Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Why? Are We

"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary" Do you recognize that phrase? It is the Opening statement of the Declaration of Independence, think on what that is saying, think on what it means. The authors of that document though long and hard on how to phrase the Declaration, there were pro's and con's on the wording and the intended meaning of those words.Meetings were held, arguments ensued, sometimes to the point of threats of physical violence out brakes, but something happened. Something so significant that a nation was born. A group of people came together from all walks of life, all skin colors, all religious preferences, all lifestyles were present at this birth and all agreed, this was the thing to do, no equivocation, no altruistic aggrandizing, no sequestered agendas, just one purpose, that purpose the "Birth of a Nation" Why did I raise this subject and put it here, dynamics, what dynamics you ask, let me elucidate. July 4, 1776---The thirteen original colonies signed a document that gave birth to the United States of America, it is called the Declaration of Independence.

It establishes the The Fourth Branch of Government. By now you are probably asking what the heck is the "Fourth Branch of Government" we already know of the Three, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial, now what is the "Fourth Branch" is it a secret branch we never knew existed? That's what some politicians, lobbyists, and major donors hope for! But no there is nothing secret about it at all, in fact the "Fourth Branch" was around since the beginnings of recorded history, believe it or not. You see, the other three
Branches derive their power to do what they do from the "Fourth Branch" without it, the other three could not exist. There is indeed an implicit responsibility with our type of Government that rests squarely with the "Fourth Branch" and no one in any of the other three branches can usurp the authority held within that "Branch", though it has been tried and those trial have failed.This is something so important to our form of governance that I am totally surprised that it has not come to bear more often when necessitated by an over reaching government.

Okay, get ready, I know the suspense is building. Take a deep breath, hold onto something solid, and get ready to learn about this "Fourth Branch" of the government, it's going to rock your world when you find out, here we go;


I know, I know, you are probably saying something like "What kind of cheap drugs is this guy on?"
I'm not on anything, but what I know is so empowering that if each and everyone would own this concept the United States of America would be untouchable. Now, you ask how can this work; that part is simple, Get a copy of the Constitution and the Declaration and read them, read them carefully, get a group of people together and talk about them, understand what's in them, therein is the authority to debunk any sitting government and re-institute one that is far more amiable to "Serving the will of the people instead to trying to rule the people."

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