Monday, November 2, 2015

Is America The Best Country on the Earth?

According to what is now relevant, the answer is no!!!

Now, check this out!

After seeing this, can you in reality say that America is the Greatest country in the world, in all honesty, the answer is a resounding no and we really, really have to admit it in order to fix it. The next question is of course, how do we go about fixing it?

I could go on a rant about Obama, and all the other liberal, hedonistic, pseudo-intellectuals who reside in a stratosphere that is attached to a “Galaxy far far away” that has absolutely no connection with what we face today except to make new laws that have no legal basis what so ever, and hem and haw about those who do not agree with them describing them as “Domestic Terrorists” when in fact they are the true “Domestic Terrorists” they speak of. But convincing them of that would simply be like trying to “P*ss up a rope” and we all know that to be an exercise in futile to say the least.

So, my fellow Americans, what in reality can we do as citizens to fix this problem?

#1. And probably the most important is redefine who we are, it appears to me
as citizens of what used to be the greatest country on the face of the earth
we have lost our identity as citizens. Be that through apathy or misdirection
it really doesn't matter, we lost it and now we have to take it back. Please notice
that I did not say ask for it back, I said take it back. And that means getting off our collective butts and become active as citizens. You know politicians, and thugs
fear the possibility of the citizen becoming active, because when that happens
they have no place to run and hide. That includes Obama and his cohorts.

#2. Learn again the responsibilities of the citizen in general and in specific relation to who holds the ultimate power in this country. Were we to do that, better than 65% of the crap we are dealing with right now disappears. Why, because when we are educated as to what we can do as citizens the power brokers are no more, we become the basis for the country not them.

#3. The one I consider most needed is a return to out basic philosophy of what America
and what we stand for. We are a nation built on freedom, but freedom with responsibility. Now that is different from just freedom in that it is based on an entity much larger than ourselves. Freedom with responsibility t me means our freedoms are based on not only the Constitution and Declaration, but also on the Judo-Christian ethic which bespeaks of the importance of the most basic of all entities on which this country is built and that is the individual.

Now given these three points, the question becomes how do we structure something to take into consideration these facets and combine them into a whole unit. Quick answer, we have to do nothing new, we don't even have to upgrade to today's standards, we just have to take care of what has been handed us. We have the blueprint, we have the knowledge, and hopefully we have the desire. So what is left, we used to have it aplenty, it was never in question built our rep as the wrong guy to mess with, we were badass but not to the point of hounding our enemies once the conflict was over. That is the spirit we need to again like the “Phoenix” of legend to rise again out of the ashes of what is left of the USA and rise above those who have tried their best to cause the demise of this country and show them what America is really made of. We are not a Nation of blabber mouthed yahoos that have no other goal than lead to destruction, you know like those in authority now. We are not a Nation of Racist Bigots that some would have everyone believe, nor are we a Nation of cold uncaring people who's only concern is for themselves. We the American people are a people of fairness, of compassion, of respecters of the individual yet concerned for the masses. We believe in equality, we believe in hand ups not hand outs we believe in the work ethic, not the welfare gouge. We believe in Justice, and in Freedom, and in God, we are a varied Nation of many religious ethics from Christian on through Atheist we make no bones about the religious beliefs of others until they try to override the beliefs of others. We respect others for who they are, not what they are, nor who they voted for, (that's their concern),

We do not need a shoot-em-up revolution to correct the wrongs being perpetrate now, we just need a return to who we were as Americans. We came together during the Revolutionary War to give birth to the greatest nation that ever came up on the face of this earth, one that was dedicated to the worth of and freedom for the individual, one that promised the opportunity for anyone to succeed in spite of previous chains caused by ignorance.

Somewhere along the line of our growth, we laid that down and forgot to take it back up, we kind of left that for the other fellow to do, why, again apathy, avarice, or just pure laziness, don't really matter why. What does matter are we to let it slip away because we are scared, to scared to stand up for what's right, that also was one of the hallmarks of America, standing up for whats right. That in short is what we need to do, all the other hoopla is just that hoopla and will never amount to anything. We just have to be who we are America, we just have to be Americans, and everything will fall into place.

I garauntee!!!

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