuses on France and the latest ISLAMIC TERRORIST'S MURDERS, they march in solidarity against such behaviors everyone, except of course our “Fearless Leader”, and where was he? At a high level meeting of some security necessity, or perhaps “WATCHING SOME STUPID FOOTBALL GAME” THEN HANGING WITH THE WINNERS.” Exactly what do you call that, cowardice, or perhaps collaboration by assent? “Yes Siree Buddy” that's our leadership, when it comes to talking about doing something about it, there are grand words and a lot of posturing, but when it come to doing something about it, “THERE'S NOTHING IN THE PANTS BUT WET SPOTS AND STICKY SMELLY STUFF.” “Yes Siree Buddy” that's our leadership, just make sure that when you get near the fabulous four (Obama, Biden, Kerry, and Holder) you bring plenty of air freshener, you're going to need it, trust me, you'll need it.

So now comes the rejuvenated Congress, let's make a bet okay? Let's say after a few days of bluster and “harrumphing” it returns to business as usual, you know, finger pointing, reasserting the blame, running from the cameras when asked why they did not fulfill their campaign promises and why they disappear so fast when they screw things up. Do I hold much hope for change, nope, there is nothing, and I mean nothing that lends support to that hope so therefore it's business as usual in our capitol, to quote a term used in playing pool, “Lot's of break, but no balls.” And guess what, we are just going to go along with it, same as usual right. So everybody, let's just save some time, we'll surrender before the battle is joined, give up our rights, and get in proper formation, lined up one behind the other, put our left hands on the left shoulder of the person in front of us and sing that ole song, “Nobody knows the trouble I've seen” cause that's where it going, like it or not, want to know why, cause there's nothing in your pants either. We gave that up when Obama was elected.

Now is that not a proud heritage to leave your children and their children. What was a thriving country is now turned into a bunch of sniveling, dust suckers, unless of course you are ready to accept the responsibility of what we let happen, and then do something about it. Does that mean pick up a gun and march on the White House, not really, but that could become an action later on if necessary, no for now there are other non-violent methods. The first and most effective is to inundate your representatives with emails, and phone calls at least 4 times per month saying something to the effect “Choose your actions wisely, we ARE watching you closely.” Then inundate the White House with the same message on the same time frame. Can you imagine the effect that let's say 100,000 emails per week, or say 1,000,000 emails per week would have on those representatives, then imagine our “Islamic Sympathizer” receiving the same messages on the same scale, do you think that would have an effect. There are other means of reaching these people we put in Washington and making sure they complete the jobs they were assigned to do. Our employers do that to us, therefore since they are our employees it's up to us to make sure they do what they were sent to do.

It's not a big thing, 40 world leaders left their countries for a short stint in France to show solidarity against ISLAMIC TERRORISM” we as “Everyday Joe's” can do the exact same thing show our solidarity in having the government do what's right for this country. So why don't we, let's put aside the differences we have right now, be they racial, of lifestyle choices, or religious, come together as a nation and do what's right for our country. When we get our government to respond to out needs as opposed to their wants, then all the other stuff will fall into place, how could that happen you ask, it simple when we change the way we do things our perspective changes with it. Individually we are as just that individuals. As a nation, we are over a billion strong so instead to a bunch of teddy bears, we become one hellacious “Grizzle” and if you have ever seen one of them, you know as sure as you breathe you do not want to start anything with a Grizzle if you can avoid it, there's no way for you to win by yourself. Think about it.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Video 1

Time to CHOOSE!

Political Correctness
The Art of Dressing Up Cowardliness

The method by which pseudo-intellectuals can remain distanced from any act which may require confrontation on any level, is to rationalize something abhorrent, and to minimize the effects of an action by intellectualizing the causative factors.

In simple English, verbal diarrhea used as a means of placating that which you are afraid of so one can avoid having to do something to correct it.

I find it rather disturbing that the Liberal Left in their attempts to do damage control by minimizing the events that happened in Paris by dodging the main relevant issue, the confrontation of an extremist group of TERRORISTS called ISIS who are ISLAMIC.

It is a well known fact, when people ignore a threat or a bully the actions thereof escalate, simply because they are not challenged. This is the reason that these attacks continue, not only in the United States, but also Europe, Africa, Australia, and everywhere else organizations like this flourish.

From the United Nations on down to local levels of government groups of terrorists are allowed to function because of fear, the United States was once known as a country that would assist other countries who were not capable of defending themselves from the acts of terrorist groups around the world, Germany, France, England, Canada and other countries all participated in such actions. But, now that a massive wave of liberalism has invaded each of these countries you can look at the mainstream news outlets, where terrorists are now called activists and their actions are justified through a process of shifting responsibility from these terrorists to the people on which these terrorism acts are committed.

WOW!! that is really cool right, from nations of responsible people to sniveling cowards, “Yes siree buddy” that is truly progress. OH right, they are called “Progressives” correct.

So, I guess now it's the one who work, and pay taxes, and obey the law who are now the ones to be scorned, while the pseudo-intellectual jackasses apologize for the sun coming up in the East, and the birds flying South in the winter. WOW!
You know, there is a method by which all these acts of terrorism can be stopped, you know that right?

The absolute first step in stopping terrorism in any shape of form is very simply getting rid of the enablers, you know what I mean, politicians who run the other way when faced with a crisis they have allowed to happen, you don't even have to vote for that, just ignore them. If they pronounce an edict, ignore it, if they allow terrorist's to set up camp in your back yard, ignore them and shut those camps down. If they allow free access to our boarders, simply close the boarders state by state. If they allow illegals into the country, simply house them in cardboard communities on the boarder. Nothing, but nothing hurts the “Progressive Left” more than being ignored, if they attempt to institute “Martial Law”, turn on them! The cowards will run, they always do.

Step two, when a terrorist raises his/her head and makes demands, shoot them, not to wound, just kill them. All of a sudden they will diminish in their threats and actions. You see, they can only operate in an environment of fear, if there is no fear, there is no terrorism.

Step three, call a terrorist a terrorist, political correctness is nothing more that cowardliness so stop being scared to say something is wrong when it is wrong. If the representatives do not represent the people, there is no use for them. That includes the CEO, even in business, the CEO answers to the Board of Directors, guess what, We The People ARE the Board of Directors. The CEO cab be replaced.

Step four, never ever loose sight of who we are, we are Americans, proud and free, the cowards who would have us bow and scrape to the terror makers want to make sure that they stay in the positions they are in, but the Awakening is coming, when the “Giant” awakens to the problem, the “Resurrection” will happen, then the cowards, and terrorists will have no place to run.

The world will never be free of cowards, opportunists, and terrorists, that's a fact. But the effects of their endeavors can be brought to a minimum when they are dealt with properly and swiftly, and without worry of political correctness.

It's our choice, we can either live on our knees, grovel, and forage like carrion eaters, or we can stand up, and if necessary, shoot back and be free to live upright, breathe free, and enjoy the life we have been given.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How shall the issues be addressed???

7 days in to 2015, already the “Peaceful Nation of Islam” has struck in Paris, you know the folks responsible correct? Islam has touted an insult to “The Prophet” which had to be avenged (B***S**t), these of course are the people our beloved president seeks to defend at every opportunity he gets.

Shooting in El Paso, TX. At the V.A., this is the V.A. That has had the worst national record in treating the veteran population it was designed to care for, yea right.

Speaker of the House John Boehner is apparently punishing Republicans who voted against his re-election Tuesday, despite previously saying he would not do so.”

Isn't it just great when we can live in a time where the only thing that matters to the people in charge is “MY POSITION.”

“Yesiree it shur is nice living in a contry where everything is beautiful, and peaceful, and neighobrs greet each other with genuwine concern and politness yesiree!”

It is so wonderful to see a New Your Mayor side with radical protestors over his Police Department and in effect setting every, EVERY officer up to be shot, “yesiree” It's just so heart warming to see a bunch of “good ole folks” completely ignore evidence and findings of a Grand Jury in favor of their wants even after seeing evidence to the contrary on film, “yesiree”

So completely satisfying to know that our “Beloved President” is about to “S**t” on the American people AGAIN, in favor of his wants to veto (Keystone,which by his own demand be researched as to safety, and was declared environmentally safe by more than one group of experts. And would provide a boost to the economy in measures far more that can be totally figured, which would help to resolve our 18 trillion $ debt that “The beloved one” has led us into “Yesiree” it so great to know that our government is so behind the people, (so far behind the people that they are totally disconnected), and the desire to alleviate the current concerns of the people whom they so selflessly serve????? “OH HECK YEA”

I mean this is what “We The People” busted our butts for, what some of us went to war for, what we pay our taxes for, and what we forfeit our rights for, “yesiree” just so they can play god.

By the way, did you read about Harvard, you know the elitist school that gave us Obama. Here's the joke, and it's on them. They touted how the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was the best thing for the country since apple pie, that was until they found out they were not immune to the increased charges of health care they would have to absorb, now they cry like stuck pigs, fitting, I think since their hypocrisy now comes to roost on their wallets. (Score one for the little guy)!

Is anything going to change, nope, do you want to know why???
Because we do nothing to change it, yes we voted new representatives in but are we supporting them, or is it “You're there now, so handle it, handle it.”

You see, there is a power structure in Congress, and it's not “The Grass Roots” it's not Sarah Palin, it not Trey Gowdy, Tom Cruse,or any other fighter we sent there to work for us.

Now hear this loud and clear America “LOUD AND CLEAR”

It's our responsibility to give them direction, then back them up with our presence, with our blessing for their fight for us, with our support for what's right for America.

I can remember when I went to Viet Nam, the feeling of pride in doing something for my country, giving back what had been given to me, “White Privilege” Aw hell no, my father worked two jobs to support the family, my mother worked at Sears to help out, I delivered newspapers in the morning and evening to kick in, my older sister took care of the younger sister, the house, and cooked for the family. Were we rich aw hell no, were we comfortable yea, why, because we all took part in what had to be done in order to get by. Did we bitch, aw hell yes, did we believe in God, yep, still do.
Sometimes of a winter, I'd have to walk to school through snow that was knee deep, uphill, both ways!!!

In case you didn't realize it, that last sentence was a joke, but it's there for a purpose, the biggest thing missing in America these days is the ability to laugh not only at each other, but, also at ourselves. That's a bad position to be in, for when you take everything too seriously you begin to loose the vision of where you wanted to be to begin with, when that happens you get frustrated, then angry, then all hell breaks loose, think about that in context of today's situation and see if that's not right.

Now comes how to turn this thing around.

To start with let's think about an old country song from the sixties and seventies, see if you remember this line, “Just give me forty acres and I'll turn this thing around,” now what do you think that implies? How about needing a bit of room, can't do much when you're all crunched up can you?

So give yourself and the one standing next to you some room, and it's not a matter of personal space, it's a matter of being able to employ the attributes given to you at birth so something can be accomplished, and that does not include shouting at each other or threatening to kill each other. You see, alone we accomplish nothing, together our ancestors built a country that far exceeded their expectation. Now guess what, the traits and attributes they had, we have, it's just a matter of changing a perspective from me to us, from those guys to all of us. Now, I know there are Al Sharptons our there who want nothing more than to divide, but they are the minority, the people hold the majority and don't forget that. Together there's nothing we can't accomplish with the right motivation. Now you may ask what could motivate a drive to change the face of America, the one most overlooked and shoved aside because it benefits all not some, all, and that is our children. We make this a place for our children, we pass the dream on to our children, we work and sweat for a heritage for our kids, we teach them values, we teach them respect, we teach them dignity, we teach them history, not the BS they teach now, the actual history of America, we teach them pride in accomplishment, not greed in handouts, we teach fundamental principals that have been taught for years and years going back to the time of ancient Israel, China, Africa, Europe, Asia. We teach them pride in heritage and we do that at home around the dinner table, on the floor, in the kitchen, at church where ever it is you want to hold FAMILY MEETINGS. Get to the basics, the FAMILY, that's what built America, not politicians, not Community Organizers, not Unions, none of that crap mattered, it was families, neighbors, communities, towns, cities, and states that built America
regardless of what anyone says, “We the People” built America, and it's ours, not theirs--- OURS!!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The pro-gun control liberals in Washington seek to disarm the citizenry. One of the first steps in disarming people is gun registration.
Second Amendment groups know that registration leads to confiscation.
Dr. Ben Carson said he no longer believes in gun registration because America’s national debt could turn the nation into a third-world country under martial law.

You might ask what the national debt is, it stands at 18 TRILLION PLUS and grows by the day. So in thinking you ask what does that mean to me. Okay, let's put it on this level, you have a job that pays you 30,000/yr, your wife has a job that pays her 30,000/yr, you have two kids earning say 10,000/yr each totaling 80,000/yr. Healthy income right? 80,000/yr., on the world stage that puts you in the top 1.5% of the wealthiest earners in the world. Now let's say that you feel so comfortable you decide to make some purchases for your family, nothing wrong with that, right?

But now throw into the mix that prior to making those purchases for your family, you are required to take 35% of your earnings (28,000) and give it to some yokel down the street that spends his time drinking, beating his wife and kids, decreasing the property value of the neighborhood by not tending to his property and causing disturbances that constantly bring the PD to the neighborhood, then bitches and spits at you for saying “Good Morning,” tries to intimidate your kids, and makes nasty remarks at your wife. And when you complain, even though there are multiple complaints previously filed, you are told that you should reach out to help by increasing the amount you contribute to his welfare in an effort to equalize the wealth gap, even though those telling you to do that don't do a damn thing to alleviate the situation, but require you to do so. So in respect you loose another 5,000 of your income.

Now you are at 47000 of the income you and your family have worked for, then you feel okay right? Wait a minute, your kids just lost their jobs because of immigration, you see, now you are another 20,000 down, and OOOPS forgot to tell you about the new taxes levied while you were busy trying to make your earnings stretch to meet your bills, you know, food, utilities, mortgage, and don't forget the increase in taxes due to governmental expansion, got to keep up with the ever increasing roles of government in your life.

By now, your income has dropped from 27,000 to approximately 6,000. And let's say due to the economy downgrading there is a downsize at your place of employment!, guess what you are now officially below the line on poverty, your financial status has gone below the acceptable level of income necessary to even get a loan. Goodbye house, goodbye affluence, goodbye cars, television and everything else you thought you once had.

You ask yourself, where did it all go? Well the leader of the country has to go golfing, his wife and children have to go to France to buy dresses from only the best and who pays for all that, you guessed it, that's you in the cross-hairs Bubba. You and your wallet that is. Then a miracle, foreign countries like China and institutions like the UN step in to help you out, and they make it sound so appealing, but here's the caveat, we now have to do things their way. HMMMM, it's a;ways so much fun to have to take orders from other nations right?

Well now that all your income is gone (especially to those who haven't earned anything), that's okay cause you can start over right? But, what about the welfare of your family, food and shelter are now scarce, you have to forrage for your needs, but, at least you can protect your family right, nope, remember the anti-gun rights lobby, had to register them right, to be compliant with the laws enacted right? What was the first thing that happened (for your protection of course) confiscation of all firearms and ammunition.

So what do you do now, no home, no food, no way of protecting your family, and no help on the horizon, kind of sound third worldly, but who's kidding who, this is America, that can't happen here right? RIGHT?

Well America time to arise to the fact it already is happening right in front of your face, what's your response, well we'll just let our representatives take care of it, after all, that's what they are there for right, RIGHT? Quick question America, when was the last time you saw a poor career politician?
How will the government respond, two words;

Martial Law

Congratulations America you are now officially a Third World Country

Tell me America, do you like the position you are being put in due to the apathetic behaviors so rampant in today's society. A guy named Morton Friedman once said, “Let's be extremely clear on this governments has no responsibility, people have responsibility.”
And if we abdicate that responsibility in lieu of governmental control,

then we as a people have absolutely


Monday, January 5, 2015

Visions of sugar plums

Got it to do. Give credit where credit is due. Gas prices have fallen and of course one must credit the creator of this miracle right?

Could it be Obama as the left would have us believe? NO, NO, NO---------------------------------------

Could it be Congress who would claim the title? NO, NO, NO---------------------------------------------

Could it be OPEC with their “Death grip” on oil production? NO, NO, NO!-----------------------------

"In the olden days exploring for oil and natural gas was a much bigger challenge than it is now," explains Tim Wigley, President of the Western Energy Alliance, an industry association. "And what really has been a game changer has been directional drilling, so now as opposed to having 15 or 20 wells on your property, you have one that can branch out 10 to 15 different ways."

Wigley is quick to point out that the onshore oil boom is not due to the Obama administration.
"While energy production overall in the country has gone up significantly it is because of private land production, it is in spite of the federal government not because of it."
This is an excerpt of a news report filed by FoxNews in July 2013, so it seems that the credit is due to private enterprise, not government oversight, well now isn't that a kick in the butt, private enterprise over government oversight.

Was it not the knighted royal presence in Washington who said “So naturally energy prices are going to sky-rocket.” So what happened. Oh, wait, I know, private enterprise didn't listen, that's it, private enterprise did what they normally do, they kept working, and investing in new technology, and getting costs down, now isn't that the behavior of a bunch of greedy “Rich People” just getting richer off the backs of the poor people? I mean really,just look at the price of gas now, and here I thought that “All things good cometh from the August Obama who rules so well."

Funny though, that doesn't look like Obama, or am I mistaken? 
She said that two years ago.
Let's look at something else.

Then you tell me, does this guy know of what he speaks????

If you say yes he does, what does that do for Obama and his claim of “MY WAY”
Think about it

Friday, January 2, 2015

What's To Come?

The year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2015

Indigenous peoples lived in what is now the United States for thousands of years and developed complex cultures before European colonists began to arrive, mostly from England, after 1600. The Spanish had small settlements in Florida and the Southwest, and the French along the Mississippi River and the Gulf Coast. By the 1770s, thirteen British colonies contained two and a half million people along the Atlantic coast east of the Appalachian Mountains. In the 1760s the British government imposed a series of new taxes while rejecting the American argument that any new taxes had to be approved by the people. Tax resistance, especially the Boston Tea Party (1774), led to punitive laws (the Intolerable Acts) by Parliament designed to end self-government in Massachusetts. American Patriots (as they were called at the time as a term of ridicule) adhered to a political ideology called republicanism that emphasized civic duty, virtue, and opposition to corruption, fancy luxuries and aristocracy. So the United States of America has been in existence since 1774 as a Republic, populated by people who choose republicanism over democracy.

That comes from Wikipedia, I am not making that up, 241 years of a Republic. That's got to be a record for this type of government, though today there are those who would change that to suit their wants. Stating that our form of governance has not adapted to what they think it should be, but you see, that applies to their way of doing things and benefits them not the citizenry of this country.

Now, each and every one of us has been gifted with something others in this world would die to attain, yet we seem so ready to throw it away on a mere whim, that's the part I don't comprehend. We have within our collective grasp the freedom to go where we want, live where we want, be what we want, and do what we want within the boundaries of common acceptable behavior, so why is it that now everything that has brought us to this point has to change to gain acceptance? I, myself have always understood one premise and that is “If it ain't broke, don't fix it!” Yes there are always things that are tweaked to ensure the benefit for the masses instead of the individual, but these things are decided by the masses, not the individual, that has been the way we got here and that's hopefully how we will continue. to move forward, unnecessary rioting, looting, murder, pillage, plunder, and intimidation are not beneficial to anyone except of course those few who instigate that behavior, you know, like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, yea, those type of guys that lie in your face, then stab you in the back and claim innocence, right? There are definitely a bunch of them around, they have even infiltrated the governing bodies we look to for leadership.

But, enough of the rants, let's settle down and in 2015 get together and plot a course for this country that favors the people who make up this country. Elitist, please pay attention, it is now time for you to shut up, and go back to your room, the adults of this country need to speak, we have heard your prattling and as per usual it is one sided and insufficient for the needs.

We as citizens need to pause, let the anger die down, get rid of the resentment and let common good have it's place in our dealings, that is what we are made of, not random acts of violence gauged to destroy, leave that for ISIS and that ilk, they will very soon get what they deserve.

You see, as we come together, the isolated heathenish influences have a tendency to disappear from the scope. We should indeed concentrate on our problems; racial inequities, boarder security, economy, education, government, religious freedom, and above all ethics, when these are actively worked on to a goal, you will soon see the true quality of America.

We have done it before, we can do it again, but it takes goals, and cohesiveness to accomplish this lofty quest. Again, it was done before, that's how we came into existence, we again need pioneers, those who would follow a dream as to the establishment of a New Covenant, that would augment the Constitution, not destroy it.

Most of the world has decried our existence and tried to overcome us, my suggestion is to temporarily rescind any dealings with these countries, then let them fish or cut bait, and see how they do on their own. As far as the oil producing nations, cut them loose and become self sufficient, as far as the UN who wants to control everything we do, show them the door, ask them to move to some other country, then separate from them. Concentrate on revitalizing our economy, to include unemployment, and boarder security (restructuring our immigration policies), set a big focus on our education aims for those who come behind us so they can compete on a world level, get rid of the obnoxious and implement a structure that allows for expansion within certain expectations, reduce the size of the government, refocus spending to debt alleviation, redo the health care practices in this country and focus on better outcomes, bring mega corporations under new standards of practice, and make them responsible for their errors, restructure the tax system, downsize the IRS and enforce stricter control on it and other rogue government agencies. And above all, give due respect to the people that make this country what is has been and always will be,

The Democratic Republic of the United States of America.