Friday, November 28, 2014

Our Tools and How to use them

We know that things have to change, that is only common sense, as time changes paradigms change, as paradigms change, systems have to adapt, this also is a given. So where do we start, for me, the best place is at the beginning. We have within our grasp a set of tools that are not matched anywhere on earth, for some, that causes problems in that while these tools remain close at hand, they cannot accomplish their wants; which is why these tools were placed where they are.

You might be asking what are these tools, are you ready for this, they are The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. You might scoff at this, but, before you do, do yourself a favor and read the both, very carefully. In actuality, there are four things you absolutely need to read, they are The Federalist Papers, The Anti Federalist Papers, The Declaration and the Constitution, all are available online. The first two are in regard to the Declaration prior to it's being written one for (The Federalist Papers) and one against (The Anti Federalist Papers.) These reads are of particular interest because therein are arguments for the creation of a Federal Government and arguments against this formation, You again might ask why I suggest these reads the answer is simple. The arguments both pro and con used then are germane to what we see happening today in Washington. These two reads might take a bit, but, both are well worth the time in that understanding the basics of what went into the creation of our two Prime Documents is exceedingly important for us today as it can solidify the foundation we stand on.

Our Declaration starts out with:
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another"

And our Constitution starts with:
"We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

You ask why I put these statements here, they both describe the primary tool we have to ensure that the AUTHORITY for both documents remains in the hands of the people of the United States, never, ever, ever forget that! 

Though there are those who will insist that the authority to effect change rests wholly in the realm of the folks in D.C. yet it is those who intend to alter our system with "Fundamental Change" but it seems to me that their change is more dependency on the government and less dependence on our abilities.

Soooo, here is a rather pregnant question for y'all. If the first people of the United States left their homeland because of oppression by their respective governments; economically, religiously, and socially, then what is the purpose of surrendering our rights and liberties to the government now and recreating exactly what of fore bearers left their homes for?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks

You know, for all the foibles, misunderstandings, threats, posturing, and upheavals we have gone through this past six years, and all the discontent prior to that, ours is still the greatest country on this planet.

Where else can you bitch and complain about the government, get a pathetic comedy show as presented by our congress, and a stand up routine of a rank amateur as given by our president weekly, and be forced to follow the dictates of a total non-expert nutritionist as in the president's loving and oh so kind wife.Where else can you get boarders that don't exist except in our minds, where else?

But in all seriousness, we do have quite a bit to be thankful for once you get away from the hate mongers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Michael Eric Dyson, Chris Matthews, Opra, the View and other loud mouth idiots that only serve to incite.

Yes ladies and gentlemen we do have a lot to be proud of, we as a people have accomplished things that no one else on earth has, we are still the people who are known for generosity, dignity, respect, and all the other human traits that our forefathers were striven to instill in us. We have been the shining example to the world to prove that man can rule himself, though there are those ankle biters that will decry that.

We have a dedicated Military to defend us without asking for validation, we have a Service community in the fire stations, police departments, hospitals, clinics, schools, in the mom and pop shops

We do not have to abide the haters, the inciters, the mobs, or any of the others who would bring us down. We can fly our flags, we can pray in the church of our choice or avoid church as suites us. We can elect or recall any member of the government who proves not to be what was proposed,

Yes, my country men and women we have the greatest country on the planet. Give thanks for that. give thanks to a cop, a fireman, a teacher, a nurse, a doctor, give thanks to a Marine, a Soldier an Airman, and a Sailor, give thanks for the neighbors you have, for the neighborhood you live in, there are those in this world who only dream of these things.

Give Thanks America, no matter how you do it, Give Thanks

Then roll up your sleeves and let's keep this country that great.

Carson and West vs Sharpton and Dyson --- the Constitution vs the Dictators

Let's look at the differences and similarities.

Al Sharpton---- Has been called a Reverend, is a known agitator, defies the law, hob-nobs with the President, incites people to riot and violence

Ben Carson--- Has been called Doctor, is known for calm, obeys the law, stays away from the President

Michael Eric Dyson--- Has been called Professor, a liberal race baiter, talks over everyone who speaks against him and his ideas.

Allen West--- Has been called Lt. Col, is known for his participation in the political process as being the Rep. from Florida, is known for remaining cool under fire.

All four individuals are black, all four have built a reputation for themselves one through instigation and agitation, one through Medicine, one through overt liberalism, and one through quiet persuasion. All four are well educated and at the top of their chosen fields of endeavor Two in the areas of service to their fellow citizens and two as rebel-rousers apparently for the division.

If there is indeed changes to be made, who would you trust to effect these changes. We all know that due to changes in the world situation has caused an exodus from some countries due to unstable political situations, unstable economic situations, and other dynamics that have again caused people to leave behind their homelands to seek a place where they can raise their families, change their status, and have part of a dream that millions of others have achieved, and why shouldn't they, they are as deserving as anyone else on this planet.

But there is a stumbling block that prevents these immigrants and that is government. when Immigration is used as a weapon instead of a tool then things get nasty. When good honest folks are supplanted by politicians looking to embellish their positions then changes have to be made in the politics. It's the same in the area of our economy, it has always been politically expedient to give handouts rather than handup's. But here's a question what happens when the "Well runs dry" politics doesn't think about that other than to up the tax threshold, but there's a catch to that, what happens when the tax payer has had enough and quits paying for other than his/her family.

Here lately, we see an influx of people other than those willing to do their share, simply because of the "Fundamental Change" in the way business in Washington is done. there are many areas that need to be overhauled and put back on track, and re-inventing the wheel as Obama wants to do is not the way. Experts from every field have agreed that Obama is on course to decimate this country by whatever means he can. Yes change is needed across the board, but not Obama's way. We have a structure unlike anything else in the world, it has served us very well for over 200 years, using this structure and applying well though out tweaks where needed while maintaining a plotted course of action is the remedy. The Constitution is a living document the last 237 years have proven that, it has been amended 27 times and provided us with the basis that makes this country the desire for so many people that it's unbelievable, my question, "If we are truly so bad, why are people still coming to America?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

For God's Sake and For Ours

Has there not been enough?

Enough bloodshed, enough vehemence, goading, taunting, threatening, inciting, posturing, and stupidity?

Yes, you heard me, stupidity! Tell me exactly what gets accomplished by bashing somebody in the face when someone else who does not even belong in your part of town screams and hollers prejudice, where there was previously no strife except what the agitator could stir up? Exactly what gets accomplished by destroying something you neighbor spent his/her life building so you could give leave to base instincts?

Wherein is the need to rise above vengeance when it is reeked on someone who has had nothing to do with the problem, is it fair to say that by killing someone whom you do not know over something they had nothing to do with alleviates the problem or does it exacerbate it? Let's say you live in armpit Alaska and someone from Buttlick Alabama let's say a black youth dies because he was walking on the wrong side of the street and got hit by a car driven by a little old Jewish lady, is that cause for you to riot in the streets of Armpit Alaska. Then let's say that a celebrity such as the Right Rev. Leroy of the Church of What's Happen Now shows up and says at the top of his voice that this is an injustice that only shows how it is the black community that is made to suffer so the white woman could drive down the street and kill a upstanding black child of supreme innocence cause she felt like it, then let's say that the all important Emperor of the Country says "If I had a child he would be like that" and because it was a white old Jewish woman who committed this heinous crime that we put them all in the ovens and cook a dinner fit for a king, Like me"

Would you fall for that load of crap, I don't think so, but you fell for it in Florida, you're falling for it in Ferguson, yes I do believe there is much that needs to be done with racial disparity but is riot the answer, is pillage the answer, is murder the answer, how does one justify murdering innocents to make up for the murder of another, think about this, if the tables were turned, and you were the subject to be murdered for something you had no part of, what would you think and feel?

Does the government plan on doing anything, OH HECK YEA!!! They plan to step in and take over. Ask yourself this, Al Sharpton, a Felon Tax Evader, hob nobs with the president and is asked to participate in one of the president's planned projects to change the United States. Ask yourself how he ia allowed to incite riot, endanger the general public, and get away with it? Ask how he goes from place to place to incite, then when the riots appear, he disappears, ask how he is allowed to walk free while it is a fact he has not paid his share of the burden we are all led to believe everyone must pay or be set upon and made criminals by the IRS have yo ever stopped to think about that?

Watch other say Conspiracy Theorist, watch the liberal left rise up en mass to declare injustice, watch the media go into a feeding frenzy and exploit the situation and the people so they can perpetuate the reaction.

This people is what they do, this is how they keep us from any positive outcomes, division is the path they chose to decimate a nation, then they institute Martial Law "FOR YOUR SAFETY."

Really---- Really, for our safety or their ASCENDENCY.

Time To Roll Up The Sleeves and Get Busy

When Washington fails, where do we start to get things back on line and functional?

Attempting to answer this question without being aware of what you are authorized to do is a fiasco of futility. Remember who we are dealing with, these are educated people, people who have built their lives around politics, the game that few if any of us know how to play, so it is best we equip ourselves with the basics in order to understand the playing field we should embark on.

How many ways is there that we as citizens can actually impact our government besides voting? To begin with, our first recourse is to join together into a cohesive group of citizens and present an agreed on proposal to our elected officials, that proposal is called a petition, this is also the first stumbling block because it is here that the desires of the public (us) are fleshed out and put in black and white (ink and paper). At this stage, the first problem arises, agreement, arguments arise here as they should, but in the inevitable confrontations that will take place one ground rule must be remembered by every participant, and that is what the outcome of these confrontations, are they for the agenda of one facet over another or do they serve the end desire to effect change conducive to the greater population (citizenry). Therefore it is suggested from the outset to document a proposal, to build a mission statement with an acceptable outcome, for any citizen's group, there has to be systemic structure that evidences that purpose, arguments only go so far if there is no structure on which they are founded. Our progenitors knew this, that's why the Continental Congress came into being, it was a force to be reckoned with, through it, the birth of our nation.

Given today's America with all the situations that are ongoing since Obama took office, how do we settle down enough to come together for the purpose of improvement, therein is is a major fault area. There are many, many agitators around to try to dissuade the citizenry from altering the stance of factions, you see, as long as we remain factions, we look to our own agendas and that's it.
Unification is a pipe dream, without unification, there are no accomplishments, no accomplishments, no forward movement, no forward movement, we as the public remain marginalized and ineffective which is the aim of the ruling class. Do not get me wrong, our individuality is the substance that cements a cohesive group in that through our individuality and logical interactive progression mountains can be moved, viewpoints become all important in building unity, every opinion must carry the same weight when considering this type of move.

There is nothing subversive in peaceful gatherings, there is nothing subversive in dissent, both are our public duty, both are our responsibility as citizens of the United States of America and no one, and I mean no one has the right to suppress that. So how do we begin, we all know the "Grass Root" organizations, The Tea Party, Young Republicans, NRA, etc, etc. These are great organizations they each have admirable histories, their names among the myriad of other organizations have clout with the governing bodies, yet there are so many more that need to be heard, you know who I mean, you, your neighbor, the family down the street the retired family, the family on social assistance, the children and adolescents in the schools, the young adults in the colleges, the couples and families in the churches, the people you see in the department stores, in the super markets, the people on the street, in the homes, they all need to be heard, but where is their voice, in Washington? PALEESE---GIVE ME A BREAK! No, the ones I am talking about are us, it's time for us to make the headlines, believe me, they will listen, as one smart grasshopper said in a cartoon, (referring to the ants) "If the ever unite and find out how strong they are, we are finished, they are millions we are not."

I previously stated that the need for cohesion is paramount in effecting change, without that cohesion there is nothing but noise, posturing and gesticulating, and that amounts to nothing as examples I offer an encounter between former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson about the disparity between blacks and whites, while one used facts that could be easily proven, the other used rhetoric, generalization, and overly used verbiage in trying to access the salient points of his unproductive manifesto of how bad things were. On one hand the Mayor offered solutions that worked in New York under his leadership and the other rhetoric as usual designed only to inflame and divert. as of late, the usual occupation of the liberal left, in my opinion the blast everything that in their opinion is wrong, but offer no solid solutions, just verbose articulation with no point. There are many, many more examples of this ploy, and that's all it is, a ploy. It is used when one side of a problem has nothing to offer in the way of remedy, has it worked? Judge for yourself, are we any closer to resolving the current situation in the United States than we were six months ago if you say no, then it's time to get busy.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Perfect? Not even close

Our country, yeah yours and mine, and according to what I have seen, a whole lot better than most other countries on this earth. Do I say this because I am an American, born and bred? Yep! Do I say this because I am proud of this nation even with all it's foibles? Yep! Do I say this because I have seen other places on this planet that are not America? Yes!

What do I mean by that?

I have been to places where Socialism is rampant, I have been to places where the only known government was who was the strongest at that particular time, I have been to places normal people never even dream of, as a matter of fact the names of some of those places were used to scare children into behaving. Trust me, these are the places you never ever hear about until something very, very big happens.

Why an I saying this, because it's time some of the people who rant and rave about change who have absolutely no idea about what is beyond our boarders, sit down and shut the hell up and learn a few things, soooo, going to try to draw a word picture of a few places I have been.

First off let's journey into the world of Islam. I at one time in my life had a propensity to alleviate problematic behaviors prior to them escalating into something more detrimental to the political structures of nations that had joined forces in combating terrorism way before it became popular. At that time I worked with some people (for want of a better description) worked in the shadows of humanity. Always on the edge, always in fast then gone like the night wind. The people I worked with were to say the least highly proficient in their specialty, we could move into an area and no one would know we were there until it was to late, needless to say, diplomacy was not our forte. In Israel I was assigned to work with a group of people who were all Israel's special operatives, at that time we dealt with the PLO and Yasser Arafat I saw what they did first hand, I saw how they treated their people, I saw what they put people through to gain territory and power. They are not to be trusted, never ever turn your backs on them, what is today's version of the PLO, would you believe HAMAS, HEZBOLLA, Al Queda, CAIR, shall I continue? You see, that conflict has it's roots in the time of Adam and Eve, you really think it will be settled by the likes of John Kerry--- Yeah Right !!

Besides Israel, there was also Africa, those people were so put down by both their own and the interlopers that they didn't even have an idea of their own worth, everything they worked for was snatched away and "REDISTRIBUTED" to improve the general populace, "Oh FUR SURE FUR SURE." The general populace turned out to be the likes of Idi Amin, and others the likes of Augusto Pinochet, Muammar Gaddafi, Joseph Stalin, and many many others, all of whom knew what was best for everyone.

Other places, how about the South Pacific, South East Asia, India, South America, Central America. Trust me, had it not been for interventions by other countries in a time of need, these places would have gone the way of Bangladesh. There is one thing that I constantly noted in these travels. The squalor, no, that's kind of universal, the starvation, no that goes with the territory, the fear, no, that's also universal. What I noticed was the eyes of the people in all the countries I went to that were under a Socialist form of government. The eyes were flat, glazed, and fixed. In my time, I was a badass, I make no bones about that, I chose to do it. but those eyes, when you look at them, there's no hope, there's no joy, there's no expectation, they have already resigned themselves to death, they are just waiting to drop. That is what I have seen, it would tear my guts loose, how could people do that to each other, I know I couldn't alter it except maybe with a can of C-rats and a couple of John Wayne Crackers. And I guess that is what angers me today, I see people who want to bring that stuff here, we already have problems, we are not perfect, but if people quite shouting and bitching at each other and do what our ancestors did, then maybe together we can put our country on the right track, we damn sure can't depend on Washington to do it, they only worry about themselves and what they can get. No, in order to get our butts back to where we belong, The "Fourth Branch" has to exercise it's responsibility. How do we do that, the first step is to shut out collective mouths read the Documents that gave us America then use the tools provided by those documents and make what changes are needed,  Our ancestors did not give us this country for us to sit back like a bunch of misbehaving children and watch it fritter away, no they passed it on for us to improve on what they started so we could pass it on to those who follow us. And by the way Sharpton, there's no need for you're crap anymore, I suggest you go pay your taxes idiot.

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Progenitors; why they did it that way

The government exists for the sole purpose of serving the people, the government does not exist to rule the people.

Our government when following the dictates laid forth in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence derives it's power to do it's specified duty through the three branches, the Legislative branch makes the laws, the Judicial branch reviews the laws to ensure compliance with the Constitution, and the Executive branch exists to run the daily business of the government, that is their functions, any variance to these conditions is cause for review, or replacement of the offending branch.

The reviewing entity, the "Fourth Branch" The People.

The final authority in the United States of America is the people, it is they who say yea or nay to the sitting government. The Supremacy of the people is preserved throughout the all the documents and papers used in the formation of the "Government by the People."

The Preamble of the Constitution reads: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the common welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.". This makes it absolutely clear that the government's sole purpose is to serve the People and for no other purpose.

Our progenitors went to great pains to ensure that, through the separation and balance of powers that no branch of government would ever become dominate and become a force that rules the People instead of serving the People.

Now why would they put in so much effort to establish a government under these standards?

America, originally a colony of England did everything possible to distance themselves from the King and his church of England. Our country was settled by people seeking freedom and liberty, we became that people and we were fed up being subservient to the King of England, our collective dream was that of a place where the people were King. There were of course struggles in fulfilling this dream, some were still tied to the monarchy, some were tied to those who still served that monarchy. there were scuffles aplenty. Some of these scuffles escalated to the point of intervention. The causative agents, money, taxes, status of individuals, and of course the antagonistic people who did nothing but "Stir the Pot." You know, the same stuff we see today. Now how did they succeed where today we just see posturing, threats, and use of force in escalation?

Ladies and Gentlemen the answer to that is simple, the People, the ones who fled oppression, the ones who fled from torture, wrongful imprisonment, the ones who were continually stripped of their possessions, the people who were shot for fun, the people who had their livelihood stripped away for want of more profit. does any of this sound familiar? Our fore fathers worked and slaved to bring forth a country where the fundamentals were respect for self and others, pride in your accomplishments, hope for a better future for our posterity, and the opportunity for this to happen according to our efforts.

Now, here's a simple question for you, did it work, equally simple answer YES! To those who would take exception to that, explain this, How did the United States of America become the world power we were before you got there, how did the United States of America become trusted throughout the world before you got there, how did the United States of America become a friend to those in need before you got there. Here's another question for you ankle bitters, how did the United States of America rise to it's position in the world in 237 years when all others took aeons to accomplish the same thing, and all this happened before you got there, how did that happen.

Here's the answer, the one and only answer. It was accomplished BY THE PEOPLE because you see no government exists with out there being people of a like mind, and that is why our Progenitors did what they did, so we could do what we have to to ensure that our legacy is as good for those who follow as theirs was for us.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Why? Are We

"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary" Do you recognize that phrase? It is the Opening statement of the Declaration of Independence, think on what that is saying, think on what it means. The authors of that document though long and hard on how to phrase the Declaration, there were pro's and con's on the wording and the intended meaning of those words.Meetings were held, arguments ensued, sometimes to the point of threats of physical violence out brakes, but something happened. Something so significant that a nation was born. A group of people came together from all walks of life, all skin colors, all religious preferences, all lifestyles were present at this birth and all agreed, this was the thing to do, no equivocation, no altruistic aggrandizing, no sequestered agendas, just one purpose, that purpose the "Birth of a Nation" Why did I raise this subject and put it here, dynamics, what dynamics you ask, let me elucidate. July 4, 1776---The thirteen original colonies signed a document that gave birth to the United States of America, it is called the Declaration of Independence.

It establishes the The Fourth Branch of Government. By now you are probably asking what the heck is the "Fourth Branch of Government" we already know of the Three, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial, now what is the "Fourth Branch" is it a secret branch we never knew existed? That's what some politicians, lobbyists, and major donors hope for! But no there is nothing secret about it at all, in fact the "Fourth Branch" was around since the beginnings of recorded history, believe it or not. You see, the other three
Branches derive their power to do what they do from the "Fourth Branch" without it, the other three could not exist. There is indeed an implicit responsibility with our type of Government that rests squarely with the "Fourth Branch" and no one in any of the other three branches can usurp the authority held within that "Branch", though it has been tried and those trial have failed.This is something so important to our form of governance that I am totally surprised that it has not come to bear more often when necessitated by an over reaching government.

Okay, get ready, I know the suspense is building. Take a deep breath, hold onto something solid, and get ready to learn about this "Fourth Branch" of the government, it's going to rock your world when you find out, here we go;


I know, I know, you are probably saying something like "What kind of cheap drugs is this guy on?"
I'm not on anything, but what I know is so empowering that if each and everyone would own this concept the United States of America would be untouchable. Now, you ask how can this work; that part is simple, Get a copy of the Constitution and the Declaration and read them, read them carefully, get a group of people together and talk about them, understand what's in them, therein is the authority to debunk any sitting government and re-institute one that is far more amiable to "Serving the will of the people instead to trying to rule the people."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How? Are We

As a country, we came into being with the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. When they put their feet on the soil of this new land, I imagine them breathing a large sigh of relief. To put one's feet back on dry land after being at sea for what seemed an eternity is a major feat with an inordinate amount of satisfaction, being cramped up on a ship for 30-60 days with no showers nor bathroom facilities, no recreational diversions, and very little privacy, one can become some kind of a grump.Now setting foot on dry land, enjoying the scenery (you know, trees, grass, rocks, birds and other various denzines of a new country..). Then giving thanks for their safe arrival, oh, did I mention that these were religious folks. You see, one of the reasons they left everything they could not carry behind was because of religious persecution. Yep, even then. You see, if you belonged to one of the religions that was declared intolerant by the intolerant mob of self-righteous elitists of that time, the likelihood of you remaining healthy decreased significantly (in other words imprisonment, the torture blocks, sold into slavery, or just outright killed as the accusers were prone to do to satisfy a whim-----Gee that sounds kind of familiar). Of course there was another reason that being taxation, the taxes were adjustable to suite the needs of the governing class, (you know, the ones who thought they were the only ones fit to govern because that had money and status---Gee, that sounds familiar too!) Please forgive the sarcasm but you see, the ones who think they are so smart and skillful at prevarication back then are the same ones who are doing it today, and would you like to hear something so very stupid on their part? Everything they are doing today is exactly the same that was done before, except the window dressing is different. These people are so very predictable that you can if you set down and think about it know without any reservation what they are going to do, when they are going to do it and predict the outcome. So you see those smarter than thou people are really not smarter than anyone else, just more devious and greedy, here's a suggestion for them, remember the French Revolution and think about your future if you persist. Enough of them, this blog is about us, our heritage, and, our legacy. In order for the latter to be something we can be proud of, we must first understand the former, therein are the clue to insure that the legacy we leave our Progeniture that they too might aspire to lofty goals and improve what they have been left. You see, right now, (thanks to our current herd of elitists) we are currently going to drop some baggage on these people that outweighs the current budget of the three largest countries on the face of this earth, accordingly billions of dollars will seem like pocket change. Now I am not a mathematician, nor a financier, but nether am I stupid, as some would like to believe. Here's a postulation for you, You and your spouse working together bring let's say $155,000.00 into the house, that's good money, you'll have to agree. but, let's say your chosen lifestyle after the bills are paid requires let's say $7200 that you don't have, your savings, ZILCH, your retirement, .ZERO, emergency funds, -crap so what do you do, you both work 8 hour days, you have two kids that need stuff (please mommy, please, please, please; Oh come on daddy you know I can't do without, my friends will laugh at me.)Now where does that leave you, in debt, over you head, eating up your paycheck, decreasing the amount of value given while increasing the amount of value taken? Ready for a wake up, that is exactly what Washington is doing to us, and we let them, just like our ancestors did, but for us, there is no new land to go to and start over to build a dream, so what do we do now. (That's the question we have to answer now, tomorrow is too late. It's time for resurrection; Can we resurrect the American Dream, Can we resurrect the American Ideal, Can we resurrect the American reputation, Can we resurrect America-----Aw Heck Yes The first step is going to take some heavy duty repositioning, and must start at the ground level. It starts with you (the one reading this) and me (the one writing this), the change starts here. This is our country and it is up to us to take it back, and if those who have it now don't want to let go SLAP THEM until they do. This is our country, we built it with our sweat, with our blood, and with our effort. It's time to take it back!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Who are We

My Country Tis of Thee ______ _______ _______ __________

Land of the _______ Home of the  _________

Fill in the blanks, this is no contest, just see if you can do it. Then study your answers, can you honestly say that's who we are?
If you say no; than what can you do to change that?
Not everyone else, just you, what can you do?

Ever stop to think about that?
As perplexing as it is, it not that hard to realize the answer, that is,
if you have the guts to admit what we have been is not what we should be.
I am only referring only to about the past 70 or so years.

For years, our ancestors both long since removed and recently passed have desired to give us something that they dreamed of throughout their lives, something they exerted themselves for throughout their lives. It is what this country was built on, it is what brought countless millions to these shores, leaving everything behind family, friends, lifestyles, all for the hope of an "Opportunity", please note I did not say a better life, more income, nor freedom. I said 


You see, America was not founded on giving everyone what they wanted, we were founded on giving the opportunity to anyone who wanted it the chance to make a life that they wanted. do you notice a difference in what we are told as opposed to what is historically real?

None of us alive today deserves what we have, it was given to us, we did not earn it, but we expect it.
And, when we don't get it, what do we do, we protest, we scream, we holler, we stamp our feet, "WE PUNCH OUR NEIGHBOR IN THE FACE, BREAK INTO HIS/HER HOUSE AND TAKE WHAT THEY HAVE!!! Then we laugh about it and say how "Cool" we are, and if the authorities try to maintain peace we scream brutality, if someone gets shot and killed, let's say a five year old child, what do we do, we point the finger, we charge racism, we holler homophobia, but do we ever look at what we are doing? Not the person down the street, not the face on TV, not the media barkers trying to get a story, or trying to cover one up, no, we do not ever look at our own behavior!

We will grumble, we will through up esoteric questions that in the long run mean nothing and do nothing. We will listen to media demigods enumerate on how things should go, though they stay as far away from any voluntary action that could make a difference, there will be opinion, upon opinion, upon opinion of what should happen, only nothing ever gets done.

There are of course actions that are irrelevant, These action (I call them Knee Jerk Responses) accomplish nothing other than placation until the next incident. Now tell me I am wrong. 

If you can't then let's start a Resurrection.