Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks

You know, for all the foibles, misunderstandings, threats, posturing, and upheavals we have gone through this past six years, and all the discontent prior to that, ours is still the greatest country on this planet.

Where else can you bitch and complain about the government, get a pathetic comedy show as presented by our congress, and a stand up routine of a rank amateur as given by our president weekly, and be forced to follow the dictates of a total non-expert nutritionist as in the president's loving and oh so kind wife.Where else can you get boarders that don't exist except in our minds, where else?

But in all seriousness, we do have quite a bit to be thankful for once you get away from the hate mongers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Michael Eric Dyson, Chris Matthews, Opra, the View and other loud mouth idiots that only serve to incite.

Yes ladies and gentlemen we do have a lot to be proud of, we as a people have accomplished things that no one else on earth has, we are still the people who are known for generosity, dignity, respect, and all the other human traits that our forefathers were striven to instill in us. We have been the shining example to the world to prove that man can rule himself, though there are those ankle biters that will decry that.

We have a dedicated Military to defend us without asking for validation, we have a Service community in the fire stations, police departments, hospitals, clinics, schools, in the mom and pop shops

We do not have to abide the haters, the inciters, the mobs, or any of the others who would bring us down. We can fly our flags, we can pray in the church of our choice or avoid church as suites us. We can elect or recall any member of the government who proves not to be what was proposed,

Yes, my country men and women we have the greatest country on the planet. Give thanks for that. give thanks to a cop, a fireman, a teacher, a nurse, a doctor, give thanks to a Marine, a Soldier an Airman, and a Sailor, give thanks for the neighbors you have, for the neighborhood you live in, there are those in this world who only dream of these things.

Give Thanks America, no matter how you do it, Give Thanks

Then roll up your sleeves and let's keep this country that great.

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