Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What Response is needed

It is about time America to put down the method by which our government is setting us up as targets for terror and stomp a few roaches as they come out of the woodwork.

Regardless of what Washington says, there is but one was to stop the wanton killing of U.S. citizens and that is to defeat the ones who in-act the activities of terror. I know there are those who say put a flower in the gun barrel, go ahead and get your skull lblown off when you do.

Having dealt with these idiots before I can tell you factually they are not going to stop their activities until they are stopped, the method of stopping them is not to codify them, it's to slap them silly. If they sense no resistance they will grow faster than you could imagine.

So America, the choice is yours live in fear of being executed as they execute their own people who don't agree with them. Or end the cycle of terror by ending the terrorists.

Check out this episode!

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