Our country, yeah yours and mine, and according to what I have seen, a whole lot better than most other countries on this earth. Do I say this because I am an American, born and bred? Yep! Do I say this because I am proud of this nation even with all it's foibles? Yep! Do I say this because I have seen other places on this planet that are not America? Yes!
What do I mean by that?
I have been to places where Socialism is rampant, I have been to places where the only known government was who was the strongest at that particular time, I have been to places normal people never even dream of, as a matter of fact the names of some of those places were used to scare children into behaving. Trust me, these are the places you never ever hear about until something very, very big happens.
Why an I saying this, because it's time some of the people who rant and rave about change who have absolutely no idea about what is beyond our boarders, sit down and shut the hell up and learn a few things, soooo, going to try to draw a word picture of a few places I have been.
First off let's journey into the world of Islam. I at one time in my life had a propensity to alleviate problematic behaviors prior to them escalating into something more detrimental to the political structures of nations that had joined forces in combating terrorism way before it became popular. At that time I worked with some people (for want of a better description) worked in the shadows of humanity. Always on the edge, always in fast then gone like the night wind. The people I worked with were to say the least highly proficient in their specialty, we could move into an area and no one would know we were there until it was to late, needless to say, diplomacy was not our forte. In Israel I was assigned to work with a group of people who were all Israel's special operatives, at that time we dealt with the PLO and Yasser Arafat I saw what they did first hand, I saw how they treated their people, I saw what they put people through to gain territory and power. They are not to be trusted, never ever turn your backs on them, what is today's version of the PLO, would you believe HAMAS, HEZBOLLA, Al Queda, CAIR, shall I continue? You see, that conflict has it's roots in the time of Adam and Eve, you really think it will be settled by the likes of John Kerry--- Yeah Right !!
Besides Israel, there was also Africa, those people were so put down by both their own and the interlopers that they didn't even have an idea of their own worth, everything they worked for was snatched away and "REDISTRIBUTED" to improve the general populace, "Oh FUR SURE FUR SURE." The general populace turned out to be the likes of Idi Amin, and others the likes of Augusto Pinochet, Muammar Gaddafi, Joseph Stalin, and many many others, all of whom knew what was best for everyone.
Other places, how about the South Pacific, South East Asia, India, South America, Central America. Trust me, had it not been for interventions by other countries in a time of need, these places would have gone the way of Bangladesh. There is one thing that I constantly noted in these travels. The squalor, no, that's kind of universal, the starvation, no that goes with the territory, the fear, no, that's also universal. What I noticed was the eyes of the people in all the countries I went to that were under a Socialist form of government. The eyes were flat, glazed, and fixed. In my time, I was a badass, I make no bones about that, I chose to do it. but those eyes, when you look at them, there's no hope, there's no joy, there's no expectation, they have already resigned themselves to death, they are just waiting to drop. That is what I have seen, it would tear my guts loose, how could people do that to each other, I know I couldn't alter it except maybe with a can of C-rats and a couple of John Wayne Crackers. And I guess that is what angers me today, I see people who want to bring that stuff here, we already have problems, we are not perfect, but if people quite shouting and bitching at each other and do what our ancestors did, then maybe together we can put our country on the right track, we damn sure can't depend on Washington to do it, they only worry about themselves and what they can get. No, in order to get our butts back to where we belong, The "Fourth Branch" has to exercise it's responsibility. How do we do that, the first step is to shut out collective mouths read the Documents that gave us America then use the tools provided by those documents and make what changes are needed, Our ancestors did not give us this country for us to sit back like a bunch of misbehaving children and watch it fritter away, no they passed it on for us to improve on what they started so we could pass it on to those who follow us. And by the way Sharpton, there's no need for you're crap anymore, I suggest you go pay your taxes idiot.
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